Birleşik Metal-İş Union Agrees with Employers

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Having previously declared that it will go on a strike, the United Metal Workers' Union (Birleşik Metal-İş) has announced that it has agreed with the employers' associations on the salary increase for around 10 thousand workers.
Two other metal workers' unions, the Türk Metal and the Özçelik-İş, which had also decided to begin a strike, agreed with the Turkish Employers' Association of Metal Industries (MESS) on January 29 for a 17 percent increase in the salaries.
The Birleşik Metal-İş had not accepted the 17 percent increase and stated that it will begin a strike on February 5.
After a call by the Ministry of Labor, the Birleşik Metal-İş and the MESS held another meeting for negotiations, which resulted in an agreement.
Accordingly, workers whose wages are less than 12 Turkish lira (~2 US dollars) per hour will be increased by 30 percent, with the condition of not exceeding 12 lira per hour. At the end of the first six months of the agreement, all wages will be increased by 17 percent. For the second six months, the wages will increase by six percent. If the inflation rate exceeds six percent, the increase will be the same as the inflation rate.
Releasing a statement, the Birleşik Metal-İş said that the MESS withdrew its request for the agreement to be valid for three years. (HA/VK)