Bursa Metropolitan Mayor Vetoes Red Streets
The Justice and Development Party (AKP) had previously transferred the authority to grant permission and licenses to places that sell alcohol to local administrations. The Osmangazi Municipal Assembly adopted the conservative "Red Street" practice, aimed at gathering places that sell alcohol into certain areas outside the city centers, during a meeting on January 5.
Mayor Hikmet Sahin Sahin vetoed the decision saying "such limitations may have a negative impact on commercial and social life."
The letter, signed by Bursa Metropolitan Mayor Sahin, which was sent to the Osmangazi Municipality, said the following:
"paragraph A of article 14 of the Municipal Law No: 5393 states municipalities must improve economy and commerce, and provide such services in the closest possible areas to the people and through most convenient methods."
"Although the authority of the granting of permission to places that sell alcohol belongs to the Municipal Assembly, it is expected that this is fulfilled in line with the aforementioned law."
The letter also states that such limitations should not have a negative impact on the improvement of commercial and social life, and thus the improvement of economy, and adds that the Metropolitan Municipality does not approve the decision taken by the Osmangazi Municipal Assembly.
According to the decision by the Osmangazi Municipal Assembly, taken by majority of vote, permission would not be granted to places to sell alcohol on Birinci Murat, Cemal Nadir, Cumhuriyet, Darmstad, Demiryolu, Gazcilar, Hasim Iscan, Kibris Sehitleri, Kukurtlu, Oulu, Temiz and Zubeyde Hanim Avenues and Ankara Yolu, Mudanya Yolu, Pembe Carsi and Degirmen Streets.
The Uskudar Municipality in Istanbul and the Antalya Metropolitan Municipality had attempted to implement the practice but suspended their efforts in the face of strong reaction. (OY/KO/EA/YE)