CCTV Footage Reveals Torture to Çeber
According to footage from CCTV recordings at Metris prison facility, on 29 September 2008 at 20.58 hours, Engin Çeber –an activist who lost his life under detention- is taken into a room without a camera and several officers with batons enter the room. Approximately 20 minutes later, Çeber is taken out. In other pictures, Çeber is seen on November 7, the day he was referred to a hospital where he died.
Lawyer Taylan Tanay says that this footage published at Habertürk daily is included in the case file and found relevant by the prosecution. It will be shown at the case hearing tomorrow.
Tanay explains what's in the footage: "It reveals that the gendarmerie officers didn't searched Çeber, but rather physically attacked him. It also constitutes proof for Özgür Karakaya and Cihan Gün's –Çeber's friends who were also taken under custody- testimonies."
Gün and Karakaya alleged that they were tortured both at the police station in İstinye, where they were first taken and later at Metris.
They gave a detailed account of the incident and alleged that when they resisted to being body searched by taking all clothes off, officers beat them with wooden sticks, kicks and fists.
Çeber and three others were taken under custody on 28 September, while protesting with a press statement another one of their friend being paralyzed by police fire previously.
Çeber lost his life on 10 November. During tomorrow's hearing, 60 people among them police, gendarmerie and prison officers will stand trial.(TK/AGÜ)