Call from Diyarbakir: Ceasefire an Opportunity for Dialogue

145 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from Diyarbakir in south-eastern Turkey said in a joint statement that the temporary ceasefire recently announced by the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) bears a huge opportunity for a peaceful solution of the Kurdish question. The organizations demanded to stop military operations in order to achieve permanent peace.
The joint statement was read out by the Head of the Diyarbakir Bar Association, Sezgin Tanrikulu. He emphasized that no section that sees itself as part of the solution should be left out.
"First of all, the government, other institutions within the state and the main opposition party are responsible for this process" Tanrikulu indicated. The problem should be tackled from different sides apart from bringing it up in current politics. All sections of society should be concerned and contribute to a solution, he claimed.
Representatives of the NGOs had gathered in Diyarbakir's Sümer Park to forward their joint statement. Tanrıkulu announced that the undersigned organizations were committed to fulfil their responsibility for a solution.
This period should not be wasted again
Ceasefires were decided many times within the last 25years. However, Tanrikulu emphasized, the state institutions did not make any use out of these periods to render a peaceful and liberal solution. He considered the following prerequisites necessary in order not to waste the current period either:
- Military operations should be halted since they would make the ceasefire fail. The ground has to be prepared for a peaceful and liberal solution within an environment of trust.
- The entire Turkish society should be concerned with the process. All sections of society must insist on stopping the operations.
- A solution based on freedom and equality has to be approached without prejudice and with concrete proposals that pave the way to a permanent ceasefire. The proposals should be considered to strengthen the base for a peaceful solution.
The NGOs reiterated their demands which they had previously voiced in the same context:
- Illegal and unjust applications directed against Kurdish politicians, elected mayors and human rights defenders should be stopped; un-detained prosecution should be ensured.
- A political parties system is needed where all political views can be expressed freely so that politics can function as a problem-solver. Thus, the election threshold has to be removed since it is the first reason for injustice in representation [of political opinions]. Alternatively, it should be decreased to an acceptable level and bans imposed on political parties should be lifted.
- A process of dialogue should be initiated in order to be able to render a permanent solution. Nobody who sees himself as part of this process should be excluded. A profound environment of dialogue should be established so that the armed conflicts can be stopped for good as the eventual aim of this process.
The proposals of proactive individuals and dynamics should be subject to unbiased discussion. (BB/VK)