Blast Hits AKP Headquarters, Justice Ministry

Explosions hit Turkey's Justice Ministry building and governing AKP headquarters on Tuesday night, a series of attacks later on claimed by DHKP-C organization.
The first explosion occurred at the courtyard of Justice Ministry building located in downtown Ankara, Radikal newspaper said. The incident left 1 wounded.
Around 9:50 pm at local time, a second explosion took place was heard in AKP's Ankara headquarters, after a LAW missile hit between 7th and 8th floors of the building, causing property damage.
"I am condemning the incident. This is a method that coward terrorists utilize. Everyone will see that violence is going to end one day in this country. Turkey is going through a complicated process. Our institutions were ready for this kind of attacks. We have several findings on the incident, but I won't disclose now," Sadullah Ergin, Justice Minister, said.
Concerning the night's second attack on AKP Headquarters, Interior Minister Muammer Güler said a LAW missile might have been launched from a neighboring park in the area.
"Evidence shows that the missile might be launched from a park located 200 meters away from the building, as we found certain material in the bushes. Our investigation will resume. I can confidently say that we will find the culprits soon," he said.
Later on Wednesday, DHKP-C organization released a statement, claiming the responsibility from the Tuesday night's twin attacks.
"We have realized the attacks late at night on uprise so that no staff will be hurt. Despite our efforts, we heard that one person was wounded. We apologize due to the injury and wish rapid recovery," the statement said. (ÇT/EKN/BM)