Censor on 100 Tweets Criticizing Turkcell

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İstnabul Anadolu 1st Criminal Judicatory of Peace has ruled of blocking 100 tweets upon complaint of Tukcell which has been criticized for sustaining its support to Ensar Foundation.
Turkcell based its complaint on “violation of personal rights” in its petition.
One of the posts that have been ruled to be blocked is this:
tecavüzcüleri desteklemeye devam edeceksiniz misiniz? binlerce aboneniz cevabı merak ediyor. #StopChildRapeInTurkey @Kaan_Terzioglu
— ersin. (@ulqsch) 21 Mart 2016
are you going to continue to support rapists? thousands of your subscribers wonder about your answer.
Turkcell has been criticized by users for declaring that it will continue to support the Ensar Foundation which has come to agenda with the allegations of child rape.
Turkcell daha ne kadar düşebilirsin acaba?Ensar Vakfı'yla ilgili tweet atanların hesaplarının engellenmesini istemiş pic.twitter.com/qzqrgo3Fr6
— ISIK MATER (@isik5) 7 Nisan 2016
How much lower can you get Turkcell? It requested the account of the ones who tweeted about Ensar Foundation to be blocked. (EA/TK)