Chief of General Staff Appointed

The crisis that has been going on for the last week, has ended. Last night, Isik Kosaner was appointed as Chief of General Staff, while Erdal Ceylanoglu, who had been appointed as 1st Army Commander, has been reappointed as Commander of Turkish Land Forces.
Aegean Army Commander Hayri Kivrikoglu has been appointed as the 1st Army Commander. Commander of the War Academies General Nusret Tasdeler has been appointed as Aegean Army Commander.
The assistant of the Deputy Chief of the Turkish General Staff Bilgin Balanli has become the new Commander of War Academies.
General Staff Deputy Chief Aslan Guner remained at his post.
The government had rejected the appointment of Hasan Igsiz as the Commander of Land Forces. Igsiz is on trial for involvement in the "action plan against reactionary forces." Igsiz and Gendarmerie Forces Commander General Atila Isik are retiring.
General Ceylanoglu will retire next year. Gendarmerie Forces Commander General Necdet Ozel, who is expected to replace Ceylanoglu, may become the next Chief of General Staff.
The military appointments have been published in the Official Gazette today and have gone into effect.
Following are the appointments:
Chief of General Staff General Sebahattin Isik Kosaner
Commander of Land Forces General Erdal Ceylanoglu
Commander of Naval Forces Admiral Esref Ugur Yigit
Commander of Air Forces General Hasan Aksay
Gendarmerie Forces Commander General Necdet Ozel
First Army Commander General Hayri Kivrikoglu
Second Army Commander Lieutenant General Servet Yoruk
Third Army Commander Lieutenant General Yalcin Ataman
Aegena Army Commander General Huseyin Nusret Tasdeler
Land Forces Training and Doctrine Command Commander Saldiray Berk
Deputy Chief of General Staff General Aslan Guner
Chief of Staff of Land Forces General Bekir Kalyoncu
Fleet Commander Admiral Emin Murat Bilgel
War Academies Commander General Bilgin Balanli (EU/EA)