Children's Observatory Shares Infographics on ECtHR Cases Related to Children's Rights
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Established as part of a campaign conducted by the International Children's Center (ICC), the Children's Observatory has published a set of statistics and infographics on the children's rights-related cases heard by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) since 1990.
According to the data shared by the observatory, 2.9 percent of all judgements given by the court on Turkey were related to children's rights.
* No violation in 5 cases
* 1 application found inadmissible
* Violation in 96 cases
In 96 of 102 cases heard by the ECtHR since 1990, the court ruled that there was a violation of at least one right guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights. While no violations were detected in 5 applications, one appeal was found 'inadmissible'.
In the list of provinces where violations of children's rights were committed, İstanbul ranks first with 25 incidents. İstanbul is followed by İzmir with 15 incidents and Diyarbakır with 7 incidents.
* Provinces where children's rights were violated
The data shared by the observatory have also shown that the ECtHR gives a judgement on children's rights related cases in 6.1 years on average. Over the last 20 years, the court has referred to the United Nations (UN) Convention on Children's Rights for five times.
Right to life violated the most
The most frequently violated rights of children have been listed as follows: Article 2 - Right to Life, Article 3 - Prohibition of Torture, Article 6 - Right to a fair trial. The report also gives examples from some ECtHR judgements:
Article 2 - Right to Life: The applicant's child who lost his life after falling into a hole filled with water in a construction site because the necessary precautions were not taken
Article 3 - Prohibition of Torture: Ill treatment of a child who was taken into custody on suspicion of robbery
Article 10 - Freedom of Expression: Detention of parents who submitted a petition, demanding mother tongue-based education
Article 13 - Right to an Effective Remedy: Giving blood contaminated with HIV to a newborn and lack of effective remedies in Turkey to accelerate the proceedings in domestic law
Article 14 - Prohibition of Discrimination: A child with disabilities who was not enrolled in a conservatory though she/he passed the entrance exam (AÖ/SD)