CHP: Release All Arrested Journalists and HDP MPs

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Republican People’s Party (CHP) has shared the declaration with public following the Party Assembly meeting.
Stating that arrest of Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) MPs is unconstitutional, the declaration has called for release of all arrested journalists.
Following statements took place in the declaration:
“Authoritarian Palace coup…”
At this point, Turkey has been undergoing a dark and authoritarian Palace coup that uses fight against FETÖ (Fethullahist Terror Organization).
"The current political situation constitutes a huge threat against our people's freedom and our country's well-being".
“Government is taking revenge on Cumhuriyet”
“The unlawful and irrational lawsuit brought by a prosecutor, who is being tried for being a FETÖ member, against Cumhuriyet daily has to be terminated immediately.
“This is a political case steered and supported by the government.
"The government is taking revenge on Cumhuriyet daily for purely its journalistic activities”.
“Arrested journalists have to be released”
“All sorts of crackdowns against the press have to be ended.
“All obstacles preventing practicing of freedom of expression and right to information have to be removed.
“All of the arrested journalists must be released”.
“Arresting MPs serves terror”
“The AKP (Justice and Development Party) carried out the peace process, which had to be carried out with elected representatives, with directly the PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party).
“The terror and violence environment that our country has been facing has proven this method that completely disregards parliament wrong.
“Repeating the same mistake, the AKP is serving terror by arresting MPs.
“Arresting MPs before the judicial process is completed is unconstitutional. This unlawful practice has to be ended”. (EKN/TK)