Cargill workers conclude 10-week protest

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The workers of Cargill, who were dismissed because of being unionized, have concluded their 10-week protest against the company.
Members of the Tek Gıda-İş union held a demonstration in front of Modern Karton, a customer of Cargill. During the demonstration, the company's signboard was covered.
Reading out a statement in front of the company, the workers said they also concluded their protest in front of Cargill's headquarters in Ataşehir, İstanbul.
#CargillDirenişi 916.gününde Ataşehir Metropol İstanbul'da Eren Holding önünde. Holding ismini siyah bantla kapatmış. #CargillYaİşYaDireniş #GücünüFarkEtUmuduYükselt
— UMUT-SEN (@Umut_Sendikasi) October 19, 2020
"If you continue your lawless and repressive attitude, the struggle, which we continued for 916 days and slowed down due to the pandemic, will continue more powerful and effective," said Suat Karlıkaya from the union.
The workers then conveyed a letter to the Modern Karton company.
They said they would review their action plan and declare in the coming days.
About Cargill
Cargill, a global food company based in Minnesota, USA, was founded in 1865. It is the highest-grossing company in the United States today. It operates in the food, agriculture, finance and industrial production sectors.
Cargill started its activities in Turkey in 1960 with a domestic partnership and has continued under its own name since 1986. Today it has more than 600 employees in İstanbul, Bursa, Adana, Ankara, Balıkesir, Kocaeli and İzmir provinces.
Cargill's activities in Turkey as follows: Production and sale of starch and sweetener; production and sale of edible vegetable oil; oleo-chemical and bio-industrial products; sale of cocoa and chocolate products; sales of products thickener solution; belonging to the animal nutrition premix, the mixture of basic and special products production and sale.
Food monopoly, which has signed many controversial practices in agriculture, especially GMO seeds, asserts that they "meet the food needs of the world". (HA/VK)