bianet Evaluates Its Children-Focused Journalism

bianet held its annual roundtable meeting on Children Rights Focused Journalism on Saturday at Cezayir Restaurant. 20 members from 15 non-governmental organizations participated to the meeting.
The meeting discussed past year’s children news reporting’s procedure, language and context as well how to do next year’s events and news projects according to the rights of children.
Constructive Justice for Children
Participants mentioned that children-focused journalism has many dialogical correlations which include various different subjects’ rights, depending on this; everyone must be a side on this issue. Children-focused news reporting should focus on both problems and solutions of the issues and justice for children must be not punishing but constructing.
Many discussions arose from the question: “How can we decide if children’s attendance on the news is benefitting or harmful?” Some of these were; how to do news from children’s point of view, how to make pleasant children news and how to get organized and collaborate on the issue of children’s rights.
Furthermore, the influence of how news language changes the public view and the importance of constructional justice were clarified. Participants noted children that were pushed into crime must be accepted and publicized as a social responsibility.
Deciding on doing a media workshop on organizations working on children’s rights in coordination of bianet, participants of this meeting were as follows:
Bürge Akbulut (Hümanist Büro), Yılmaz Irmak (Bir İz-Birey İnsan ve Ruh Sağlığında İz Derneği), Gaye Uğurlu (Bir İz-Birey İnsan ve Ruh Sağlığında İz Derneği), Banu Bülbül Çam (TODAP-Toplumsal Dayanışma için Psikologlar Derneği), Ada Ümmühan Köse (Eğitim- Sen), Ayşegül Güney(Mavi Kalem Sosyal Dayanışma ve Yardımlaşma Derneği) Tansu Kilit (Mavi Kalem Sosyal Dayanışma ve Yardımlaşma Derneği), Mirza Korkmaz (Göç Der-Göç Edenler Sosyal Yardımlaşma ve Kültür Derneği ), Belma Yıldıztaş(Başak Kültür ve Sanat Vakfı), Ceren Suntekin (Tarlabaşı Toplum Merkezi), Mansur Seyitoğlu (Gündem Çocuk Derneği), Aslı Çarkoğlu(Türk Psikologlar Derneği), Garo Paylan (Ermeni Okulları), Yağmur Bahadır (CİSST-Ceza İnfaz Sisteminde Sivil Toplum), Dilek Çelik(Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi Adli Tıp Anabilim Dalı), Tülay Bingöl (İHD-İnsan Hakları Derneği), Yasemin Alpboğa (Mülteci-Der Mültecilerle dayanışma Derneği), Yüce Yöney, Baran Gündoğdu, Evren Gönül (Bağımsız İletişim Ağı) (YY/HK/ENÜ/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.
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