Blocked for 49 Times, Applies For Guinness World Record

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After Information Technologies and Communications Authority blocking access to the news website for the 49th time on July 4, 2017, has applied for a Guinness World Record as the news website being subjected to and overcoming the most access blocks. currently continues operating on the web address
Access to, a news website reporting online for 16 years, was blocked by Telecommunications Communication Presidency on July 25, 2015 with an interlocutory injunction.
On August 17, 2016, Telecommunications Communication Presidency was also closed through the Statutory Decree No. 671 issued under the State of Emergency and the access block continued under Information Technologies and Communications Authority instead.
DİHA was the first holder of the record
Access to it being blocked for 48 times, Dicle News Agency (DİHA) was the holder of the record before After finally being closed completely as a news agency, DİHA ended its broadcasting life. (HK/DG)