Camp Armen’s Deed Transferred to Armenian Foundation

On 18th day of resistance of Camp Armen to be pulled down title owner stated that he would transfer the deed to the Armenian foundation.
Title owner, Fatih Ulusoy, announced the land would be transferred to Gedikpaşa Armenian Protestant Church Foundation on May 23.
According to the news of AGOS newspaper, Camp Armen resistance will continue until the deed transfer.
Ulusoy emphasized social peace
Camp Armen, once a home in Tuzla district of İstanbul for orphan Armenian children, would have been pulled down on May 6. However, with the campaigns and protests the demolition stopped. Since then, a resistance keeps going.
Title owner, Fatih Ulusoy, made a written statement and told he bought the land without knowing its confiscation.
Fatih Ulusoy said:
“A public opinion has been created against the demolition of derelict building, once an Armenian Orphanage, in order to keep sentimental values by Armenian citizens.”
“I feel embarrassed with the speculations. PM Ahmet Davutoğlu’s instructions and request related to the subject were delivered to me by İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality Mayor, Kadir Topbaş, İstanbul Provincial Head of Justice and Development Party (AKP), Selim Temurci, Mayor of Tuzla, Şadi Yazıcı. In 2006, I didn’t hesitate to buy herein land because land register didn’t have any information about orphanage. Dear PM, Metropolitan Municipality Mayor, Provincial Head and Mayor passed the deed process to me. Nowadays, with speculations about the year of 1915, our society has been provoked; I respectfully announce to the public that I will donate the herein land to Gedikpaşa Armenian Protestant Church Foundation in order to contribute to our Armenian citizen’s sense and sensibility, our country’s social peace and union.
Solidarity: We go on resistance until the returning
Camp Armen Solidarity stated they would keep resisting until the deed was transferred to Gedikpaşa Armenian Protestant Foundation.
Alexis Kalk from Nor Zartonk made a statement:
“As a result of our 18-day-old resistance, title owner, Fatih Ulusoy said he would transfer the land to Gedikpaşa Armenian Protestant Foundation. Of course, we will keep resisting until the returning of the land. We declare it to the public opinion. We remind that hundreds of Armenian properties have been usurped by the hand of state. The resolution cannot be left to the individuals. We will be strict followers of all usurped Armenian properties in order to take them back.” (BK/BD)
* Photo Credit: Begüm Zorlu / bia
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