Broadcast of Med Nûçe TV Shut Down
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Broadcast of Med Nûçe was shut down today (October 3) following shutting down of many media organs based on Statutory Decree during the State of Emergency (OHAL) put into effect in Turkey.
Med Nûçe broadcasting through Europe was sent notice twice by France-based satellite company Eutelsat to end its broadcasting on Monday at 10 a.m. The broadcasting was shut dow today at 11 a.m. by the company.
After the first shutting down instruction sent by Eutelsat on September 29, Med Nûçe management had told that the instructions were given by Turkey.
Med Nûçe TV had started to broadcast via France-based Eutelsat satellite following Copenhagen State Court’s order to cancel the licenses of ROJ TV, Nuçe TV and MMC in 2013.
Three agencies, 16 TV, 23 Radio
Base of the decision is the decree no. 668 enacted right after the declaration of the OHAL.
Causing the shutting down of three news agencies, 16 TV and 23 radio channels, the decree enables new shutting downs by Minister approval.
Over 10 TV and radio channels were removed from TÜRKSAT, the national satellite, and that their broadcastings were shut down on September 28.
Yön Radio’s broadcasting was cut off on September 29 and İMC TV’s broadcasting was shut down on September 30. Access to the websites of Özgür Radio, İMC TV and Hayatın Sesi were blocked. (OÜ/ÇT/TK)