CHP’s Pavey, HDP’s Buldan Beaten in Parliament, Taken to Hospital

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Independent deputy Aylin Nazlıaka has handcuffed herself to the rostrum during talks on the Constitutional Amendment Draft in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) to protest those who voted yes to the draft. Women deputies of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) closed in around Nazlıkaya.
AKP’s Gökçen Özdoğan Enç kicked Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) MP Pervin Buldan’s chest and rended HDP’s Burcu Çelik’s hair. Nazlıaka and CHP MP Şafak Pavey fell on the floor, Pavey’s prosthesis was dislocated.
Buldan was taken into a hospital, AKP's Özdoğan came to the parliament with a neck brace and a wheelchair.
Nazlıaka: Parliament is being shut down so I’m locking myself here
In the second tour voting of the Constitutional Amendment Draft, Independent Ankara MP Aylin Nazlıaka handcuffed herself to the rostrum and called on the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) MPs:
“Don’t do it, don’t vote. Please mind our future. Don’t let the Parliament established by founder of the Republic of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal be shut down. I’m calling on you MHP MPs, I’m calling on your conscience: How will you look in the faces of your children, wives? Atatürk’s Parliament is being shut down so I’m locking myself here.
AKP’s women MPs closed in around Nazlıaka
The session was recessed upon Nazlıaka’s protest. After the recess, AKP’s women MPs closed in around Nazlıaka and then tried to rip off the microphone.
While Hürriyet newspaper’s article states that “AKP’s executives discusses tactics and spread this among the women deputies and towards the end of the recess, AKP’s women deputies closed in around Nazlıaka”, a footage shared on social media displays that AKP’s women MPs formed a circle around Nazlıaka after a male AKP MP signaled AKP’s Gökçen Özdoğan Enç.
AKP’s Enç kicked Buldan
AKP’s Enç, who had unfurled a banner reading “No dogs allowed” in the parliament, climbed up the step and kicked HDP’s Buldan in the chest.
Enç also rended HDP’s Burcu Çelik's hair.
Meanwhile, CHP’s Pavey fell on the floor. Prosthesis dislocated, Pavey was taken to a hospital.
While the microphone was being ripped off, Nazlıaka who tried to get away from the rostrum fell on the ground.
Enç came with a neck brace
Kicked in the chest, Pervin Buldan was taken to a hospital. On the advancing hours, AKP’s Enç returned to the parliament with a neck brace. This situation was protested by CHP MPs with the slogans “Lie, lie”.
Özdoğan Enç shared a notice reading “She was recommended an in-patient treatment but she left our hospital’s emergency service stating that she would participate in the Constitutional voting” signed by both herself and a doctor. (ÇT/TK)