Chamber of Mechanical Engineers: Independent Establishments should Control Vehicles

Chamber of Mechanical Engineers (MMO) İstanbul Branch made a statement yesterday related to Volkswagen emission violations.
Illegal modifications are common
MMO said obligatory regulation is the same in EU and Turkey, but functions differently in our country and vehicles should be controlled by independent establishments.
* Emission rate of old cars in Turkey is pretty high.
* Illegal and unrecorded modifications in the field of vehicle emission and fuel systems are common.
* Even public buses are fueled up by ıllegal, improper and nonstandard oils. It releases a lot more gas and threatens public health.
*Using of improper and nonequivalent vehicle parts threaten public health and the environment.
Emission measurement is privatized
* Emission measurement was privatized by Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning and has been in private services’ power. Most of the companies perform wrong measurements. It shows us they aim commercial earning not an environment-friendly controlling.
Independent establishments should control vehicles
* Vehicles should be controlled by independent establishments and non-profit organizations but it is the opposite in our country.
* Chamber of Mechanical Engineers should be included during the process of vehicle modifications and measurements.
* Attempts for inactivating Chamber of Mechanical Engineers in the field of traffic and road safety should be stopped. (NV/BD)
Click here to read the article in Turkish