Boğaziçi academics appeal against dean appointment to law faculty

* Photo: A Haber Youtube channel
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The academics of Boğaziçi University have appealed to the Ankara 7th Administrative Court against the appointment of Prof. Selami Kuran as a dean by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) to the Faculty of Law, which has been established by a Presidential decision.
Fırat Kuyurtar, the attorney of the academics, has underlined that the faculties founded by decrees mean usurping an authority granted to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM), explaining:
"The authority to establish faculties is an authority of the TBMM. Even though it is indicated in the Law on Higher Education in an extremely clear manner, a faculty is established by a Presidential decision, which means that an authority granted to the TBMM is usurped.
"In other words, according to us, it is apparent that we cannot talk about the existence of lawfully founded faculties."
No faculty, but he has a say
Kuyurtar has reminded the public that just like appointed rector Prof. Melih Bulu, Selami Kuran was also a candidate for nomination to the Parliament from the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP).
He has asked "why a person who is outside the university's community and whose credentials were not reviewed to see whether he met the criteria for appointment is appointed to a faculty whose legal existence is extremely controversial and which has no infrastructure or planning."
According to the attorney, the answer to this question lies in the fact that "Prof. Melih Bulu, the appointed rector, has been unable to manage the university as almost none of the academics has accepted his appointment, as is required by the best interests of the public."
Attorney Kuyurtar has also raised concerns that Kuran attends the meetings of the Boğaziçi Senate, the criteria of which he does not meet. "He has started expressing opinions and casting votes on subjects that concern the entire university," Kuyurtar has said, briefly adding:
"In fact, the execution of the decision establishing the university might be halted any time or the court might annul the decision in the end.
"Then, who will compensate for the decisions taken and to be taken by this appointed dean concerning the entire Boğaziçi University and the damages to be inflicted on the university in the meantime? How will these decisions and damages be compensated for?"
'It aims to take over the university'
Kuyurtar has underlined that "the execution of the dean appointment must be halted first, then the decision must be annulled." He has added:
"As a last word, we can say: Public good is not considered in any of the actions taken. They take action solely oriented towards 'taking over' university entirely. In summary, as this appointment, which is reflection of the mindset of 'If I cannot manage it, I will do all sorts of harm', is impossible to accept, we have filed a lawsuit against the appointment of Prof. Selami Kuran to the Boğaziçi University Faculty of Law due to both the unlawfulness in the establishment of the faculty and the irregularities in the appointment."
The academics of Boğaziçi have also released a statement about the lawsuit and underlined that the dean appointment in question will cause irreparable damage to the university. "For this reason, we have also requested a stay of execution in our application for annulment." (DŞ/SD)