Campaign for Osman Kavala’s Birthday: #DearOsmanKavala

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A social media campaign has been launched for the birthday of businessperson Osman Kavala, who has been behind bars for over two years as part of the lawsuit filed into Gezi Park protests.
The social media campaign launched by Kavala's friends and civil society activists for the sole arrested defendant of Gezi trial under the hashtag #DearOsmanKavala has been announced on "Free Osman Kavala" website. The following statement has been made on the website:
'The indictment is based on no concrete evidence'
"October 2 is the birthday of Osman Kavala. On October 8-9, the third hearing of the case, due to which Osman Kavala has been remanded in custody for almost two years with an indictment that is not based on any concrete evidence, will be held.
"Osman Kavala has touched the lives of countless people through his contributions to civil society and his personal kindness. He has always supported civic engagement, democratic forms of expression, and equality of access to arts and culture.
"With this campaign, we aim to remind people of these sides of Osman Kavala. Regardless of the degree of intimacy, we want everyone to share their memories, feelings, thoughts and even their artistic productions about Osman Kavala and express themselves as they wish.
"We plan to convey our message through tweets shared under the hashtag #DearOsmanKavala (#SevgiliOsmanKavala).
"Join us at the social media campaign we'll launch on September 25 at 20:30 via Twitter with your tweets under the hashtag #DearOsmanKavala."
'Release #DearOsmanKavala'
Some social media messages shared on Twitter after this announcement was made are as follows:
Arkadaşımız, #SevgiliOsmanKavala ’nın 2 Ekim’de doğumgünü ve hemen ardından duruşması var. Onu çok ama çok özledik. Tanımanıza bile gerek yok ama tanısanız çok seversiniz. Siz de yazın #SevgiliOsmanKavala ve doğumgününü kutlayın
— Ece Temelkuran (@ETemelkuran) September 25, 2019
Writer Ece Temelkuran: "Our friend #DearOsmanKavala has his birthday on October 2 and, right afterwards, he has his hearing.
"We miss him very, very much. You do not even have to know him personally, but you will like him a lot if you come to know him. You write #DearOsmanKavala as well and celebrate his birthday"
#SevgiliOsmanKavala #DearOsmanKavala
— nesrin nas (@Nesrinnas) September 25, 2019
Sadece ülkesinde herkesin eşit be özgür olduğu, farklı kültürlerin birbirini besleyerek zenginleştirdiği bir ülkesi olsun diye çabaladığı için 700 gündür tutsak.
Economist and former MP Nesrin Nas: "#DearOsmanKavala He has been captive just because he struggled for a country where everyone is equal and different cultures flourish by fostering each other"
#SevgiliOsmanKavala Seni rehin aldılar, karşılığında ne istediklerini de bilmiyorlar! #OsmanKavalayaÖzgürlük
— Gaye Boralıoğlu (@GayeBoralioglu) September 25, 2019
Writer Gaye Boralıoğlu: #DearOsmanKavala They have taken you captive and they do not know what they want in return! #FreedomtoOsmanKavala"
#SevgiliOsmanKavala hakkindaki suclamalarin hic bir delili yok. Davalari takip etmis olan herkes bunun tanigi #OsmanKavalayaOzgurluk #FreeOsmanKavala
— Binnaz Toprak (@ToprakBinnaz) September 25, 2019
Academic and former MP Binnaz Toprak: "#DearOsmanKavala The charges brought against you has no evidence. Everyone who followed the hearings is a witness to that #FreedomtoOsmanKavala #FreeOsmanKavala"
#SevgiliOsmanKavala Sen, İHD nin daima yanında oldun. Ayrımsız, her hak mücadelesinde, ezilenin tarafında oldun. İyi ki, arkadaşımız oldun
— Eren Keskin (@KeskinEren1) September 25, 2019
Human Rights Association (İHD) Co-Chair lawyer Eren Keskin: "#DearOsmanKavala You have always stood by the İHD. You have always stood by the oppressed in every struggle for rights without making any distinctions. Luckily, you have been a friend of ours"
#SevgiliOsmanKavala’yı serbest bırakın. Çünkü dava dosyasında hukuk işlerse tek gün cezaevinde kalmaması gerekiyor.
— Meral Danış Beştaş (@meraldanis) September 25, 2019
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Siirt MP Meral Danış Beştaş: "Release #DearOsmanKavala He has been on the side of the oppressed all through his life. Because if the law operates in the trial, he should not stay in prison for a single day" (AÖ/SD)