bianet: We Don’t Recognize Broadcast Ban Ruling, Bring it to Trial

We don't recognize this ban since we know the ban, as in previous ones, aims to oppress the reaction against Ankara Massacre rather than deal with healthiness of prosecution investigation.
We don't recognize the ban since we know rulings such as blocking access to websites is a major blow dealt on liberty of the press and trample on liberty of the press.
We don't recognize it because not only the right to make news but also the right to receive news of citizens are being blocked whilst one of the biggest and bloody massacres have been experienced.
We don't recognize it because by means of broadcast ban not only liberty of the press but also freedom of expression rights are being violated.
Right to receive news
Any sort of development as to the bombing that left 99 people dead, and hundreds of others wounded is a news. The citizens have the right to be informed about these developments; informing people falls to us, journalists.
Ban ruling
Ankara 6th Judicatory Court of Peace has imposed broadcast ban on the investigation as to attack by two suicide bombers at Labor, Peace, Democracy rally on October 10 in Ankara.
The ruling was issued with the inscription "urgent" to media outlets by Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor's Office Bureau of Investigating Crimes Against Constitutional Order on October 12.
The most comprehensive ban in the recent years covers all sort of media operating in written, visual, social media and Internet environments. In these areas all kinds of "news," "interview," "criticism," and "quasi publications" are being banned. We don't acknowledge the ruling, and bring it to trial as well as persisting to make news.
Prime Minister has transgressed
A day after the broadcast ban ruling, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu gave information regarding the investigation on TGRT live broadcast at 1:30 p.m. 10 people have been taken into custody due to their tweets prior to attack, and he gave this information even though their affiliation with organizations have yet to be clarified.
So even Prime Minister himself hasn't abided by the ruling.
We don't abide by the ban.
The ban is null
* Receiving news is a right, informing is a duty, and liberty.
* Press Law No. 5187 regulates written press. Therefore, Ankara 6th Judicatory Court of Peace cannot regulate Internet journalism by this law.
* The Press Law doesn't have a subclause defined in the ruling as 3/2.
* 3rd Article regulates liberty of the press. Second paragraph of the article explains the circumstances in which this liberty might be limited. 3rd Article of the law is already very controversial for being "limitless" in limiting liberty. It must be immediately removed.
* It is unlawful of Ankara 6th Judicatory Court of Peace sending the ruling to RTÜK (Radio and Television Supreme Council) by justifying prosecutor's demand with Press Law, and ask for it to be considered enforceable in television and radios as well.
We bring the ruling to trial
bianet lawyers and lawyers of media outlets will object to this broadcast ban ruling today and take all kinds of legal actions for it to be declared null and void.
Click here to read the article in Turkish
* Photo: Avrim Aydın - Ankara/AA