Boğaziçi University | Prevented from teaching classes, Erçin files two lawsuits

"Teacher Feyzi is not alone" - * Photo: Ahmet Emre
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Academic and lawyer Feyzi Erçin, who is a part-time lecturer at Boğaziçi University Department of Western Languages and Literatures, has filed a lawsuit after his courses to be taught at the summer school and in the Fall 2021-2022 semester were prevented by Naci İnci, who has been appointed as the acting rector after the dismissal of appointed rector Melih Bulu.
Teaching classes on cinema at Boğaziçi University in İstanbul for eight years, Feyzi Erçin has said that he filed the lawsuit over the prevention of his classes in the summer school on June 28 and the lawsuit over the prevention of his classes in the fall semester on August 4, 2021.
Noting that the reason behind the two lawsuits is similar, Erçin has said that the administration did not use its discretionary power properly, it did not consider the public good and a decision taken by a person who is not an expert in his field, namely by Naci İnci as a professor of physics, contradicts with the decisions taken by the faculty and the department in question.
Erçin has also said, "This court case, like our similar other cases, will set a precedent to similar situations that have unfolded. It will be an important case in the sense that it will show that the department and faculty are autonomous, the rector should not use his or her permission mechanism unlimitedly and there are legal restrictions to be introduced to evaluations." (DŞ/SD)