Blue Ribbon Against Child Violence
In 1989, a woman named Bonnie Finney in the United States, had put a blue ribbon on her car after her 3-year-old grandchild was beaten to death by her daughter's boyfriend. This practice became widespread in the years that followed. Blue was chosen because it represents the bruises on the bodies of children who have been beaten up.
Anyone who wears this ribbon, which is the "Symbol of Sensitivity About the Abuse and Negligence" states that he/she is aware that children should be protected against violence, and that he/she supports financially or morally efforts in that field.
Yurdakok: Violence is seen as a way of educating
Professor Doctor Murat Yurdakok from the Medical Faculty of the Hacettepe University, who is the head of the Association, said violence, abuse and negligence is among top factors that have a negative impact on the children's physical and emotional development.
According to Yurdakok, the fact that violence is seen as a way of 'educating' children, legitimizes it and causes it to be repeated and to be kept a secret.
"Children are being beaten up supposedly for 'education,' they are being locked up in dark rooms such as basements, being burnt, having pepper spread over their mouths, being starved, reprimanded and humiliated," said Yurdakok. "Almost half of the children who run away from home complain of beating. A research has revealed that almost three fourth of children over 14 have been beaten up during their childhoods."
Their development is negatively affected
Yurdakok argued that violence not only has a negative impact on the children's health, but on their development in every aspect:
"Violence leads to reduced social adaptation, antisocial behavior, a drop in school attendance, decrease in attention, reduced success at school, risky behavior, violence, low self-esteem, insecurity, fear of school, eating disorders, health problems, alcohol and drug addiction, suicide attempt, restlessness, depression, wrong sexual choices (such as engaging in sexual relations at an early age, becoming a sex worker, or having more than one sexual partners), self-damage, crime, and even death."
Yurdakok added that violence is not only a personal, but a social problem and called on all sections of the society to support the campaign. (KO/EA/YE)