Boudayan’s 40-year-long Journey in Anatolia

Stéphane Boudoyan's chatting titled "40-year-long Journey in Eastern Anatolia" which includes his impressions and photos taken in the region took place in French Cultural Center.
The 5th event of "Cross routes and memories - voices of Anatolia diaspora in France" gatherings took place in İstanbul French Cultural Center and French Anatolia Research Institute with the moderation of Nazan Maksudyan.
The journey began from Yozgat
Boudoyan photographing churches and living quarters of Armenians and locals, relayed his experiences and impressions accompanied with photos taken during his journey that began in 1968.
Boudoyan started the chatting with explaining how the idea of coming to Turkey was formed:
"My father was retired in 1965 and headed by bus for neighborhoods of Yozgat where his parents used to live. He told us his journey on his return. Things we heard have interested us. We wanted to witness the history as he did.
To be honest, I didn't feel much when I first arrived in Yozgat in 68; however we went to Kars and Van afterwards. These places have really excited me. I guess the journey for me had begun at that time."
"My goal is to follow traces and keep them alive"
Boudoyan saying that his visits initially caused him to have some difficulties with notably Turks and Armenians noted that both peoples' stand changed in time.
"Armenians from France were asking what I was doing here, and when we arrived here Turkish people thought we were here to seek treasury or plunder churches. Before coming here was not only a matter of courage but the conditions were challenging.
"They had invited me for a wedding 20 years ago. An earthquake happened during the wedding, everyone poured out into the streets, we were terrified.
"An elder said: 'If it was an earthquake, it is because there is foreigner in Van..Then we had to leave the city. But now I travel with an Armenian and Turkish flag on my car. Everything changed.
"I continued photographing because in this way I could have witnessed the history. When I came to take photos in 1974, we were staying in worksite of Keban Dam. Later on some places in Elazığ submerged, and the churches there have gone; but they exist in my photos. That's what I came here for: I came here to follow the traces and keep them alive.
"The heritage is on the verge of vanishing"
The artist mostly photographing the churches in the region reminded that the heritage inherited from the Armenians is on the verge of vanishing.
"All of the photos I showed you are a wreck now because Turkey's east is this for Armenians, consists of wreckages. The churches were sometimes hit by airstrikes or plundered. There are still preserved ones but very few in number."
Boudoyan declaring that he will soon move his photo archive to Internet said his favourite place in Turkey is Van and its surroundings and added "What impresses me most is that place. The reason is maybe because the history there still goes on for Armenians even if just a pinch." (AE/EKN/TK)
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