CIAC Volunteers Continue Advocacy as “Followers of Justice”

The "Summoners for Justice for Children" (CIAC) was established to regulate the legal conditions of almost four thousand children being tried under the same conditions as adults on grounds of the Anti-Terrorism Law. As a result of a two year struggle, the parliament has passed a law amending the anti-terrorism law. But we are not yet done. CIAC will continue down the road from now on as "Followers of Justice for Children (CIAT)," says Rana Aribas. According to Aribas, the priority of CIAT is "to continue down the road so that children can live like children."
"Courts cannot release children"
Aribas draws attention to the malfunctions of implementations:
"A legal arrangement has been prepared for the child victims of the anti-terrorism law. Over 100 children have been released. But the situation is not very pleasant because since the necessary amendments have not been made to the Turkish penal code, the courts cannot release children being tried on grounds of the penal code."
They will go to Southeast
Aribas lists CIAT's goals as follows:
"Our aim is,
-to follow the process after the law goes into effect, and contribute to decisions that are in line with the objectives of the law, by discussing the malfunctions of implementations.
-to fight for the improvement of the penal laws that are related to children. To start a child penal law discussion, to make it widespread and turn these into bills.
- to play a role in psycho-social support activities. After detentions, arrests, an imprisonment, children need psychological support and serious rehabilitation. The families' expectations and approach towards their children is very important.
- to contribute to the solution of education problems
CIAT volunteers also plan to travel to the Southeast soon to monitor the situation of child victims of the anti-terrorism law.
"Everybody's contribution is important "
Aribas highlights that there are psychologists, specialist physicians, public health experts, educators, academicians, lawyers and media workers among CIAT volunteers. She calls on everyone to join CIAT for children:
"The contribution of people of any profession is important. Another important contribution comes from our friends in the region. They convey to us the events and developments in the region right away and help us develop fast and appropriate reactions." (BB/EA/TK)