bianet as a Subject of PhD Thesis

Research assistant at the Department of Journalism, Mersin University Faculty of Communication, Ahmet Taylan commenced his "Alternative media and bianet Case: Ethnographic Study on Alternative Media in Turkey" entitled thesis. He completed his thesis at Ankara University Department of Journalism and his thesis advisor was Prof. Dr. Mine Gencel Bek.
"In this study, I was able to gather both the current scientific data about the media atmosphere in Turkey and the importance of bianet as an alternative example of the authentic media. Dr. Taylan gave the following brief information about his thesis:
In this thesis, as a form of mass communication, "alternative media concept" that rejects and challenges the established and institutionalized politics is examined.
The search for alternative media against the discriminatory, exclusionary and unequal publication policy of the mainstream media and the concretization of this "alternative media" demand in Turkey thanks to bianet is clarified.
A research completed about the authentic structure and functioning of bianet and looked for alternative answers regarding the question "How is it possible to create an alternative to the current practice of journalism?"
To achieve this goal, a detailed practical research is carried with an ethnographic approach on bianet.
BIA news center is examined in terms of work place, the collective and hierarchical relationships between journalists and news practices. At the field research, in-depth interviews are handled with journalists at bianet news center and how bianet sets up and protects its authentic opponent and alternative journalism structure is shown.
Finally, the local journalists from different cities, working for news exchange and coordination are reached. Data on bianet's understanding of participatory journalism is collected with the help of 20 local journalists.
As a result of these findings that are supported by field research, Dr. Ahmet Taylan has reached to the conclusion that bianet is able to create an alternative discourse against the hegemonic discourse of mainstream media that marginalizes local and minority identities /cultures, alienates, domesticates or commodifies. Taylan underlined that, in his thesis, he could verify his initial assumption "bianet as an example of a participatory, effective and authentic alternative media case in Turkey"(HK)