Campaign by Wikipedia: We Miss Turkey!

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Blocked in Turkey 10 months ago by court order, Wikipedia has launched a campaign on Facebook with the hashtag #WeMissTurkey.
Various posts of “longing” started to be shared on both Wikipedia’s general account and local Twitter accounts in such as Turkey and England. The campaign will reportedly last for one week.
Another thing we love about Turkey is the richness of important historical sites. From
— Wikimedia UK (@wikimediauk) 5 Mart 2018
Göbekli Tepe to Çatalhöyük, Troy, Ephesus, and the ruins of Constantinople, there's so much to see.
Did we mention how much we love Turkish food? There are so many kinds of kebab from different parts of Turkey. Here's a list!
— Wikimedia UK (@wikimediauk) 6 Mart 2018
Wikipedia United Kingdom account participated in the campaign with the note “Did we mention how much we love Turkish food? There are so many kinds of kebab from different parts of Turkey. Here's a list”.
80 million people were suddenly blocked
The Wikipedia’s campaign statement is:
“What would you do if you woke up and couldn’t access Wikipedia? This happened in Turkey nearly 10 months ago. The 80 million people of Turkey were suddenly blocked from reading or contributing to Wikipedia. That’s why we’ll be sharing all Turkey facts, all week long!
“Ask us anything you want to know about Turkish culture with the hashtag #WeMissTurkey. We’ll keep the facts coming through the week. Don't forget to share your support for Turkey by adding one of our special frames to your profile picture while you’re at it!” (PT/TK)