Caricaturist Kurtcebe Released on Probation

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Arrested on the ground that he insulted President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in his caricatures, comic artist and caricaturist has been released on probation.
After his sentence of 1 year 2 months and 15 days in prison was finalized, he was detained on June 3 and arrested on June 4. Kurtcebe was released yesterday (June 5).
His lawyer Erdem Akyüz stated that Nuri Kurtcebe was released after being kept in custody for one day.
“We managed to have my client be released on probation. My client Nuri Kurtcebe will continue with his caricatures”.
Fethiye 2nd Criminal Court of First Instance had ordered 1 year 2 months and 15 days in prison on the ground that he insulted President Erdoğan in the caricatures he drew in the first nine months in 2015, and the appeal made to the upper court was rejected. (BK/TK)