Boğaziçi University’s LGBTI+ Studies Club closed by the appointed rector

* Photo: Social media
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Presidential Communications Director Fahrettin Altun has announced that Prof. Melih Bulu, who has been appointed as the new rector of Boğaziçi University by President and ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has closed the LGBTI+ Studies Candidate Club over an investigation launched into a picture featuring the Kaaba, which also led to the arrest of two students at the weekend.
"What set the ones who committed the crime of 'blockading the Rector's Office' at Boğaziçi University in motion is the decision below. As can be seen here, the university administration has taken a legitimate decision in the face of those trying to trample upon our sacred values. That is about all," Fahrettin Altun has tweeted by attaching the decision.
CLICK - 'Putting an artwork on trial is against basics of free speech'
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi'ndeki "Rektörlük Ablukası" suçunu işleyenleri harekete geçiren şey, aşağıdaki karardır.
— Fahrettin Altun (@fahrettinaltun) February 1, 2021
Görüleceği üzere kutsal değerlerimizi ayaklar altına almaya çalışanlara karşı üniversite yönetimi meşru bir tasarrufta bulunmuştur.
Olay bundan ibarettir.
As this social media post came shortly after 159 students were detained during the protests at Boğaziçi University, it has caused sharp criticisms on social media because it is regarded as an attempt to manipulate the issue by portraying the protests as a reaction against this decision of closure.
CLICK - Police storm Boğaziçi University, detain 51 students
'If no time machine had been invented...'
Bu kararı bu tweete dek üniversitede kimsenin bilmediğini, o yüzden de zaman makinesi icat edilmediyse saatler önce yaşanan şeylerin sebebinin bu karar olamayacağını düşünüyorum. Hatta bu kararın gerçek olduğundan da kuşkuluyum, çünkü o sergiyi düzenleyen o kulüp değil.
— Cem Say (@say_cem) February 1, 2021
"I think no one knew about this decision until this tweet and, so, this decision cannot be the reason for what happened a few hours ago, if no time machine had been invented. In fact, I also doubt that this decision is real, because this is not the club that organized the exhibition."
Bu kararı sizden duyduğumuza göre öğrenciler bunun için harekete geçmiş olamazlar düpedüz yalan söylüyorsunuz! Üstelik yazıya bakılırsa atanan beyefendi kampüste sergiyi kimin düzenlediğini de anlamamış demek ki!
— Ayfer Bartu Candan (@AyferBartuC) February 1, 2021
"As we have heard about this decision from you, students could not have been mobilized for this; you are openly lying!
"Besides, if we look at this document, the gentleman apparently has not understood who organized the exhibition at the campus!"
Cumhurbaşkanlığı iletişim sözcüsü bir üniversitedeki kulübün kapatılması haberini duyuruyor zevkle. İnanılır gibi değil.
— Levent Pişkin (@leventpuskin) February 1, 2021
"The Communications Spokesperson for the Presidency is announcing the closure of a club at the university, with pleasure. Unbelievable."
Decision of closure
In the official document signed by Bulu and sent to the related units of Boğaziçi University, a reference was made to the investigation which led to the arrest of two students and house arrest of two others.
"The candidacy status of the LGBTI Studies Candidate Club has been lifted on the grounds of the activities subjected to the related investigation and organization of events without permission," the decision has read. (TP/SD)