Charges Against Justice Encouraged Attack
In a strongly worded message to the nation emphasising that no form of attack on the secular and democratic Turkish Republic would force the country to deviate from its commitments and saying, "those who have led to this attack should review their conduct and behaviour".
Sezer's message that "no one has the strength to pull down the state regime by interpreting secularism in various ways and emptying it from its essence" came amid growing criticism in the national media of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) government and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan for recently criticising the Council of State in public.
Erdogan: I condemn it
NTV television reported that Erdogan himself had condemned the attack on Wednesday but added "to say it is because of this or that reason would be a mistake. These will be revealed after the investigation. The issue will go to justice. It is wrong to attempt to bring about things in this and it will damage Turkey".
Arınc: Provocative act
Parliament speaker Bulent Arinc said he was very sorry for the attack and added, "in every aspect we are face to face with a very important, very sad incident. I can say that we are truly facing a provocative act".
Cicek: No statement until concrete info
Minister of Justice Cemil Cicek said he had never had to make a statement on an issue as saddening as this and described the attack as one against the unity and togetherness of the nation as well as against the constitution. Cicek said a legal investigation had started into the attack and called for "democratic patience" which, he said, meant making no statements that were not based on reliable and concrete information.
Baykal: Everyone should come to their senses
Main opposition Republic Peoples Party (CHP) leader Deniz Baykal said the attack on the judges was not an incident involving just an individual and added, "I have no doubt about the responsibility of the government".
"The Council of State is the target of the attack. The Constitution is the target of the attack. This, I hope, will serve as a warning to those who still insist on not seeing where Turkey is heading. Turkey is being dragged to a very dangerous point. Everyone should come to their senses".
NGOs: Attack is result of showing target
A number of nation-wide professional and non-government organisations reacted to Wednesday's attack and condemned it.
Journalists Association of Turkey (TGC): TGC said the attack and efforts to spread terrorism were following one another and added that the attack was result of showing the judiciary as a target and accusing it publicly.
Journalists Federation of Turkey (TGF): Chairman Nazmi Bilgin said "those who make one pull the trigger or incite it are as guilty as those who pull it... The damage inflicted on the country by the systematic publication of some radical religious media organisations can now be seen in this last incident".
Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (TİHV): The attack reflects the concerns the Foundation has for the future of the country. General Secretary Metin Bakkalcı said it was unacceptable for judges to be targeted by such a terrorist attack for using their votes and taking decisions.
Human Rights Association (İHD): Chairman (Lawyer) Yusuf Alataş said the attack targeted the supremacy and impartiality of law and that the IHD vehemently condemned it. He said it was unacceptable for members of the judiciary to be threatened to the hearings they held or decisions they took.
Association for Human Rights and Solidarity with the Oppressed (MAZLUMDER): The association said it was against all forms of violence no matter who committed it and condemned Wednesday's attack. Chairman Cevat Ozkaya, criticised news reports for setting a "social target" in reference to a decision taken by the 2nd chamber (related to headscarves) and associating the attack to this decision. He did say no reason whatsoever gave anyone the right to take the life of another.
Alawite Bektashi Federation (ABF): The federation recalled that the Council of State had been made a target by the pro-Islamic Vakit newspaper and said it was aware that fanatic opinions could target it. (EO/II/YE)