Boğaziçi alumni call on Melih Bulu to resign with 5 thousand signatures

* Photos: Can Candan
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Since ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan appointed Prof. Melih Bulu as a rector to Boğaziçi University from outside its community, the students, alumni and faculty members of the university have been protesting this appointment.
Today (April 7), the alumni of the university met in front of the Rector's Office at the South Campus in İstanbul and called on Bulu to resign.
As part of the campaign run by the Alumni for Boğaziçi University (BÜİM) Initiative, nearly 5 thousand signatures have so far been collected for a joint statement inviting the appointed rector to resign.
A copy of this statement as well as the names of the undersigned were placed in front of the Rector's Office during today's protest.
Making a statement there, the representatives of the alumni said:
"We request that Melih Bulu resign from office as soon as possible so that the high benefit of the public can be ensured, the institution of the university can fulfil its functions in the best way possible and a way can be paved for a participatory and democratic election."
'A struggle accepted by public conscience'
Referring to the protests against the appointed rector going on for nearly 100 days now, the alumni noted that "this struggle is a struggle which has long gained acceptance in the conscience of the people."
Calling on Melih Bulu "to lend an ear to this voice," the alumni also indicated that they are closely following up the legal proceedings initiated by the faculty members against the rector appointment and the opening of two new faculties by two separate Presidential decisions.
After this statement was read out, the alumni placed the banner with their statement and names in front of the Rector's Office and announced that they will also convey the statement and the petition campaign to all relevant institutions and members of the parliament. (DŞ/SD)