Christmas service at the Bulgarian Orthodox Church in Edirne

The Christmas service organized at the Church of Saint Constantine and Helena in the Abdurrahman neighbourhood in the center of Edirne was attended by followers of the Orthodox faith from Bulgaria, too.
The Greek Orthodox Metropolitan Amphilochios and priest Atanas Sultanov presided over the singing of hymns describing the life of Jesus and the reading of prayers, while the congregation lit candles and prayed.
Following prayers, the service ended with the offering of blessed sacramental bread, considered holy by Christians.
Consul General of the Republic of Bulgaria in Edirne, Radoslava Kafedzhiyska, in her statement to the press following the service, said that they greeted the new year with joy.
Kafedzhiyska stated that a long year had now ended, adding, “I hope for more beauty and happiness, and also more success in the new year. I wish everyone a happy new year”.