Call by 150 Organizations: Let the Law Operate, Let No One Lose Their Lives

"We defend life; let the law operate, let no one die"
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150 professional and rights organizations and associations released a declaration in Human Rights Association's (İHD) İstanbul Office today (April 18) and said, "We defend life; let the law operate, let no one lose their lives."
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari MP and Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-Chair Leyla Güven went on a hunger strike on November 8, 2018 with the demand that the isolation imposed on Kurdistan Workers Party's (PKK) imprisoned leader Abdullah Öcalan be ended.
On December 16, hundreds of inmates from more than 50 prisons across Turkey followed suit and went on a hunger strike. As of March 1, 2019, thousands of inmates have been on a hunger strike. Since then, 7 inmates have claimed their own lives with the same demand.
'Prisons must open their doors to medical boards'
The declaration signed by 150 organizations was read out by rights advocate and forensic medicine expert Prof. Dr. Ümit Biçer:
"The data collected by hunger strike monitoring boards and independent legists show that several inmates have problems with their sight, hearing, blood pressure, balance, memory and body temperature, they have difficulties in liquid intake and they are in a critical condition.
"The current critical health condition of hunger striking inmates, the principles of medical ethics and rules pertaining to prisoners' rights indicate that prisons must immediately open their doors to independent medical boards.
"Because the existing medical units in prisons do not have a sufficient number of medical stuff or infirmary facilities to follow the condition of thousands of inmates on hunger strike.
'A new legal regulation is not even necessary'
"It is a duty of the state to ensure that laws are equally implemented and to protect the prisoners' right to life.
"It is not at all difficult for the government to resolve hunger strikes which started with a legal demand. There is not even a need for a new legal regulation. It is enough to equally implement the Constitution and laws.
"We, who think that nothing is more sacred than life, demand that hunger strikes be ended without any incidents of death or disability, the necessary humane awareness be displayed and a democratic resolution be found.
"We are making a call to the government so that the bitter experiences of the past will not be repeated: Let the law operate, let no one lose their lives!"
150 organizations have signed the declaration
150 rights and professional organizations and associations have signed the declaration, including European Syriac Union, the Civil Society in the Penal System (CISST), Association for Monitoring Equal Rights, Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) İstanbul, Human Rights Association (İHD) İstanbul, 78's Initiative, Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (TİHV). (AS/SD)