Caretta carettas 'change routes' due to climate change

Photo: AA
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Loggerhead turtles, also known as Caretta carettas, which nest every year on Turkey's southern and southwestern shores, are now changing their "routes," according to a deputy minister of environment and urbanization.
"The turtle called 'Tuba,' which we released to the sea two years ago, went to the Adriatic Sea. normally, it shouldn't to that far in north," Mehmet Emin Birpınar told the state-run Anadolu Agency (AA).
Tracking devices were put on 20 turtles in the last two years, he noted, adding that Caretta carettas were also spotted in Çanakkale in northwestern Turkey, where they don't normally go, too.
"So, we think that they go to cold waters. In fact, those waters are getting warmer. Therefore, this situation shows the Mediterranean Sea is getting warmer and sea temperatures are rising due to global warming," he said. "If we can't prevent this warming, then other species will come here and start to destroy the species here."
"Puffers come from the Red Sea and eat species in the Mediterranean. Because it thinks this is its habitat. And this is not good. We see how the water got warmer with the movements of these animals.
About the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution meeting due to be held in Antalya in December, Birpınar said, "Discussions will take place over three days on how to protect the Mediterranean Sea from further pollution and preserve its habitat."
Ministers of 21 countries on Mediterranean shores will attend the meeting. (TP/VK)