Child Worker Death Case Defendant Released Pending Trial

An Adana court released the defendant in the case of Ahmet Yıldız (13), a child worker who died on the job by a press machine. The defendant was the owner of Yıldız’s workplace.
Sevilay Erzi, an children rights advocate who observed the case on behalf of Adana Bar Association, told bianet that the court issued no judicial control measures against the defendant.
Erzi also added that the court refused their request to involve in the case on the ground that the bar association “was not directly affected in the case”.
According to Erzi, the court did not insist on the arrest of the defendant as the majority of evidence has been collected. The defendant has been released pending a trial. She also added that experts are currently investigating case and will draft report on the fault scales.
The next hearing will be held in October 1 at 9 am.
What happened?
In the previous hearing, Ahmet Yıldız’s father dropped charges against the defendant, saying that pecuniary and non-pecuniary damages were paid. While the defendant attorney requested for pending trial, the court refused the request and ordered on the continuation of arrest.
On 14 March 2013 Ahmet Yıldız (13), undocumented child worker, died on the job at an unlicensed workplace due to a shut off security sensor to increase productivity. (YY/BM)
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