BIA Media Monitoring Report - Full Text

23 journalists and 14 publishers entered July 2014 in prison. 14 of all journalists and all publishers represent the Kurdish media and they have being jailed for charges related to “illegal organizations” according to the related articles of Anti-Terror Act (TMK) and Turkish Penal Code (TCK).
21 of 23 journalists are jailed for for charges related to “illegal organizations” according to the related articles of Anti-Terror Act (TMK) and Turkish Penal Code (TCK). While one caricaturist is jailed for “insulting” Adnan Oktar, another journalist is jailed for “espionage”.
The following are also found among the attributed accusations: “committing a crime on behalf of the organization without being a member” and/or “helping intentionally the organization without getting involved in its hierarchical structure.” Some other journalists are on trial for the following allegations: “establishing an armed/non-armed organization”, “administrating or being a member of an organization” and there are some sentenced journalists.
The BIA Media Monitoring Report consists of the following chapters: “Murdered journalists”, “jailed journalists”, “detentions”, “attacks, threats and impediments”, “prosecutions, new-ongoing trials, verdicts”, “defamation, personal rights and complaints”, “bans, closures, seizures”, “ECHR” and “RTÜK”.
Murdered journalists / Trials
Hrant Dink Murder
MİT not clear: The officials of MİT - Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization - reportedly declined to inform İstanbul 2nd Juvenile High Criminal Court on whether certain “secret” and “top secret” documents and CDs submitted to the court by a parliamentarian commission to investigate military coups were a “state secret”. (June 27)
Ogün Samast is standing trial for being “a terrorist organization member” and convicted to a prison term of 22 years and 10 months. Previously, the court requested MIT officials to clarify the issue or point an authority to do so. The court also informed that it requested the opinion of İstanbul 5th High Criminal Court on the consolidation of cases and received the following response: “ Send us your file before our hearing on July 17, 2014”. The case will resume on October 17.
Does Gülen Group have anything to do with Dink murder? Ankara Prosecutor’s Office Bureau of Crimes Against Constitutional Order ordered 30 province police commissioners to launch operations within the Fethullah Gülen investigations. (June 25)
The confidential document allegedly made the following orders: " Investigation of Gülen Group members on whether they have been involved as a perpetrator, order-giver or aider in the murder of Hrank Dink, the attack at State Council, Zirve Publishing House massacre, murder of Necip Hablemitoğlu and Üzeyir Garih”.
Dink case suspect Öz responsible of murder: Trabzon 1st High Criminal Court requested the consolidation of the case of Ali Öz - former gendarmerie commandant of Trabzon province at the time of the Hrank Dink murder incident who was standing trial for “negligence” - with the main case held by Istanbul 5th High Criminal Court.
The court is also awaiting another case of Öz and 7 other gendarmerie officials, a procedure that was initially held by Trabzon 2nd Peace Court and appealed at the Supreme Court of Appeals. The case will resume on September 11.
Harder to detect connections: Yusuf Hakkı Doğan, prosecutor in charge of Hrant Dink murder investigation reported back Justice Ministry officials that they have completed the listening of witnesses and proceeded to hearing of suspects. The investigation included the allegations that law enforcement officers were involved in the murder. (May 30)
It has been reported that phone logs have been erased on October 10, 2009, in a way that included the procedures on the murder investigation. It was also added that the prosecutors aimed to detect who were in contact from Trabzon, who contacted with Istanbul and how suspects were in contact with each other. However, the recent erasing of logs reportedly hardened the identification of connections.
Public officers must face trial for Dink murder: With an anonymous vote, Bakırköy 8th High Criminal Court removed a ruling on Ergun Güngör, a top officer in Istanbul Police Department and Vice Governor. A former ruling issued by Istanbul Governor’s Office barred the prosecution on the aforementioned public officer. (May 21)
Advocates are also expecting authorities to launch prosecutions on top public officers Celallettin Cerrah, Ahmet İlhan Güler, Bülent Köksal, İbrahim Pala, İbrahim Şevki Eldivan, Volkan Altunbulak, Bahadır Tekin, Özcan Özkan and Ergun Güngör - Vice Governor of Istanbul at the time of the incident.
Dink case awaiting Iskender: İstanbul 5th High Criminal Court resumed the fifth hearing of the case of Hrant Dink murder after the removal of Special - Duty Istanbul 14th High Criminal Court. (April 18)
The court failed to issue a ruling on defendant Ahmet Iskender as he remained to be a fugitive. Previously, Supreme Court of Appeals overturned the verdict on Iskender. Therefore, the court issued another arrest warrant for Iskender for his statement. Reminding their request of case consolidation, Bakırcıoğlu said the following: “As Former Gendarmerie Commandant Öz is facing trial for his negligence, we strongly believe that that case is related to ours”.
The court, on the other hand, ordered the re-transfer of case to Trabzon 1st High Criminal Court, saying that there was no place to consolidate cases as no grounds have been formed to either resist or admit the verdict issued by Supreme Court of Appeals. The case will resume on July 17.
Umut Case
Umut Case ratified: Supreme Court of Appeals 9th Penal Chamber ratified the sentences of 8 defendants who were accused of being involved in the murder of Bahriye Üçok, Muammer Aksoy, Uğur Mumcu and Ahmet Taner Kışlalı within “Umut Case”. The defendants were also charged of being a member/leader of “Tevhid-Selam Kudüs” and “Islamic Movement” illegal organizations. (April 10)
Following that Supreme Court of Appeals overturned the case on January 17, 2013, Ankara 11th High Criminal Court sentenced defendants Ali Tekin, Hasan Kılıç and Ekrem Baytap to 15 years of prison for founding and being a leader of “illegal” Tevhid-Selam ve Kudüs Ordusu” organization - a verdict that was reduced to 12.5 years. The court also convicted Abdulhamit Çelik, Fatih Aydın, Yusuf Karakuş, Mehmet Şahin and Recep Aydın to 7.5 years of prison for being a member - a ruling that was reduced to 6 years and 3 months.
Issued with anonymous vote, the verdict underlined that “Tevhid Selam Kudüs Ordusu” organization got involved in 18 assaults between 1988 and 1999, including 5 incidents between 1990 and 1994 with the murder of Çetin Emeç and Turan Dursun.
Musa Anter Murder
Aygan will testify from Sweden: Diyarbakır 2nd High Criminal Court will hold the case related to the killing of Musa Anter, a journalist and intellectual, and wounding of Orhan Miroğlu. The case was transferred to the court after Special Duty Diyarbakır 7th High Criminal Court was removed within judicial reforms.
The court ordered the hearing of non-jailed defendant Aziz Turan (Abdulkadir Aygan), a former JİTEM member and a resident of Sweden, to be taken by Justice Ministry International Law and Foreign Affairs Administration via Audiovisual Informatics System (SEGBİS) on July 2. (May 5)
The following defendants are being charged with at least 20 years of prison for charges associated with “premeditated murder”: Mahmut Yıldırım with the alias “Green”, Aygan with an arrest warrant and Colonel Savaş Gevrekçi and Hamit Yıldırım”.
Cevdet Kılıçlar Murder
International Arrest Warrant: İstanbul 7th High Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant against Israel Military Chief Rau Aluf Gabiel Ashknazi, Marine Forces Chief Eliezer Alfred Marom, Intelligence Chief Amos Yadlin and Air Force Commander Avishay Levi for their involvement in the Mavi Marmara fortila raid that resulted in the death of 10 people including Cevdet Kılıçlar, PR representative of İHH organization. The court panel ordered authorities to issue an international arrest warrant. (May 26)
Cihan Hayırsevener Murder
Case awaiting at Supreme Court of Appeals: A verdict is being awaited by Supreme Court of Appeals in the case of Cihan Hayırsevener, Yaşam newspaper editor-in-chief who was murdered on December 18, 2009. Defendants of the case have already been convicted to sentences.
Jailed Journalists
23 journalists and 14 publishers entered July 2014 in prison. 14 of all journalists and all publishers represent the Kurdish media and they have being jailed for charges related to “illegal organizations” according to the related articles of Anti-Terror Act (TMK) and Turkish Penal Code (TCK). Around the same time last year, 66 journalists and 27 publishers were in prison.
The distribution of 23 jailed journalists according to the cases is as follows: ‘Kurdistan Assemblies Union-Turkey (KCK)’, ‘PKK' and 'DYG' (14); 'Marxist Leninist Communist Party (MLKP)’ (2); Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party-Front (DHKP-C)’ (1); ‘Resistance Movement' (1); , 1’i ‘Communist Labor Party/Leninist of Turkey’ (TKEP/L); İBDA-C (1). While one journalist has been tried for being a member of three different “illegal organizations” (Ergenekon’s Mersin Cell, Turkish Revenge Union Organization (TIBT) and Inner Group), another caricaturist has been jailed for “insulting” Adnan Oktar, a controversial religious leader. Another journalist, on the other hand, is currently jailed for “espionage” allegations. Out of 23 jailed journalists, 18 have been convicted, 5 is standing trial.
6 journalists from Azadiya Welat newspaper are jailed; all of them have been convicted; 5 journalists from Dicle News Agency (DİHA) are jailed with 1 former worker, 3 convicted and 2 standing trial. 2 journalists are jailed from Özgür Halk magazine with 1 convicted and 1 standing trial…
KCK - PKK - DYG / Convicted: Ali Konar (Azadiya Welat Elazığ representative - 7 years 6 months), Faysal Tunç (DİHA Şırnak correspondent - 12 years, 6 months), Ferhat Çiftçi (Azadiya Welat Antep representative - 22 years, 8 months), Hamit Dilbahar/Duman (Azadiya Welat writer-16 years), Kamuran Sunbat (DİHA Çukurova former reporter - 11 years, 11 ay), Kenan Karavil (Radyo Dünya Yönetmeni - 19 years, 9 ay), Murat İlhan (Azadiya Welat Diyarbakır reporter - 6 years, 3 months), Nuri Yeşil (Azadiya Welat Tunceli representative - 1 years, 7 months), Sevcan Atak (Özgür Halk magazine editor - 7 years, 6 months), Seyithan Akyüz (Azadiya Welat Adana representative - 22 years, 6 months), Şahabettin Demir (DİHA Van reporter - 4 years).
KCK - PKK - DYG / Standing trial: Tayyip Temel (Azadiya Welat former editor-in-chief), Cüneyt Hacıoğlu (DİHA Uludere reporter), Sebahattin Sumeli (Özgür Halk magazine editor).
DHKP-C/Convicted: Mustafa Gök (Emek ve Adalet magazine Ankara representative - life sentence).
MLKP / Convicted: Erdal Süsem (Eylül Hapishane magazine editor - life sentence) and Hatice Duman (Atılım magazine owner and senior editor - life sentence).
Direniş/ Convicted: Erol Zavar (Odak magazine senior editor).
İBDA-C /Convicted: Şükrü Sak (Akıncı Yol magazine editor-in-chief, Baran magazine writer)
Ergenekon Mersin/ TİBT and Inner Group (İç Örgüt): Mikdat Algül (Mezitli FM editor-in-chief ): Convicted to 65 years, case pending in Supreme Court of Appeals. Transferred to Ankara Sincan Prison after submitting a complaint on “Gulen Movement” judges. Complaint is currently being processed.
TKEP/L / Standing trial: Sami Tunca (Yeni Evrede Mücadele Birliği magazine senior editor)
Acquiring secret information / Standing trial: Journalist Hasan Kabakulak (Yurt newspaper, Asi newspaper in Hatay province and Syria State Television’s Hatay correspondent)
Defamation / Convicted: Caricaturist Mehmet Düzenli (Insulting Adnan Oktar)
KCK-PKK-DYG: Ahmet Birsin (Gün TV administrator), Ertuş Bozkurt (Fırat Distribution worker, reporter), Hasan Özgüneş (Azadiya Welat writer), Nurettin Fırat (Özgür Gündem writer), Ramazan Pekgöz (DİHA Diyarbakır editor), Turabi Kişin (Özgür Gündem former editor),Yüksel Genç (Özgür Gündem writer), Abdullah Çetin (DİHA Siirt reporter).
DHKP-C: Kaan Ünsal (Yürüyüş magazine reporter), Gamze Keşkek (Tavır magazine editor-in-chief), Naciye Yavuz (Yürüyüş magazine reporter).
MLKP: Füsun Erdoğan (Özgür Radyo general coordinator- life sentence, 789 years 7 months of prison and 1,263.320 lira fine); Bayram Namaz (Atılım magazine writer- life sentence)
Resistance to police / convicted – Released: Özgür Boğatekin (Adıyaman Gerger Fırat newpaper news editor)
All 14 distributors and workers have been jailed within ‘KCK-PKK-DYG’ cases. While 5 distributors have been convicted, 8 are standing trial, 2 awaiting an indictment and no information on 3. During the drafting of this report, 3 distributors have been released.
KCK-PKK-DYG / Convicted: Cengiz Doğan (Fırat Distribution - Azadiya Welat Nusaybin worker - 3 years, 7 months), Mikail Çağrıcı (Azadiya Welat Adana distributor, life sentence), Sibel Mustafaoğlu (Fırat Distribution Antep worker - 21 years, 6 months), Veysi Arancak (Fırat Distribution İstanbul worker - 9 years, 8 months, 15 days), Salman Akpınar (Fırat Distribution worker- convicted to 2 life sentences and 7 years 8 months), Savaş Aslan (Azadiya Welat Adana distributor).
KCK-PKK-DYG / Standing trial: Ali Ertuğrul (Azadiya Welat Şırnak distributor), Nazdar Ecevit (Azadiya Welat Şırnak distributor), Ramazan Dinç (Özgür Halk Diyarbakır worker), Serdar Ay (Fırat Distribution Diyarbakır distributor), Ufuk Demir (Fırat Dağıtım Iğdır former worker), Mevlüt Ayağ (Fırat Distribution Batman worker).
KCK-PKK-DYG / Awaiting indictment: Mahmut Tutal (Azadiya Welat worker), Uygar Arslan (Fırat Distribution worker).
KCK-PKK-DYG / Released: Davut Uçar (Özgür Gündem sales and marketing supervisor), Mikail Barut (Fırat Distrubution former worker), Sabri Acar (Azadiya Welat Şırnak worker).
No judicial information on Azadiya Welat worker Gökhan Gümüş, Hasan Pişkin and Özgür Halk distributor Hayri Bal.
Çetin released within KCK: Arrested within Siirt Kurtalan KCK raids (16 December 2011), DİHA reporter Abdullah Çetin has been released. (June 25 Haziran)
Keşkek also released: Arrested within DHKP-C raids (18 January 2013), Tavır magazine editor-in-chief Gamze Keşkek has been released. (June 11)
Özgür Boğatekin serves 1 week in jail: Özgür Boğatekin, Adıyaman Gerger Fırat newspaper editor and technical supervisor of website, has been sent to jail for resisting police officers during his father’s transfer to Gerger District Courthouse as Hacı Boğatekin has been standing trial for certain charges. (May 13 ) On the other hand, he was released within judiciary control measures after his first week from Adıyaman Semi-Open Prison. The journalist was ordered to labor in the municipality for a month and will carry an electronic-cuff for two months - a procedure that will require him to submit signatures to a police station every day. On the third month, he will only submit submit signatures every day and night. (May 20)
7 Released KCK Media case: İstanbul 3rd High Criminal Court released media workers Ramazan Pekgöz, Nurettin Fırat, Turabi Kişin, Yüksel Genç, Davut Uçar, Ertuş Bozkurt and Mikail Barut within KCK Media case. (May 12)
Advocate Ramazan Demir announced that Mikail Barut will not be released as he had another finalized conviction. the next hearing was set to July 10. Previously, the court rejected the released request for 7 defendants. on April 15.
Erdoğan and Namaz released: İstanbul 20th High Criminal Court released Özgür Radyo former coordinator and bianet writer Füsun Erdoğan and Atılım gazetesi writer Bayram Namaz and 5 other defendants. Füsun Erdoğan was sentenced to life for “changing the constitutional order by force as a MLKP organization leader” on 4 November 2013. (May 8)
The court, unlike other courts involved in the case, didn’t reject the defendants’ request, saying that “the explained verdict” has already been drafted. The aforementioned defendants have been jailed since 8 September 2006 within Operation Gaye raids. The court ruled that their minimum arrest terms have been violated within Law No 6526. Defense attorneys have applied to the Constitutional Court following the denial of their initial request for release. Previously, İstanbul 10th High Criminal Court convicted 4 defendants including Erdoğan and Namaz according to Turkish Penal Code Article 309.
Özgüneş released in KCK case: İstanbul 3rd High Crimial Court released all 34 Kurdish politicians including BDP officials and Azadiya Welat newspaper writer Hasan Özgüneş in KCK İstanbul Main Case. (April 24 Nisan)
Following the removal of Special-Duty courts in Turkey, İstanbul 3rd High Criminal Court took over the case and ordered 204 defendants to stand trial. Özgüneş was charged with “being an illegal organization member” (TCK 314/1) and “illegal organization propaganda” (TMK 7/2). Other notable defendants pending a trial included: Translator Ayşe Berktay (Hacımirzaoğlu), Prof. Dr. Büşra Ersanlı, publisher Ragıp Zarakolu, RED magazine writer Hakan Soytemiz and Özgür Gündem editor Kazım Şeker.
Yavuz released: İstanbul 3rd High Crimial Court released 5 defendants within KESK İstanbul case including Naciye Yavuz who was charged with “being a DHKPC organization member”. (April 21)
Birsin released: Following the removal of Special-Duty courts in Turkey, Diyarbakır 2nd High Criminal Court took over the Diyarbakır KCK Main case and ordered 175 (with 91 jailed) to stand trial. The court released 48 defendants including Gün TV editor Ahmet Birsin who was in jailed for 5 years. (April 12 Nisan)
Ünsal released: Yürüyüş magazine reporter Kaan Ünsal has been released after being jailed on 24 December 2010 (11 Nisan)
His case will resume at İstanbul 19th High Criminal Court on October 30. Ünsal was charged with getting involved in the activities of Youth Federation, a so-called branch of DHKPC. Other charges included attending a commemoration ceremony of İbrahim Çuhadar, a suicide attacker of a police station, as well as supporting textile worker movements.
9 journalists have been detained and released while covering Gezi anniversary, Soma mine disaster protests, May Day and incidents related to Syria. Among the notable detainees included CNN International reporter Ivan Watson and McClatchy newspaper Middle East Bureau Chief and Pulitzer-winning journalist Roy Gutman.
CNN reporter detained: Police asked the passport of CNN International reporter Ivan Watson on live coverage and detained him by force after his press card didn’t suffice to prove that he was a journalist covering the Gezi anniversary protests. (May 31)
2 reporters detained in İzmir: DHA reporter Mehmet Candan and Habertürk reporter Emrah Yılmaz have been detained for covering protest in Izmir related to the Soma Mining Disaster. (May 22)
Two detained in Soma: Agence Le Journal photo reporter Nazım Serhat Fırat have been detained for taking photos related to Soma Mining Disaster. Karşı Direniş reporter Burak Öz, on the other hand, have been detained by PM’s guards as he was interviewing the family members of deceased workers. Police also attempted to detain Hayat TV İzmir cameraman Yiğit Ali Mercan. (May 18)
Journalist detained on May Day: t24 internet website night-shift editor Deniz Zerrin have been detained in İstanbul as she was trying to run away from tear gas and find a refuge in her office. She was released 4 days after the incident. (May 1)
Pulitzer-winning journalist detained on border: Turkish Armed Forces announced that 2 Syrian and 1 American (journalist) nationals have detained by Ground Forces 2nd Border Patrol Unit’s Narlıca Hacıpaşa Border Point in Hatay Province. The aforementioned individuals were allegedly crossing the border via boats. (April 24)
The aforementioned journalist turned out to be Roy Gutman, McClatchy newspaper Middle East Bureau Chief and Pulitzer-winning journalist.
Two reporters detained: Police raided a factory occupied by greif workers in İstanbul’s Hadımköy district on Day 60, detaining Kızılbayrak newspaper reporter Mehmet Ali Karabulut and Alınteri newspaper reporter Zarife Çamalan. Karabulut has been assaulted during the detention. (April 10)
Attacks, Threats and Impediments
During the period of April-June 2014, 54 journalists, 1 local newspaper, 1 news website have been attacked; journalist was subjected to verbal assault; 1 newspaper and 5 journalists have been threatened including Alman Der Spiegel magazine reporter Hasnain Kazim. Taraf newspaper was subjected to a 5.5M lira tax fine. Zaman newspaper’s Prime Minister reporter Ahmet Dönmez sued PM, saying that he was verbally assaulted by him.
Taraf newspaper fined 5.5M for tax: Turkey’s Fiscal Ministry issued a 5.5M tax fine on Taraf newspaper and its umbrella company Alkım Publishing Co, saying that they have made “incomplete investigation” after 14 months of initial procedure. The fine was based on “ragged newspapers”. (June 27)
Search attempt to apartment without consent: Police reportedly attempted to search the family apartment of DİHA reporter Meltem Oktay in Dersim Mazgirt. She was reporting the roadblocking protests in Elazığ’s Karakoçan district on June 14. (June 24)
Writer’s phone allegedly tapped: Milliyet newspaper Cadde Supplement writer Ali Eyüboğlu wrote in his column that his phone calls were tapped, an allegation that he claimed to have learned from a police officer. “I will go to submit a statement on this issue,” he wrote. (June 18)
Sports commentator threatened: Basketball commentator Kaan Kural was subjected to a threat via twitter by Murat Özaydınlı, former administrator of Fenerbahçe Sports Club, after Kural wrote that the club was responsible from a fight in Ülker Sports Arena during a game. The aforementioned tweet, which was later on deleted by user, read as follows: “From now on, you will never get any job except commenting on NBA games.” (June 18)
“Gezi violence can’t stay unpunished”: İMC TV program producer and website reporter Gökhan Biçici released a statement condemning the impunity of police violence he was subjected during reporting Gezi protests in 2013 in Şişli’s Ergenekon Avenue in Istanbul. (June 17) The statement was supported by Journalist Association of Turkey (TGC) General Secretary Sibel Güneş, Journalist Union of Turkey (TGS) Mustafa Kuleli and Ali Ergin Demirhan from Çapul TV.
Dündar faces two consecutive burglaries: Cumhuriyet newspaper writer Can Dündar wrote that he had been burglaries, one in his apartment and other in his car, following the release of his article entitled “I went down to the living room, my thief was there”. Dündar’s computer was stolen as well. (June 10)
Nişanyan transferred to a third prison: Convicted of “illegal construction” in İzmir’s Şirince Village and being prisoned for 5 months, writer Sevan Nişanyan was initially tranferred to Buca Closed Prison and then to Aliağa Şakran Prison after writing that a prison guard was involved in a theft incident in prison. While he is being kept in
“solitary confinement” for 2 months, he wrote columnist Ezgi Başaran that he wouldn’t know how long he would be jailed unless an amnesty will be issued for “construction penalties”.
Journalist attacked: It was reported that the premisses of local Gerger Fırat newspaper in Adıyaman’s Gerger district was attacked even though it was located across the town hall - relatively a “secure” location. (June 6)
DİHA reporter face police violence: DİHA reporter Feyyaz İmrak has been assaulted by the police as he reported from Akdeniz University on a student protest related to the event in Rojava. The incident took place as he resisted police to keep his camera. The journalist was taken to surgery as his nose was broken. (June 6)
Journalist assaulted with knife: An unidentified person assaulted with a knife A. Uzay Karslı, Yeni Nesil newspaper managing editor located in Zonguldak’s Devrek district. Attacked while he was heading to the municipality for reporting, Karslı was slightly injured and threatened. (June 3)
10 reporters attacked, one threatened: Police asked the passport of CNN International reporter Ivan Watson on live coverage and detained him by force after his press card didn’t suffice to prove that he was a journalist covering the Gezi anniversary protests. (May 31)
Police also attacked bianet reporter Elif Akgül with rubber bullets, reporter Gökhan Biçici, ANF reporter Zeynep Kuray and journalist Berna Şahin battered.
“His name is Veysel. He battered me even though I showed my press ID along with others. He took my photo. Then he posed as well,” Elif Akgül wrote.
Evrensel newspaper reporter Erdal İmrek was subjected to pepper gas spray from a close radius; police also attacked Duygu Ayber from the same newspaper after checking her press credentials. While “Trust Teams” assaulted bianet reporter Ekin Karaca with their bats, they threatened Sinem Uğurlu from Evrensel newspaper. Journalist Ece Çelik was subjected to police battering in Osmanbey district as she attempted to report from the scene. Police also assaulted İnsanhaber sitesi reporter Ahmet Kerem Kaynar in Beşiktaş district in Istanbul as he was reporting.
While the police allegedly destroyed his press card, his cellphone was also confiscated. In Ankara, Italian journalist Piero Castellano suffered from chest injuries due to a police gas bomb canister. Dozens of police officers reportedly raided the apartment of Ceren Büyüktetik from Karşı newspaper, leaving the premisses after checking IDs of house dwellers.
Both attacked and filed a complaint: Arrested within 17 December 2013 Corruption Probe, Reza Zarrab assaulted Radikal newspaper reporter Fatih Yağmur as he attempted to photograph a construction in his mansion. (May 31)
Bullets at presenter’s apartment: Özge Uzun, presenter of “Özge ile Yeni Hayat” show at TV8, found a bullet struck to her 14th floor condo window in İstanbul’s Beylikdüzü district. (May 22)
Der Spiegel reporter receives death threat: Der Spiegel magazine reporter Hasnain Kazim said he had been receiving death threats after reporting a witness word’s “You have a way to hell, Erdoğan!” on Soma Mining Disaster. While the reporter said he received more than 10,000 messages via email, Twitter and Facebook, Der Spiegel declared that the report was reassigned to Hamburg for security reasons. (May 20)
13 reporters attacked in Soma: At least 13 journalists were subjected to police violence while reporting on Soma mining disaster protests across Turkey. (May 18)
Habertürk newspaper’s PM reporter Umut Tütüncü was punched in the face while reporting from PM’s residence in Istanbul’s Üsküdar district during his departure, security guards also attempted to detain the journalist. On the other hand, DİHA Ankara representative Kenan Kırkaya was injured by a rubber bullet. The police also battered Evrensel reporter Hasan Akbaş during the protests. Photojournalists Association of Turkey Chairman Rıza Özel also became the target of rubber bullets in Soma. Journalist Onur Öncü was assaulted. Police reportedly kicked Ulusal Kanal cameraman Serkan Bayraktar while working. BirGün newspaper photo reporter Recep Yılmaz also suffered from police violence in Ankara.
6 reporters attacked in Kocaeli: İhlas News Agency (İHA) reporter Kaan Ülker, Manşet Kocaeli newspaper reporter Uğur Enç, Anatolia News Agency (AA) reporter Yunus Emre Günaydın, Özgür Kocaeli newspaper reporter Deniz Karamert, Demokrat Kocaeli newspaper reporter Şive Bağdiken and Güç Medya reporter Selda Hatun Tan were subjected to police violence while covering Soma Mining Disaster protests in Kocaeli.
Vekil Kuzu’s tone: Following the mining disaster in Soma, AKP deputy Burhan Kuzu posted the following tweets: “Dead thives”, “dumbs” and “vampires”. On the other hand, he responded criticism with insults in Turkish. (May 16)
Two Evrensel newspaper distributors attacked: Evrensel newspaper distributors Çağıl Çağan Adıgüzel and Emre Kocaman was attacked by a group of unidentified individuals as they were reaching out workers in Kocaeli district. (May 16)
Al Jazeera reporter rebuked: PM Erdoğan rebuked a reporter from Al Jazeera during a live press conference regarding the Soma Mining Disaster. “As a journalist, you are not following how people work in the mines worldwide. It is maybe because there is no coal in Qatar... Look, after the health and security inspections in March, the mine was approved to be successful,” he said. (May 14)
Columnist Beki faces tax inspection: Subjected to back duty taxing, Hürriyet newspaper columnist Akif Beki was called in by Turkey’s tax authorities. (May 8)
Torture under detention: t24 internet website night shift editor Deniz Zerrin was detained on May Day while she was commuting to her office in Taksim Square, Istanbul. She said that she was subjected to police violence during her transfer to a medical institute for the completion of her detention. The incident took place as Samet and the journalist was together in an official vehicle with the license plate 34 A 69320 on May 3.
“Police officer battered me by hitting with his two hands on my cheeks and head even though my hands were cuffed. He also squeezed my cheeks,” said Zerrin in her statement.
13 reporters injured on May Day: At least 13 active-duty reporters were injured due to police tear gas and water canons during May Day demonstrations. They were also subjected to rubber bullets. (May 1)
ETHA reporter Ali Haydar Doğan broke his arm. Halk TV reporter Barış Yarkadaş, EPA foto reporter Sedat Suna and AFP photo-reporter Bülent Kılıç suffered from foot injuries. Milliyet newspaper photo reporter Ozan Güzelce suffered from a gas capsule wound in the right ankle. Sol newspaper reporter Elif Örnek suffered from a head injury. Mücadele Birliği magazine reporter Yusuf Ali Gümüşlü was injured in the arm. Yurt Gazetesi writer Hakan Gülseven was wounded in the nose. While Reuters reporter Osman Örsal suffered from left tibia, Sol newspaper reporter Emin Şentürk was shot with rubber bullets. Police also battered Haber portalı Duruş News editor-in-chief Metin Güneş from his foot. Journalist Fethullah Şenocak was hospitalized with a broken arm in Şişli district. Sendika.Org website reporter Murat Bay was subjected to a rubber bullet spree around Şişli, suffering from several burns on his skin.
2 DİHA reporters attacked: DİHA reporters Şerife Oruç and Selman Çiçek faced violence from the police and a group who call themselves “Wise Youth Club”. “The plain-cloth police made me drop my camera after hitting my hand. They seized my camera,” Çiçek said. Police also attempted to seize the camera of DİHA reporter Mehmet Curan, threatening him with detention. (April 30)
Cameraman hospitalized: Police teargassed DISK’s Marmara Region Representatives Council after their attempt to release a statement outside Gezi Park. Suffering from pepper gas spray in the face, Rudav TV cameraman Harun Işık lost conscious. He was later on hospitalized. (April 20)
Cameraman attacked: Cihan News Agency cameraman Ersan San has been battered as he was trying to cover a domestic violence case in İstanbul’s Beşiktaş district. Hospitalized, San also lost his camera as it got broken by the attacker. (April 17)
Presenter attacked: Yeni Asır TV presenter Engin Anlı was subjected to physical and verbal attack while covering a soccer game between Aydınspor 1923 and Göztepe in Izmir. (April 13)
Assault after reporting: Silvan Mücadele newspaper writer Ferhat Parlak has been battered after the release of his news story entitled “Who will be ashamed of this situation in Silvan?” on April 2 where he criticized a contractor who ran away a nearby village without completing a potable water project. (April 6)
2 reporters attacked: Marmaris TV cameramen Murat Arıkan and Özgen Kemer have been attacked while covering a conference. TGC released a statement, holding AKP mayor candidate Doğan Tugay responsible for the incident. The incident was also taken to the court. (April 3)
AA reporter attacked in Bayburt: Anatolian News Agency (AA) reporter Abdulkadir Nişancı was subjected to attack by an allegedly MHP-affiliated group while covering the objections submitted to Aydıntepe mayor elections. (April 3)
Cumhuriyet faces cyberattack: Cumhuriyet newspaper declared that their website has been attacked after releasing an article on the government's alleged plans to "start a war in Syria in order to win the elections". (April 3)
While the newspaper protested the cyberattacks, Telecom company said they have "blacklisted" the suspected users behind the incident. Upon motions, some users were removed from the blacklist.
Prosecutions, New / Ongoing Trials, Verdicts
Hacıoğlu to be tried in Şırnak: Detained on 31 August 2013 for being a PKK member and sent to Mardin E Type Prison 3 days after, DİHA's Uludere reporter Cüneyt Hacıoğlu will stand trial at Şırnak High Criminal Court in July.
15 new trials for Gündem and Demokratik Ulus: In a matter of 3 months, prosecutors launched 15 separate cases against Özgür Gündem newspaper responsible managing editor Reyhan Çapan and weekly Demokratik Ulus newspaper responsible managing editor Arafat Dayan for violating Anti-Terror Act Articles 6/2 or 7/2.
Çapan will stand the first trial on December 4, 2014 at İstanbul 2nd High Criminal Court regarding news stories on Özgür Gündem published between February 21 and March 29.
Arafat Dayan, on the other hand, will stand the first trial at İstanbul 2nd High Criminal Court regarding news stories published between February 25 and June 9.
Berkin Elvan slogan on trial: Prosecutors charged 11 defendants for being "an illegal organization member" and violating Law No 2911 after shouting the slogan "Berkin Elvan is immortal". While the defendants will be tried at İstanbul 10th High Criminal Court, they are facing prison sentence from 9 to 26 years. (June 26)
Taraf on trial: Taraf newspaper is facing trial for "violating the confidentiality of an investigation" after releasing an alleged phone conversation between PM Erdoğan and his son Bilal Erdoğan. Newspaper officials are facing prison sentence up to 3 years. (June 25)
No need for disclaimer: Adıyaman 1st Peace Court ruled that Adıyaman Duruş Newspaper's Article entitled "Highway Administration Supervisor Must Resign" on 17 December 2013 remained within the limits of expression freedom. The court declined the plaintiff highway administration's request to publish a disclaimer on the newspaper. (June 24)
Child faces Soma trial: Prosecutors charged A.K (13) with violating Law 2911 on Public Gatherings and Demonstrations for attending a protest against the mining disaster in Soma. The boy is facing prison sentence up to 3 years. (June 21)
"Within the limits of FoE": Turgutlu Prosecutor's Office in Izmir reviewed an investigation request against 13 BDP-affiliated individuals for "campaigning in favor of PKK/KCK". While the accusations were related to celebrations on March 8, March 21 and Öcalan's birthday, the office issued a nolle prosequi, saying that the actions were within the limits of expression freedom. (June 21)
Two journalists face anti-terror trial: Prosecuters charged Ü.Y.,the editor-in-chief of a İzmir based news outlet and Z.G., the grant holder and manager of an economy magazine with revealing identities of 3 policemen in the news about armed attack on 3 policemen on 25th March in Ümraniye, İstanbul. According to Anti-Terror Act Law Article 6/1, journalists are facing 1 to 3 years of imprisonment. (June 20).
The court justifies BirGün: Istanbul 32nd Peace Court judged the news which has been published under the title of “They got flurried about eliminating the documents” in terms of informing public. The court dismissed the case which was opened by Berat Albayrak, the groom of PM, in the condition that the newspaper would publish a disclaimer and correction. (June 17).
Complaint against Sinan Aygül: Employer Cemil Demir, whose car was bombed in Bitlis's Tatvan district, stated that the attack occured after Sinan Aygül, reporter of DİHA and editor of Bitlis News, published a news piece about bid and corruption associated with him. Demir filed a complaint against the journalist (June 11).
Selek's life sentence overturned: Supreme Court of Appeals 9th Penal Chamber dismissed the sentence of aggravated life imprisonment of local court in the case where sociologist Pınar Selek has been judged for her involvement in the Egyptian Bazaar explosion case, a trial that has been going on for 16 years. (June 11)
Tunca faces TKEP/L trial: Sami Tunca, editor of “Unity of Struggle in the New Phase” magazine and arrested after the protests in Sarıgazi neighborhood in Gezi Resistance, is standing trial for being a member of TKEP/L organization, as well as making propoganda of that organization, actively taking place in protests, participating in violent protests in Sarıgazi, violating the law 2911, and resisting the police.
Prosecutors drafted an indictment dated on 20 January 2014, charging Tunca besides “being member of the organization”, but also "making propaganda for 15 times", violating Law 2911 for 9 times and "resisting the police" for 3 times.
Tunca is accused of participating in 16 different protests, one of which is death anniversary of Hrant Dink. Istanbul High Criminal Court will open the case on July 2nd. He was already convicted of 11 years 6 months from another case.
Why did Constitutional Court unblock Youtube? Turkey's Constitutional Court released its justification of verdict on the block on access as ultra vires through which block on access to Youtube was removed. “Ministry of Telecommunication may make inconvenient contents unavailable, however this jurisdiction is not clear enough. The jurisdiction is subtle in terms of legality, too,” Constitutional Court stated. (June 6).
Eren Keskin as defendant of Article 301: Eren Keskin, defender of human rights and advocate, is charged with “humiliating Turkishness, Republic, and government bodies and institutions” in Çerkezköy Assize Court. “Government has such a fierce consciousness, so that it murders 12-years-old kid. Turkey has to account for it,” she said. Standing trial in Çerkezköy Assize Court by the approval of Minister of Justice, Keskin was interrogated by the order of Çağlayan 5th Assize Court. (June 4)
On 4 October 2013, Turkey's Constitutional Court had asserted about application for the cancellation of Article 301 with the following statement: “I refused it before. I will not deal with the new case before 10 years.”
soL' case begins: Istanbul 2nd Assize Court has opened tha case of Hafize Kazcı, the director of Newspaper soL, for publishing headlines “Erdoğan Who Is in Charge” and “Minister, fond of Gas, Blamed the Public” published on September 11 and 12. (June 3)
Kazcı faces prison sentence of 12 years and is charged with “inciting public to disobey the laws, to overtly commit a crime, and hate and hostility, and praising the crime and criminal.” Lawyer Several Ballıkaya asserted that denunciations of plaintiffs were put into indictment as they are written at the beginning and told that case wasn’t opened on time. The case will continue on 14 October.
İmrek files a complaint on the police: Erdal İmrek, the editor of Evrensel Newspaper, filed a complaint against the police because police attacked him on 31 May, the anniversary of Gezi Resistance, while he was performing his job in Taksim. (June 3)
Ahmet Hakan testifies: Hürriyet Newspaper columnist Ahmet Hakan submitted his statement to İstanbul Prosecutor İsmail Uçar in the frame of an investigation about a corruption probe held on 25 December 2013. PM is considered to be included in this operation. (June 3)
Arrest Warrant for Akfırat and Türkkan is revoked: İstanbul 4th High Criminal Court revoked an arrest warrant for Ulusal Kanal former director Adnan Akfırat and its former editor-in-chief Kanal Adnan Türkkan. The decision was issued in the case of Ergenekon of 275 defendants on 5 August 2013. However, prohibition of traveling abroad will persist. (June 3)
Ulusal Kanal faces trial: İstanbul 2nd Assize Court ordered Ulusal Kanal director Naci Eriş for inciting individuals to commit crime within its broadcasting during Gezi Resistance. He faces a prison sentence of 7.5 years.
National Security Council case for Baransu, Çoban: Prosecutors launched a lawsuit against Taraf Newspaper columnist Mehmet Baransu and its responsible editor Murat Şevki Çoban due to the headline “Decision of Eliminating Gulen Was Made by NSC in 2004”, an article published on 28 November 2013. They will be judged for the “supplying documents of state related to its security”, “revealing information of the state through media, that need to be confidential for the sake of state’s internal and foreign political benefits”, and “revealing information and documents of National Intelligence Organization related to its duties and actions through media”. Anadolu High Criminal Court will judge both of them having faced prison sentence from 26 to 52 years. (May 22)
Youtube unblocked after Constitutional Court decree: Constitutional Court determined that the blockage of youtube by the Ministry of Telecommunication by March 27 is a right violation. Constitutional Court sent its ruling to Ministry of Telecommunication and Transport. (May 29) Youtube was unblocked on 3 June.
Ankara 4th Administrative Court had issued a ruling of motion for the stay of execution of Youtube. Youtube was blocked on 27 March because a video record made in Foreign Affairs about Syria Summit was published before 30 March local elections. (May 7)
Metin Feyzioğlu, Chairman of Union of Turkish Bar Associations, had individually applied to the Constitutional Court on account of the fact that their is no judiciary solution for dismissing the blockage of Youtube (April 7). Other applicants were Prof. Dr. Yaman Akdeniz from İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, Asst. Prof. Dr. Kerem Altıparmak from Ankara University, and Lawyer Gönenç Gürkaynak on behalf of Youtube.
Meanwhile, Gölbaşı Assize Court decided on second blockage of Youtube for not removing contents. (April 4)
Government asserted that voice record confidentially made during the Syria summit organized by Foreign Affair has an impact on Youtube blockage. On the other hand, “Law of Crimes to the Detriment of Atatürk” in the order dated 17 March and numbered 2014/358 of Gölbaşı Peace Court was mentioned. Telecommunication Authorities (TİB) blocked Youtube within the statement of “with respect to the order of court and law (Law of Crimes to the Detriment of Atatürk) number of 5651 as per article 8, 1/b access to the website is prohibited by TİB.” The same court made the decision of Constitutional Court (about Twitter) on 2 April into consideration due to objection of Unity of Turkish Bar Associations (TBB). The Court emphasized that internet usage is important in terms of basic rights and freedom and Youtube blockage is a prevention of freedom of speech of whole Youtube users. Due to objection of TBB it is understood that Youtube is blocked within the investigation of “crime of revealing information which needs to remain confidential for the political and military spying.”
Reasoned decision for Ergenekon Case: 8 months later from provision, İstanbul 13th High Criminal Court could put the reasoned decision of Ergenekon Case on paper of 16,600 pages. Investigation on Ergenekon had started on June, 2007 and the case started on 5 August 2013 (April 3).
Imprisonment to “Allah CC” account in Twitter: Muş Peace Court sentenced teacher Ertan P. To imprisonment of 15 months within the claim of that “he overtly insulted religious values” by using his Twitter account named “Allah CC” (a word said by Muslims for showing respect to Allah). His sentence is not postponed and if Supreme Court of Appeals approved the decision, he will be put in prison (May 29).
Lawsuit against scolding by PM: Ahmet Dönmez, reporter in Zaman Newspaper, sued PM for damages of 50 thousand TL for PM scolded him through the words “You act according to directives of place you work for.” PM scolded him when he posed a question about the claim of villas in Urla, censorship to Habertürk, and sale of Sabah-Atv media group (May 23)
Criticism of Atatürk counted as freedom of speech: Bakırköy 2nd Assize Court commented the headline of Yeni Akit Newspaper “Olmasaydı da olurduk” (it denies the belief of that Turkey wouldn’t exist if Atatürk didn’t do what he had done for Turkey). Yeni Akit had taken the headline from Sancaktar Magazine which they wrote on the death anniversary of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (May 21).
Case against Gang Gülsuyu: Anadolu 10th High Criminal Court approved the indictment for incidence ended up with the death of Hasan Ferit Gedik on September, 2013 and injuries of many people, including Dilara Keskin, reporter in Fırat News Agency (DİHA), on August in Gülsuyu, İstanbul (May 20).
In the indictment of 311 pages, 35 defendants will be judged for crimes of “malicious injury”, “forming crime organization and being member of it”, “aggravated robbery”, and “attempting felonious homicide”. Defendants face prison sentence of 11 to 269 years.
Phone hacking investigations for 5 journalists: Prosecutors launched an investigation into Emrah Uslu, columnist in Taraf Newspaper and Today’s Zaman, Ekrem Dumanlı, editor-in-chief of Zaman Newspaper, Bülent Keneş, editor-in-chief of Today’s Zaman, Abdulkerim Balcı and Celil Sağır, columnists in Today’s Zaman, and also 3 commissioners of police within the claim of spying on the phone calls of journalist Tutkun Akbaş (May 17).
The investigation is conducted over crimes of “forming organization for the purpose of committing crime”, “being member of that organization”, “malpractice”, and “violating privacy”.
Prison sentence to 2 Ekşi Sözlük writers: İstanbul Anadolu 32nd Peace Court convicted the founder of “Ekşi Sözlük” website Sedat Kapanoğlu to 10 months of prison for “overtly humiliating religious values appropriated by a faction of society” - a penalty that was later on suspended. (May 16)
The case was triggered by a complaint by Ali Emre Bukağılı. Defendant Özgür Kuru was also convicted to 7 months and 15 days of prison for similar charges; however the penalty was postponed as the court was convinced that such act would not repeat again. Altuğ Şahin, another suspect, was acquitted. The files of 37 defendants were postponed providing that they would not commit a similar crime for 3 years.
Penalty and fine for resisting police: Özgür Boğatekin, editor-in-chief of Adıyaman province-based Gerger Fırat newspaper and technical head of website, has been convicted to 5 months of prison for resisting the police while his father Hacı Boğatekin was escorted to the courtroom in Gerger for his hearing. Years later, he was also arrested. (May 13)
While Supreme Court of Appeals 4th Penal Chamber overturned a ruling on insult (11 months and 20 days), it admitted another ruling for 5 months of prison. Boğatekin was sent to Adıyaman Semi-Closed Prison.
Çiftçi asked for ratification: Prosecutor’s Office Under Supreme Court of Appeals requested the ratification of DİHA reporter Murat Çiftçi’s conviction to 8 years and 9 months of prison on October 17, 2013 for forcing Urfa KCK case witness Gülistan Encü for an interview. (May 13)
Diyarbakır 7th High Criminal Court convicted the defendant for charges associated with “willingly and knowingly aiding an illegal organization despite not being a member”.
Opan jailed and released: Nazan Dikici Opan has been released from prison as she had to live there with her two children. (May 13) She was convicted to 10 months of prison for releasing a statement on Women’s Day that urged for the improvement of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan’s prison conditions.
Odatv case set to 2015: İstanbul 18th High Criminal Court will resume the Odatv case on January 30, 2015. The list of non-jailed defendants are as follows: Journalists Ahmet Şık and Nedim Şener as well as Soner Yalçın, Barış Pehlivan, Barış Terkoğlu, Yalçın Küçük, Sait Çakır, Doğan Yurdakul, Müyesser Yıldız, Coşkun Musluk, Mümtaz İdil, Ayfer İklim Kaleli from Odatv, and former police commissioner Hanefi Avcı.
MIT found guilty for tapping Taraf: İstanbul 9th Administrational Court found Turkey’s Intelligence Organization MIT guilty of tapping Taraf newspaper former chief editors Ahmet Altan, Yasemin Çongar, Markar Eseyan and columnist Mehmet Baransu between 2008 and 2009 under “fight with terrorism” category. (May 12)
Complaint for Bitlis News: A business person filed a complaint against Bitlis News website run by DİHA reporter Sinan Aygül for publishing stories on May 6 related to biddings. (May 10)
Application for Tayip Temel: DİHA editor Tayyip Temel’s lawyers requested from Diyarbakır 2nd High Criminal Court the release of their client along with 7 other defendants within Diyarbakır KCK main case. (May 8)
On April 22, Diyarbakır 3rd High Criminal Court declined the release request of 43 defendants including Tayip Temel, saying that “they could run away, obscure evidence and influence witnesses”.
Nolle prosequi for 2 websites: Ankara Prosecutor’s Office decided not to follow up charges for two websites which released voice recordings related to Fethullah Gülen and December 17 Corruption Probe. (May 8)
“Media and investigative journalism ensure the healthy functioning of democracy by inspecting the political decisions, actions and negligences of the government as well as facilitating the participation of citizens to the decision-making process,” the ruling said.
4 newspapers face elections investigation: Through Media Publishing Institution, Interior Ministry launched an investigation into BirGün, soL, Cumhuriyet and Sözcü newspapers for charges related to publishing allegations on elections frauds under “violating media ethics”.
On April 2, Interior Ministry’s Media and Public Relations Interim Advisor Fatih Dursun sent out a statement to the aforementioned newspapers. While the statement was declared on May 2, 4 media outlets were asked for their statement in 10 days.
Nolle prosequi for 4 newspapers: İstanbul Prosecutor’s Office decided not to follow up charges on Radikal columnists Murat Yetkin, Uğur Gürses and reporters Fatih Yağmur, İsmail Sağıroğlu related to their coverage on Corruption Probe under “influencing the trial process”. (May 7)
“Snail’’ investigation: Adil Okay faced an investigation for sending a snail photo and sketches that looked like an escape plan to jailed writer Kasım Karataş at Karabük T Type Closed Prison. Okay submitted his statement at a police station. (May 2)
Same article faces prison, nolle prosequi: İstanbul 2nd Assize Court convicted Cumhuriyet newspaper’s former columnist Bekir Coşkun to 1 year 2 months and 17 days of prison for “defamation through the means of media”.
The complaint was submitted by AKP deputies Metin Külünk, Mihriban Belma Satır, Tülay Selamoğlu, Sevda Beyazıt Kaçar, Sevim Savaşer and Ayşenur İslamoğlu. (April 30) The court also decided to postpone the declaring of judgment.
On the other hand, Coşkun will be sent to prison for another piece entitled “Painted stairs” published on September 4, 2013, providing that he commits the same “crime” again.
Previously, AKP Manisa deputy Selçuk Özdağ filed a complaint against Coşkun as well - a request declined by Manisa Prosecutor’s Office.
News story sharing student faces investigation: Özyeğin University student Kemal Alican Yeğen faced a disciplinary investigation for sharing an article by bianet on another investigation against a student for sharing articles via social media. (April 25)
soL faces “violating of secrecy” trial: İstanbul Anadolu Media Prosecutor’s Office charged soL newspaper editor-in-chief Hafize Kazcı to up to 3 years of prison for the coverage on Halkbank former GM Süleyman Aslan under “violating the secrecy of trial”. (April 25)
Internet Law at Constitutional Court: CHP Group Chief Interim Chairman Akif Hamzaçebi released a statement saying that they have applied to the Constitutional Court for the suspension of 15 Law articles including Law 5651 on the regulation of internet publishing, Public Bidding Law, Social Security Law and Taxing Procedures Law. (April 17)
Article 301 Investigation: Antalya Labor and Democracy Forces organized a demonstration on 26 December in order to protest 17 December 2013 Corruption Probe. After that, they faced an investigation under the claim of “insulting Government of Republic of Turkey” (Turkish Penal Code, Article 301) (April 14).
PM sued under Article 301: Mahmut Tanal, İstanbul CHP parliamentarian filed a criminal complaint against PM as per article 301 under the claim that he insulted Constitutional Court and made unfavorable decisions for nation’s good (April 14).
Failure to shut down Bolu Gündem: The Municipal Police arrived in the office of Bolu Gündem to shut it down. However, they needed to leave the office without shutting it down because Süha Alparslan, the owner of the newspaper, showed them the decision of stay of execution made by 1st İstanbul Administrative Court (April 8).
Cumhuriyet faces monetary penalty: İstanbul 2nd Assize Criminal Court sentenced Cumhuriyet Newspaper penalty of 20,000 liras for they revealed the identity of Berkin Elvan in the news article entitled “Ailenin İsyanı” (Clamour of the Family) on 16 December 2013. Berkin Elvan died in 269 days after being struck on the head by a teargas canister (April 8).
Twitter is unblocked: Constitutional Court ruled that rights of Twitter users are violated and Twitter should be unblocked (April 2). The court sent its decision to TİB (Telecommunication Authorities) and Ministry of Transportation for further action. Twitter was unblocked on 3 April.
Demirer charged: Adana 10th High Criminal Court judges journalist and author Temel Demirer, for “propagandizing for terrorist organization” by commemorating Mehmet Latifeci, district head of DEP (Democracy Party), and Mahir Çayan, leader of Revolutionist Community Salvation Party Side’ (DHKP-C), with a group of 70 in Samandağ, Hatay. The prosecutor of the trial demanded Demirer and 14 other demonstrators to be charged. Trial will continue on 4 April.
Defendant from İMC: Nowruz Celebrations were held at Ankara University in 2013. 41 students and İMC Tv reporter Eren Güvendik face prison sentence up to 12 years in a trial held by Ankara 17th Assize Court. (April 1)
42 defendants are charged with “violating Public Gathering and Demonstration Law”, “violence against security forces”, “damaging public property”, and “preventing education and governmental authorities to work”.
Defamation, Individual Rights, and Actions for Damages
Between April and June 2014, various courts sentenced journalist Bekir Coşkun imprisonment of 1 year 2 months 17 days with postponement and caricaturist Mehmet Düzenli of 3 months 3 days; author Nihat Behram penalty of 1,740 liras and student A. B. of 7,000 liras with postponement. Last year in the same term, sum of sentences was imprisonment of 1 year 2 months and penalty of 13,500 liras.
38 individuals are convicted of imprisonment of 2 months 15 days and penalty of 227,400 liras in total for the reason of insulting PM and violating his individual rights.
2 complaints against Oda TV: Mustafa Varant, PM advisor, filed Oda TV 2 criminal complaints under the claim that Oda TV made news articles due to information gained through his hacked account (June 29).
Businessperson Mehmet Cengiz filed a lawsuit for damages of 10,000 liras against administrators of Oda Tv website Soner Yalçın and Barış Pehlivan as well as CHP (Republican’s People Party) parliamentarian Aykut Erdoğdu for an Oda Tv article with the headline “Mehmet Cengiz, the Cashier of All Time” (June 30).
Lawsuit by TÜRGEV against CHP leader: TÜRGEV (Turkey Youth and Education Services Foundation) managed by Bilal Erdoğan- son of PM- filed a lawsuit for damages of 100,000 liras against CHP (Republican’s People Party) leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu under the claim that he harmed the reputation of the foundation by making a claim of corruption during the CHP group meeting held on 23 June (June 27).
Dündar faces a lawsuit: Prosecutors filed a lawsuit against journalist Uğur Dündar under the claim that he wrote in his column in Sözcü Newspaper about the allegations of 2nd airfield in Sabiha Gökçen Airport and insulted Binali Yıldırım, old Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communication via his twitter account (June 26). Facing imprisonment of 4-8 years, Dündar was ordered to stand trial in İstanbul Anatolian 2nd Assize Court.
Reasoned decision for Ekşi Sözlük case: Anatolian Justice Palace 32nd Peace Court had sentenced Sedat Kapanoğlu -founder of Ekşi Sözlük website- to imprisonment of 10 months. In the reasoned decision related of that case, the court stated that “he didn’t bring any limitation to contents of writings”, “any one can access to these writings and they might damage the public peace” (June 11).
A writer of the website Özgür Kuru was convicted of insulting those adopted religious values through his piece of writing including sentences as “to sit a table with Raki during Ramadan” and he was sentenced to imprisonment of 7 months 15 days.
Investigation into 72 writers of Ekşi Sözlük: Prosecutors launched an investigation into 72 writers of Ekşi Sözlük under the claim that they criticized Nihal Bengisu Karaca -columnist in Habertürk Newspaper- by claiming that she organized an attack towards a woman with headscarf in Kabataş during Gezi Resistence. Writers were called for interrogation for the investigation (June 3).
Action for damages of 1.9 million liras against Taraf: Saving Deposit Insurance Fund (TMSF), Ciner Group and Acun Ilıcalı filed a suit for damaged against Taraf Newspaper for the news stories about the sale of Show TV. The sum of the suits for damages is 1.9 million liras (June 2). A year ago, TMSF sold Show TV to Ciner Group for 402 million dollars. TMSF seized Show TV again and justified it through stay of the execution granted by İstanbul 4th Administrative Court.
Sentence for Behram: Poet-writer Nihat Behram was fined 740 liras for calling Sedat Selim- authority in Anti-Terror Department as “torturer” by İstanbul 2nd Assize Court. “To call someone as ‘torturer’ whose being torturer was approved by the court is not a crime” stated he in his defense (May 27).
Complaint against Özdil: Yusuf Şener, a citizen living in Kırıkkale, filed a criminal complaint against Yılmaz Özdil, columnist in Hürriyet Newspaper, for he said in a TV program about the workplace murder in Some: “Miners deserved death because they voted AKP” (May 20).
Complaint by PM against Taraf: PM filed a criminal complaint against Taraf Newspaper for a news piece published regarding a voice recording made between PM Erdoğan and his son Bilal Erdoğan (May 14).
The complaint statement cited that December 17 and 25 crackdowns aimed to demolish Republic of Turkey and it was coup through jurisdiction. The newspaper was also accused of “aiding a sound editing and blackmail gang, cooperating and helping them”.
“The parties released these edited sound recordings with a sense of cooperation according to their political goals,” it cited referring to Kılıçdaroğlu’s comments on the case. It also mentioned Turkish Penal Code Articles 132/1.2, 133/1.2, 134/1.2 and 137.
Çölaşan faces Bilal Erdoğan case: Sözcü newspaper columnist Emin Çölaşan submitted his testimony in the case where he was sued by PM’s son Bilal Erdoğan for defamation in his article entitled “Welcome back Bilal kid” on January 14. (May 12)
Önal’s penalty on way to 3rd judicial package: Supreme Court of Appeals General Office requested a review of the case of Şarköy’s Voice newspaper writer Yakup Önal where he was convicted of 2 years 3 months and 4 days of prison for criticizing the municipal officer through a series of articles entitled “Mayor Pinocchio and 9 dwarves”. The aforementioned was requested to be reviewed within Turkey’s 3rd judicial package. (May 8)
ETHA faces “torturer” trial: İstanbul 48th Assize Court Prosecutor charged Goncagül Telek, ETHA reporter and news editor, with insulting Sedat Selim Ay, Istanbul Vice Police Commissioner in charge of counter-terrorism. The prosecutors also requested for clearance on accusation charges. (May 7)
Telek is charged up to 3 years of prison. Previously, İstanbul 9th High Criminal Court admitted a motion on the suspension of trial according to Law No 6352. “We don’t want a suspension, but acquittal,” attorneys requested - which restarted the trial process. The next hearing was set to September 9.
Defamation and assault without threat: Şarköy Peace Court convicted CHP Local Party Assembly member Hidayet Kaçar to pay 2,000 liras for “assaulting” weekly Şarköy’s Voice newspaper writer Yakup Önal. The announcement of judgement, on the other hand, was suspended. The court also ruled that Kaçar neither insulted nor threatened. (May 6)
“Insulting” Gökçek: Ankara 7th Assize Court convicted university student A. B. of insulting Ankara Metropolitan Mayor Melih Gökçek with the tweet message “Would you really cut off water during Ramadan, don’t be a fag..t”. The court found the student guilty of “insulting a public officer”, ordering him to pay 7,000 liras. The judgement, however, was postponed. (April 30)
“Bakara-Makara” sued: Former chief EU negotiator Egemen Bağış filed a complaint against journalist Mehmet Baransu, saying that Baransu made an insulting comment on twitter regarding the alleged conversation between him and Hürriyet newspaper former Ankara representative Metehan Demir, an incident also known as “Bakara-Makara” talks within Turkey’s corruption probe. Baransu is facing a fine of 10,000 liras. (April 26)
Uğur Dündar charged to pay 200K liras: Former Transportation Minister Binali Yıldırım filed a complaint against Sözcü newspaper columnist Uğur Dündar for defamation, saying that Dündar insulted him in his column regarding the construction of a second landing platform at Istanbul’s Sabiha Gökçen Airport. While the case will be held at İstanbul Anadolu Courthouse 23rd Assize Court, Dündar is charged with 200,000 liras as non-pecuniary damages. (April 26)
Columnist faces Twitter lawsuit: Due to complaint by Binali Yıldırım, old Minister of Transport, prosecutors launched a lawsuit against Mehmet Baransu, columnist in Taraf Newspaper, for his tweet “I can easily understand why Binali Yıldırım is scared. He will pay for what he did very soon. He will pay for all what he did, including suitcases he carried money with…” Baransu is judged with the crime of insult and threat and he faces the imprisonment of 3 years 2 months. Indictment was sent to Ankara Peace Penal Court (April 17).
Writing on the wall sentenced: Antalya 17th Assize Penal Court sentenced Naim Doğan to 1 year of prison for writing “Ahmet Atakan is immortal” on a wall. 22-year-old Ahmet Atakan had died during Gezi protests in Hatay. Naim Doğan was convicted of “public property damage”, but his sentence was commuted into a fine of 6,000 liras. (April 16)
Lawsuits against pro-government media: Islamic opinion leader Fethullah Gülen filed 63 complaints against Sabah Newspaper and 15 lawsuits opened for damages for its news stories about 17 December investigation. It is also stated that he filed 32 lawsuits against Yeni Şafak Newspaper, 30 lawsuits and a suit for damages of 150 liras against Star Newspaper (April 11).
Sertel Case postponed: In accordance with Turkish Law No 6352 Provisional Article 1/1-b, Karşıyaka Assize Penal Court postponed the prosecution in the case of Atilla Sertel, chairman of İzmir Journalists’ Association (April 11). Sertel was judged under the claim that he insulted İbrahim Çiftçi, Director of İzmir Regional Forestry, when he reacted against tree-cutting in Hatıra Forest.
Sertel faced an action for damages of 7,500 liras after he said: “As long as this director is in İzmir, none of trees in İzmir safe.”
Caricaturist sentenced to prison: Antalya 2nd Peace Penal Court sentenced caricaturist Mehmet Düzenli to 3 months 3 days for he insulted Adnan Oktar- known as an author and Islamic creationist- through his cartoons published in his website. (April 10)
Düzenli neither object the decision of the court and nor demand his sentence to be commuted to a fine. “I will keep on drawing in prison” he said and put in prison.
Journalist acquitted of defamation: İstanbul 36th Peace Penal Court acquitted journalist Ahmet Şık, who was charged for insulting the police on the job in Beyoğlu on 11 September 2013 by calling them “fascist” and threatened them (April 10).
Şık is being judged for insulting and threatening 39 prosecutors and an adjudicator verbally while he was leaving the prison in Silivri on 12 March 2012.
“Defamation” case against Baransu: Press Prosecutors under Anatolia Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office launched a case into Mehmet Baransu, columnist in Taraf Newspaper, under the claim that he defamed Efkan Âlâ, Minister of Internal Affairs, in a news piece headlined “Community against Government Is On the Blacklist” on 2 December 2013.
Baransu is facing 1 year and 4 months of prison according to the indictment submitted to Anatolia 2nd Assize Penal Court.
Nolle prosequi for PM: Taraf Newspaper and columnist Mehmet Baransu had filed a criminal complaint into PM Erdoğan on 7 December 201, claiming that PM insulted people in a speech he delivered in Tekirdağ. Tekirdağ Chief Prosecutor Office decided not to follow accusations. However, PM considered a news piece headlined “Decision of Eliminating Gülen Movement Was Made in MGK in 2004” equal to treason (April 8).
Kırıkkanat acquits: İstanbul 2nd Assize Court acquitted Cumhuriyet newspaper columnist Mine Kırıkkanat for insulting religious leader Adnan Oktar with her article published on 24 July 2013. (April 8)
PM’s troubles
Acquittal in Aydın and Dersim, conviction in Mudanya: Mudanya 2nd Peace Court found 28 defendants guilty of “insulting public officers” for shouting slogans “Thief Erdoğan” and “Murderer Erdoğan”, ordering them to pay 7,080 liras. The announcement of 25 defendant’s verdict have been suspended. (June 30)
On the other hand, Aydın 1st Peace Court acquitted 2 defendants from the same charges, referring to European Declaration of Human Rights Article 10. Tunceli Peace Court also issued a similar verdict for “Murderer Erdoğan” shouting protestors during a demonstration against Turkish military operations in Northern Iraq in 2010.
BirGün newspaper faces PM and TÜRGEV case: PM Erdoğan and his son Bilal Erdoğan as well as business people mentioned in the TÜRGEV parliamentary digest (Abdülkerim Çay and Cengiz Aktürk) filed a complaint against BirGün newspaper editor-in-chief Barış İnce and BirGün columnist Aykut Erdoğdu for publishing a related article on March 3, 2014. (June 25)
Facebook message convicted: İstanbul 30th Peace Court found Ecem Fatma A guilty of insulting PM during Gezi Resistance, ordering to pay her 6,080 liras - a penalty that was suspended in the condition that she won’t commit another crime for 5 years. (June 19)
Complaint against Uğur Dündar: PM and his son Bilal Erdoğan filed a complaint for defamation against journalist Uğur Dündar who mentioned CHP leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu’s allegations on money transfers from Saudi Arabia to TÜRGEV. (June 7)
Samanyolu TV editor faces trial: Prosecutor Sıddık İlgar charged Samanyolu TV editor Abdullah Bağ with “accusation and igniting public to hatred” for broadcasting a distorted version of PM’s speech in Niğde rally on March 4. (June 6)
While İstanbul Anatolian 9th Assize Court will open the case, the journalist is facing 2 years and 10 months t0 11 years and 2 months.
No prosecution for Can Dündar: İstanbul Prosecutor’s Office decided not to follow defamation charges for Cumhuriyet newspaper columnist Can Dündar when he wrote the article “Erdoğan will be tried”. (June 5)
3 youngsters face “Fascist Tayyip” trial: Kocaeli 2nd Peace Court opened the case of E.T, B.T and İ.İ where three youngsters are standing trial for insulting PM when they wrote “Fascist, thief, shoe box, you wanted this, thief AKP” on various billboards located in İzmit province on 28 January 2014. (June 4)
Erdoğan caricature fined: Didim Peace Penal Court sentenced the lawyer Mehmet Gölebatmaz to a 6,080 lira fine on the account that he insulted PM in cartoons which were about Gezi Resistence and hanged on the wall during World Peace Day celebrations on 31 August 2013 (June 1).
2 defendants face prison due to a banner: Kırklareli 1st Peace Penal Court opened the case of Çiçek Güçlü and Deniz Gülşen, carriers of a banner “The robber is here!” written on it during a public demonstration of PM in Kırklareli. Two defendants face 2 years of prison. (May 28).
Lawsuit against “Robber” on FB: Prosecutors launched a lawsuit against İbrahim Erim, a citizen from Antalya, under the claim that he called PM “as robber” on his Facebook page and he faces imprisonment of 7 years. It is claimed that Erim insulted a public officer and encouraged public to commit a crime (May 28).
Parliamentary digest for Kılıçdaroğlu: A parliamentary digest was prepared for Republican’s People Party leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu on the account that he called PM as “robber, liar, crook, dictator” in a demonstration organized in Tekirdağ prior to local elections (May 27).
Investigation into 6 CHP members: 6 CHP (Republican’s People Party), including Osman Kilik, Chairman of İstanbul Youth Branches, face an investigation under the claim that they participated in protests in Konya and there insulted PM, a public officer on the job (May 23).
Lawsuit against book “Gezi Fenomeni”: İstanbul 2nd Assize Penal Court launched a lawsuit against journalist-author Erol Özkorayon on the account that he insulted PM through his book entitled “Gezi Fenomeni” (Gezi Phenomenon), a publication released by Idea Politika. (May 22)
He faces imprisonment of 2 years 8 months since there are anonymous writings and slogans written on the wall during Gezi Protests.
PM causes Pişkin to be sentenced: İstanbul 18th Peace Penal Court sentenced Levent Pişkin to 2 months and 15 days of prison on the account that Levent Pişkin wrote “I’m expecting Erdoğan to make a statement like ‘I’m a perfect faggot, you can’t teach me how to be a faggot. Kisses” after PM Erdoğan said “If being Alevi means to love Ali, I’m a perfect Alevi.” The court change sentence to a financial punishment of 1,500 liras (May 22).
Pişkin was convicted of “insulting a public officer on the job” on the second trial.
“Killer Erdoğan” slogan fined: Mersin 1st Peace Penal Court sentenced Terfa Arıç, Songül Seçmen, Abdullah Ölmez, Hakim Baykara, Hediye Bakrak, and Peru Dündar to a fine of 7,000 liras for attending Nowruz celebration in Van and Hakkari in 2008 and shouting the slogan “Killer Erdoğan”. (May 17)
The defendants were initially acquitted but they were convicted after lawyers of PM appealed.
CHP member to pay for damages: Ankara 13th Assize Law Court convicted CHP deputy Hüseyin Aygün for insulting PM Erdoğan via Twitter during Gezi Resistence. The court sentenced him to pay for non-pecuniary damages of 25,000 liras. (April 22)
17 individuals face “PM” trial: Prosecutors charged 17 individuals affiliated with ÖDP and TKP with “insulting a public officer” for putting up posters during an AKP rally during 30 March 2014 elections. (April 22)
While all defendants are facing prison sentence from 3 months to 2 years, 14 will also face prison sentence up to 4 years for “resisting an officer to perform a profession”.
PM, a “Twitter” victim: İzmir 1st Peace Court has admitted the status of PM Erdoğan as plaintiff in the case where 29 defendants are facing trial for “insulting PM via twitter” and igniting public not to obey rules” during Gezi Resistance in Izmir. However, it declined to call PM for witnessing and remove some “unlawful” evidence. (April 21)
Defendant İlayda U said the following during the hearing: “At the time, there were massive protests. I only tweeted about the locations of infirmaries for the injured, I didn’t have any bad intentions.” Defendant Emrah G, on the other hand, said the following: “There is no way that I am igniting people not to obey rules. I tweeted to react against the excessive force by the law enforcement. I am still sorry that such thing happened." Other defendants pleaded not guilty either. The case will resume on July 14.
Supreme Court of Appeals disagrees with Erdoğan: Supreme Court of Appeals 4th Penal Chamber overturned a ruling by Ankara 20th Assize Court that ordered Taraf newspaper and its columnist Ahmet Altan to pay 15,000 liras as non-pecuniary damages to PM Erdoğan due to an article in 2012. “You should be tolerant to criticism,” the new ruling said. Taraf, on the other hand, republished Altan’s article. (April 18)
PM applies to Constitutional Court: PM Erdoğan used his personal right to filed a complaint to the Constitutional Court against a twitter user called ”BASCALAN”, saying that the released voice recordings accused him and his family of corruption. (April 18)
The application also added that the aforementioned recordings were also shared by the user "ismailsaymaz" which was retweeted by Emre Uslu to his 400,000 followers - a way of sharing that was also taken by journalists Önder Aytaç and Mehmet Baransu. PM asked for 50,000 liras as non-pecuniary damages.
CHP member faces PM case: CHP’s Isparta Provincal Chairperson Vedat Şenol will stand trial at Isparta Peace Court for insulting PM at a rally on December 28, 2013. The trials is scheduled to June 18. Şenol is facing two years of prison for accusing the government of corruption prior to the Corruption Probe raids on December 17, 2013. (April 15)
Damages to Halk TV refused: Ankara 14th Assize Court declined a complaint by PM where he asked for 60,000 liras as non-pecuniary damages for the released of a video clip on Halk TV with the images of PM. (April 15)
Bursalı acquits: İstanbul 2nd Assize Court acquitted Cumhuriyet newspaper columnist Orhan Bursalı of defamation charges on PM and Fethullah Gülen due to his article published on July 13, 2013. (April 8)
Constitutional Court ruling with anonymous vote: After the criticism of Constitutional Court rule of unblocking Twitter, Constitutional Court President Haşim Kılıç stated that decision of the court was made with unanimity and wrong ideas about the decision shouldn’t be allowed to appear (April 7).
Acquittal for H.A.: In accordance with Turkish Penal Court as per article 125/3, Mersin 3rd Juvenile Court acquitted 16-year-old H.A, who was accused of insulting PM Erdoğan via Facebook and Twitter in June 2013 during Gezi Resistence (April 4).
Parliamentary Digests for BDP members
Various prosecutors filed 12 parliamentary digests for members of Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) and non-affiliated deputies in April, May, and June 2014.
Parliamentary digests are filed for 10 BDP members, Ayla Akat Ata (2), Nursel Aydoğan (2), Sabahat Tuncel, Hasip Kaplan, Adil Zozani, Demir Çelik, Faysal Sarıyıldız, Selma Irmak, HAlil Aksoy, and Nazmi Gür.
In the parliamentary digests, members are charged with “making propaganda of an organization” (Anti-Terror Law-7/2) and opposing and “insulting” (Turkish Penal Court 125) 2911 Law on Public Gatherings and Demonstrations.)
Bans, Closures, and Seizes
At this time period, access to 19 websites and news stories of these websites and an advertisement of a book were censored. A painting was removed from the exhibition. Entrance to 2 courthouses and broadcast of a news coverage were banned; 2 radio channels were closed and communication with a prison was banned.
Examples: “Anti-terror and Organized Crime Department” in İstanbul Çağlayan Courthouse was closed to the press; access to news coverage about ISIL’s kidnapping of 49 people in Mosul Consulate General was blocked; access to website for making friends was banned; as well as Google Plus website was exposed to the same due to a “technical problem”. Nursel Sökmen’s painting “Maraş Massacre” was removed from the exhibition; Kocaeli Çayırova and Bolu Havadis Newspapers were sealed; YouTube was unblocked after 67 days long blockage; the advertisement of the book of journalist Nedim Şener entitled “Hayırsever Terörist” (Humaniterian Terrorist) was censored. Entrance of Yurt Newspaper reporter Ahmet Çınar to Soma was prohibited. The court banned the URL based access to 15 news websites, including bianet.
Courthouse closed for press: “Anti-terror and Organized Crime Department” in İstanbul Çağlayan Courthouse was closed for the press members (June 19). Investigation into 17 and 25 December corruption probe, Selam Organization, and murder of Hrant Dink and Sabancı were conducted in that department of the courthouse.
Broadcast ban and objection: Ankara 9th High Criminal Court banned the broadcast news coverage about ISIL’s kidnapping 49 people in Mosul Consulate General in Turkey. This ban will be valid until investigation conducted by Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office is completed (June 18).
Censor to Jennifer Lopez: TRT (Turkey Radio and Television Corporation) stopped the live broadcast when Jennifer Lopez came to to stage at the opening show of World Cup in Brazil and continued broadcasting from the studio (June 12).
Why not screen Hayat TV or İMC? HDP deputy Hasip Kaplan asked Cemil Çiçek, Speaker of Parliament of Turkey, the reason why Hayat TV, İMC, or TV 10 aren’t being screened in deputies’ parliamentary offices. (June 11)
Google Plus censorship due to “technical problem”: In accordance with law no 5651, Telecommunication Authorities (TİB) blocked Google Plus website under the claim of administrative precaution (June 10). The rule was dismissed on 12 June at 11 am. TİB declared that the website was blocked due to a “technical problem” with internet service providers. censored: TİB blocked -friendship website in accordance with law no 5651. The founder of the website Haluk Akın stated that there is nothing violating law no 5651 on their website and he said that he is going to Ankara in order to understand to situation. (June 10)
Gov’t investment in censorship: On the account of “child porn prevention”, the government started negotiations with a Switzerland-based firm, Net Clean, in order to purchase a software program of 40 million euros. In this way, words can be censored one by one. For Dr. Özgür Uçkar from Bilgi University, this investment means an “initiation into a full-scale censorship (June 10).
News piece on Birgün banned: After the applications of lawyers of PM, İstanbul 5th Peace Penal Court banned the access to a news article on the website of Birgün Newspaper (June 10). The aforementioned article was about the reaction of MHP leader Bahçeli against the phone call by PM Erdoğan which is considered to cause manipulations.
Censorship of Maraş Massacre: “Nostalji 2014” exhibition planned to be opened on 9 June in Beyoğlu Art Gallery which is under Beyoğlu Municipality wasn’t opened because the artists withdrew their works in response to demand of removing the painting entitled “Maraş Massacre” by Nursel Sökmen (June 4).
YouTube is free after 67 days: Right after the publishing of video recordings which include the talk about Syrian Summit in Foreign Ministry, TİB blocked YouTube on 27 March. After the ruling “YouTube blockage is violation of rights” by the Constitutional Court dated on 29 May, TİB unblocked the website (June 3). YouTube was banned for 67 days.
Çayırova newspaper sealed: Kocaeli’s Çayırova Newspaper was sealed under the claim that they don’t have a business license. The owner of newspaper Ercan Kurt stated that the newspaper was sealed because of publishing claims about Mayor Şevki Demirci, AKP member. But, he said they had already started the process for licensing. (May 27)
2 radio closed in Mardin: Directorate of Information and Communication Technologies Authority (BTK) in Diyarbakır ruled the stopping for Burç FM and Radio Cihan on the account that their frequencies of channels prevent the sea and air communication and threaten the national security (May 23). BTK stated their frequencies.
No billboard for Şener’s book: The book entitled “Hayırsever Terörist! Yasin El Kadı” (Humanitarian Terrorist! Yasin El Kadı) of journalist Nedim Şener which is about Yasin El Kadı mentioned in 17 December Corruption Probe was determined to have a “political content.” Therefore İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality (İBB) didn’t allow it to be advertised on billboards (May 22)
Mr Prosecutor requests: Bekir Şahiner, the prosecutor in charge of Soma mining disaster probe, said that it would be better for journalists to leave the area of Soma Courthouse. (May 20)
What happened to Tönbekici’s article? Vatan gazetesi writer Mutlu Tönbekici’s article on Soma mining disaster has been published on the newspaper’s website and removed later on. (May 18)
Soma banned for journalist: Yurt gazetesi reporter Ahmet Çınar has not been admitted to Soma district after a governor’s decree even though he had valid press credentials. (May 18)
Prep work to seal newspaper: AKP’s Çayırova district mayor Şevki Demirci has sent an enforcement to Çayırova newspaper for sealing, saying that the newspaper didn’t have a “license”. (May 13)
Ercan Kurt, the newspaper owner, claimed that the mayor excused the license to seal the newspaper for publishing opposing news.
Arrestee unable to send complaint letter: Kırıklar High Security Prison inmate Yunus Okuyucu’s letter to author Veysi Sarısözen on his complaint about prison’s surveillance cameras arrived to its recipient with a majority of black tape on the paper. (May 9)
Correction order to Taraf: İstanbul 2nd Assize Court Chief Judge Onur Özsaraç ordered Taraf newspaper to release corrections on the news related to defendant Rıza Zarraf and his singer wife Ebru Gündeş on Corruption Probe. (May 9)
Why can’t inmates watch Halk TV? Justice Minister Bekir Bozdağ responded a parliamentary inquiry by CHP Kırklareli deputy Turgut Dibek on the allegations that inmates aren’t allowed to watch Halk TV, saying that “an administrative council decided on the inmates’ television according to their requests”. (May 8)
Leaked recording writings removed from website: Instead of responding to Hürriyet newspaper columnist Mehmet Yılmaz claims on January 30 and February 3 on the leaked voice recordings within the corruption probe, Turkuvaz Media Group filed a complaint and removed the related content from its website. (April 29)
News source in jeopardy: It was claimed that Ali Ertan, a judge at former Ankara 12th High Criminal Court on special duty, has given an authority to Ankara Police Department in 2012 to investigate the identification of news sources and whether the article were written with journalism reflexes or through some unknown leaks. (April 20)
Granted for a period of three months, the ruling explained that “the aforementioned crimes were categoric and therefore it was admitted as there was no means of acquiring evidence”.
Twitter witholds 2 users: Twitter withholds users “Haramzadeler333” and “Başçalan”, two accounts that leaked the voice recordings that initiated the corruption probe. (April 19)
Bolu Havadis sealed: One week prior to 30 March local elections, Bolu Havadis Newspaper and two other newspapers were threatened with sealing. On the day after AKP member Alaaddin Yılmaz was elected as Bolu Municipal Mayor for the 3rd time, the office of Bolu Havadi Newspaper was sealed (April 1).
His work PC confiscated, the grant holder of the newspaper Mehmet Demirci stated that he will keep struggling on the streets.
15 websites blocked: Ankara 5th Peace Penal Court ruled the ban the URL-based access to news article of bianet headlined “Sabah-ATV purchased for 630 million dollars with the order of PM” on the account of violation of personal rights of İbrahim Çeçen (April 1).
Haluk Kalafat, editor-in-chief of bianet, stated that they won’t remove the news article, they wait for blockage by TİB (Telecommunication Authorities) and they objected the decision. The court decided on prevention of access to 20 URL and to write a piece to Access Providers Unity, so that the decision will be activated in 4 hours. Since that unity has’t been founded yet, the decision was conveyed to TİB.
Other websites to be banned are:,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Personal data under threat: Google’s Software Engineer Steven Carstehensen wrote on Google security blog that they confirmed that service providers in Turkey hide themselves under the identity of Google DNS and try to block Google DNS in order to follow internet users (April 1).
“This situation led DNS server to be out of order or provide fake content and also reveal identities of internet user who demanded to access to that website. Service providers may not only access to individual infos but also passwords of individuals. Now, state uses ‘DNS Spoofing’ system which is actually used by hackers,” bianet IT specialist Korcan Uğur said.
Confidential resolution: Finance Ministry didn’t respond to questions about the resolution related to cargo plane which was full of gold and landed on İstanbul Atatürk Airport on 1 January 2013 during the travel of CHP deputy Umut Oran from Ghana to Dubai. The reason why Finance Ministry didn’t respond to questions was their intend not to disclose the secret (April 1).
Youtube ban caused by a content with Atatürk: In their justification of YouTube ban on 27 March after publishing video recording about Syria Summit in Foreign Ministry, TİB stated that they have taken the protection measure in accordance with decision of Gölbaşı Peace Penal Court no 2014/358 dated 27 March 2014 and law no 5652 as per article 8 1/b. In this case, YouTube is blocked because the latter had content against Atatürk (April 1).
Self-criticism by Zaman columnist: “We don’t have a distance to politics anymore. Therefore, we missed out the mistakes made during Ergenekon cases process. We should have objected the arrest of Ahmet Şık and Nedim Şener, but we couldn’t,” wrote columnist in Zaman Newspaper Kerim Balcı in his op-ed about Gulen movement (June 28).
İsmet Berkan regretful: On an interview with Hazal Özvarış from T24, Radikal newspaper former editor-in-chief İsmet Berkan said the following regarding the "Kabataş” incident: “I didn’t understand either. It is my fault, I shouldn’t have sent these tweets.”
CNN defends its coverage: Regarding PM’s words “yes-man” and “secret agent” about CNN International reporter İvan Watson, CNN International made the following statement: “We are behind our news coverage in Turkey - which is just, evidence-based and impartial. And it will continue that way.” (June 3)
Takvim targets again: After Takvim newspaper’s targeting of international media on the anniversary of Gezi Resistance on May 31 with the headline “Here is the Gezi heads that took Taksim”, CNN International reporter Ivan Watson was detained by the police during live coverage. (May 31)
Lesson from Karaalioğlu! Star Media Group Chairman Mustafa Karaalioğlu made the following statement: “The old media of Turkey including Hürriyet, Cumhuriyet, Sözcü, Yurt, Aydınlık, parallel state elements must free themselves, they must break their chains.” (May 28)
Minister enthusiastic about “pro-government” media: Some of the leaked voice recordings of Environment and Urbanization Minister Erdoğan Bayraktar revealed how the government was offering incentives for pro-government news outlets like Kanal 24, Yeni Şafak and Star newspapers. (May 27)
Some of the leaked voice recordings included: “We are obliged to take care of these [news agencies]”, “We will bolster them, so that they won’t go in the air”, “Let’s give ads to 3 newspaper, others will nag”. Some other recordings also concerned Doğan Publishing Holding owner Aydın Doğan and his backyard: “We will deal with him differently if he he removes the backyard according to our plan.” Recordings also revealed how Bayraktar closely looked on the properties and hotels of NTV’s boss Ferit Şahenk in Göltürkbükü. These recordings were classified as “Environment and Urbanization Minister Erdoğan Bayraktar’s using of his position over third parties”.
3 newspapers with the same headline: Akşam, Sabah and Yeni Akit newspapers had the same headlines after PM’s rally in Cologne that targeted Gülen movement. The headline referred to Fethullah Gülen’s residence in Pennsylvania.
If you didn’t cover Marmaray opening…! Haber7. com news website wrote the following on Der Spiegel magazine reporter Hasnain Kazım who wrote an article entitled “Go to hell, Erdoğan!”: “Having presented previous events in Turkey with interesting headlines, [this journalist] insults PM Erdoğan on the occasion of mining disaster in Soma. Another interesting point is that they cover no positive events from Turkey. For instance, Marmaray project...” (May 23)
Hürriyet condemns Sabah: Hürriyet newspaper made the following statement after Sabah newspaper’s reaction on the mining disaster in Soma: “What is more tragic about the mining disaster in Soma is that some newspaper like Sabah leaved their responsibilities on the side and launched a lynch campaign against the media.” (May 21)
Praise to the violence: ATV Ankara delegate Mehmet Akarcalı supported that PM’s guards attacked a miner in Soma. Akarcalı stated that he is upset because “PM Erdoğan didn’t slap the miner in the face”. (May 20)
Hate speech by Yeni Akit: Having claimed that the groom of Alp Gürkan, boss of Soma holding and at the same time manager of Soma mine where 301 miners lost their lives, is a “Jew”, Yeni Akit promoted the hate speech (May 20).
Withdrawal from Media Association: Ekrem Dumanlı, editor-in-chief in Zaman Newspaper announced in his op-ed headlined “At least protect your conscience” that they withdrew from Media Association managed by Salih Memecan, caricaturist at Sabah Newspaper (May 20).
BBC defends its news video: English media outlet had broadcasted a video dated 15 May where relatives of miners, who were murdered in Soma massacre, criticized the government. BBC defended their news video and reacted against the news story published by Yeni Şafak next day. “We strictly reject the claims about our video,” BBC said (May 19).
Soma fight between Sabah and Hürriyet: Sabah Newspaper criticized Hürriyet Newspaper for their news story about claims that PM punched a demonstrator in Soma and blamed Hürriyet Newspaper for defaming PM and provoking public (May 17).
Following the criticism, Enis Berberoğlu, editor-in-chief in Hürriyet Newspaper, blamed Sabah in his op-ed for trying to change the agenda. After that Sabah’s editor-in-chief Erdal Şafak got involved in the dispute.
“Soma” protest at the gate of NTV: Having arrived on the gate of NTV building, demonstrators harshly criticized the broadcasts about Soma massacre where 301 miners died (May 17).
“Don’t talk political issues”: Having talking about murder of thousand workers in Soma, a miner uttered the word “This firm is the sub-contractor of AKP, they don’t hang Atatürk’s photo but big master (Erdoğan)” during live broadcast on Habertürk TV. When the uttered these words, Habertürk TV presenter Didem Yılmaz warned him saying “Don’t talk political issues?”(May 14).
AA doesn’t question Soma: In the news article about Soma Massacre where 301 miners died, Anadolu Agency (AA) used the words “Month of May draws attention with its deaths and incidents such as earthquake, big explosion, social events and especially coup” (May 14).
Offense by a newspaper to others: Star Newspaper placed Yurt, BirGün, soL, Cumhuriyet, Taraf, Sözcü, Zaman and Yeniçağ Newspapers on its headlines blaming them for criticizing the government harshly and arguing that there is no freedom of press in Turkey. Star used the expression of “choir of swearing” for these newspapers (May 14).
Investigation into Turgay Ciner: Turgay Ciner, chairman of Ciner Holding, made a statement as a suspect about the investigation into 25 December corruption probe for he was accused of being member of a criminal organization (May 12).
Bargain with advertisers for not publishing a news story? Mustafa Mutlu, columnist in Aydınlık Newspaper, asserted that Milliyet Newspaper didn’t publish the news story about Erdoğan Polat who came from Van and was killed on the job in Torunlar Building Company, in exchange for advertisement from that company (April 19).
Yes-man, clapper accusations for Zaman columnists: Calling AKP’s victory of elections as “people’s coup” in Turkey, Zaman newspaper columnist Etyen Mahçupyan was targeted by Cengiz Çandar as being “acting with a yes-man attitude”. Lately, Zaman newspaper writer Şahin Alpay was also labelled as “government clapper”. (April 15)
TRT’s chief pushed for resignation: RTÜK members Ali Öztunç urged TRT’s chief İbrahim Şahin to resignation for TRT’s partial broadcasting - which received three penalties from RTÜK. Şahin, on the other, claimed that TRT approached to all candidates with the same distance. (April 11)
AA sues Taraf: Anatolia Agency ceased its financial relations with Taraf newspaper, saying that it attempted to create a deliberate negative opinion on them. AA also declared that it would take legal action against the newspaper. (April 1)
The European Court of Human Rights convicted Turkey in the cases of 5 journalists, 2 academicians and 4 inmates suffering from Kurdish ban in prisons, ordering the Turkish state to pay a sum of 55,259 euros as pecuniary and non-pecuniary damages.
2 newspapers awarded by ECHR: ECHR ruled in the case of Evrensel newspaper former owner Ahmet Sami Belek and former editor-in-chief İsmail Muzaffer Özkurt as well as Dema Nu newspaper owner Memet Aslan and its editor-in-chief Zozan Sezen, ordering Turkey to a sum of 38,559 euros for violating freedom expression and right to fair trial. (June 17)
Perinçek ruling to higher board: Switzerland-Armenia Association appealed to the ECHR ruling where Turkey’s Labor Party leader’s words “Armenian Genocide doesn’t exist” were considered within the freedom of expression. ECHR Higher Board will review the ruling. (June 3)
Erdoğan and Kopuzlu awarded by ECHR: ECHR found Turkey guilty in the case where Mustafa Erdoğan and Liberal Thinking magazine official Haluk Kürşad Kopuzlu were punished for criticizing the Constitutional Court regarding the abolishing of political parties. (May 27)
While Erdoğan’s fine penalties were refunded,7,500 euros as non-pecuniary damages.
Damages for Kurdish ban in prison: ECHR ordered found Turkey guilty for several complaints regarding the Kurdish ban in prisons during visiting hours, ordered the Turkish state to pay applicants Ahmet Gerez, Mehmet Şirin Bozçalı, Mehmet Nuri Özen and Mesut Yurtsever (300 euros); Mesut yurtsever and Mehmet Nuri Özen (500 euros), Bozçalı (500 euros and court expenses). In sum, Turkey was ordered to pay 2,200 euros. (April 22)
Academician wins case at ECHR: Academician Hasan Yazıcı was awarded by the ECHR after being convicted by a Turkish court for criticizing former YÖK chairman İhsan Doğramacı with an article appeared on Milliyet newspaper on November 15, 2000. (April 15)
Convicted of lack of fair trial and violation of freedom of expression, Turkey will pay Yazıcı 7,000 euros.
Updates from RTÜK
Ulusal Kanal punished: RTÜK fined Ulusal Kanal under the claim of defamation through their news piece they published. In their news piece, Ulusal Kanal described Operation Sledgehammer as “conspiracy” and Colonel Murat Özenalp as “martyr of conspiracy.” RTÜK hasn’t yet provided information about the fine (June 30).
CNN Türk fined: RTÜK issued a fine of 57,000 liras to CNN Türk as the utterances of Mustafa Altıoklar for PM during a TV program entitled Aykırı Sorular (Contrarian Questions) “exceeded the limits of criticism”. “PM has narcissistic personality disorder. He needs to have a sick report, report no 46 (declares someone’s insanity)” Mustafa Altıoklar had said in the program (June 18).
“Melodrama” fined: RTÜK fined Samanyolu and Samanyolu TV to 11,000 liras each on the account that they “melodramatized” the broadcast on mass murder in Soma Mine by “using emotional sound effect and background music” while covering interviews with relatives of Soma victims (June 6).
STV fined: RTÜK fined Samanyolu TV to 72,000 liras for STV’s news article headlined “Did Prosecutors’ Office launched an investigation into PM?” (May 30)
RTÜK fines Show Radio: RTÜK fined Show Radio with majority of vote for a listener’s message “I’m convinced that Twitter is closed because of the cat but I’m thinking which animal (implying government) caused the blockage of YouTube” in the radio program entitled “Nihat’la Muhabbet” (Conversation with Nihat)(May 28).
Radio broadcaster Nihat Sirdar answered the question of the listener and said “hamster.” Then RTÜK fined the program for “violating human honor and privacy”, but the fine will be determined later.
Gezi and 17 December Reports by RTÜK: Having responded to the resolution of CHP Vice Chairman Sezgin Tanrıkulu, PM Deputy Bülent Arınç stated that many TV channels which broadcasted news on Gezi Park demonstration used “shameful expressions against individuals, conveyed uncorroborated information, and promoted violence” (May 13).
Having reminded that Halk TV, Cem TV, and Em TV were warned and fined for once and Ulusal TV was fined for twice under the claim of “promoting violence,” Arınç stated that none of media institutions was fined for the news pieces on 17 December Corruption Probe. Arınç declared that EM TV, Sokak TV, Kanal Türk, Bugün TV, Halk TV, and +1 TV were warned for once; Kanal Türk and Ulusal 1 TV were fined for once and Samanyolu Haber TV was fined for 7 times.
Aykırı Sorular fined: RTÜK decided to fine Aykırı Sorular (Controversial Questions) Tv Program presented by Enver Aysever in CNN Türk for RTÜK interpreted words of the guest Pınar Kür in the program saying “I consider headscarf as an indicator of narrow-mindedness” as “violating privacy” and “ promotion of racial, religious, sexual discrimination.” RTÜK hasn’t announced the fine yet (May 5).
3 music videos punished: RTÜK issued a penalty for Dream TV, Kral TV and Show TV for publishing Shakira and Rihanna’s “Can’t Remember To Forget You” song video that included imagery of homosexuality - which RTÜK asserted to be setting bad example for children. The decision was objected by two members from CHP and one member from MHP. (April 30)
Smoking fines returns to Halk TV: Ankara 9th Peace Court admitted fines on Halk TV for showing scenes of smoking during its broadcasting of movies. The network was imposed to pay 512,000 liras. The incident coincided the aftermath of Gezi Resistance. (April 29)
Previously, Halk TV was ordered to pay 73,000 liras for broadcasting a smoking scene of 1 second during a program called “Hayatımız Sinema” on April 14 after midnight. The fine was raised 7 fold as it was reported 5 times.
The court also denied Halk TV’s objections that it was a national TV channel (due to lack of evidence that its potential audience is at least 70 percent of Turkey) and merging fines would not be suitable and the fine was imposed without a warning.
Beyaz TV receives Gökçek penalty: RTÜK imposed a 11,000 lira fine to Beyaz TV for broadcasting Ankara mayor Melih Gökçek’s words linking Gezi Park protests and Koç Group. (April 15)
On 5- 6 and 7 June 2013, Gökçek attended a program in Beyaz TV (where his son is one of the administrators) and claimed that Koç Group made a medicine stock at Divan Hotel adjacent to Gezi Park and set up military-style sleeping mattresses for protestors to sleep.
Özlem Radio Becomes Hevi: RTÜK admitted a request by İstanbul based Özlem Radio to change its name to its Kurdish equivalent “Radio Hevi”. The decision was taken with a majority vote with the only confrontation of RTÜK member Esat Çıplak. (April 2)
RTÜK penalties
During the period of April-May-June 2014, RTÜK issued 136 monetary fines (133 TVs and 3 radios) and 31 warnings (28 TVs and 3 radios).
(These tolls are based on RTÜK’s 10 formal meetings between 2 April- 21 May 2014).
RTÜK’s penalties have been listed as follows: “protective symbols” (2 warnings); “violation of youth’s moral development” (4 warnings, 6 fines); “distorting Turkish” (2 warnings, 9 fines); “violation of tobacco and tobacco products” (7 fines); “violation of human pride and confidentiality of private life” (6 warnings, 68 fines); “Impartiality and truthfulness (2 warnings, 2 fines); “presumption of innocence” (1 fine); “Violation of national values (4 fines); “insulting broadcasting (1 warning, 7 fines); “Supremacy of law” (16 warnings, 78 fines).
Warning symbol: RTÜK warned Fox TV and ART TV on the account that they violated the following principles: “Radio and television institutions may not broadcast programs, which can harm the physical, mental, or moral development of the children and youth, without warning symbol and at the time zone of that population” and “media service providers have to provide information about the content of the programs they broadcast using written and voiced warning system.
Moral development of the youth: In accordance with Turkish Penal Code law No 6112 as per Article 8 Sub Clause 2, Adana Koza Radio, Bugün TV, Halk TV, and Samanyolu News were warned and Habertürk TV and Show TV (137,069 liras), Beyaz TV (12,353 liras), Show TV (157,166 liras), CNBC-e (29,134 liras) and STV (71,887 liras) were fined of 407,609 liras in total on the account that these institutions violated the following principle: “During restricted time zone of children and youth, it is not allowed to broadcast programs with the violent and sexual content which can harm the physical, mental, or moral development of the children and youth.”
Usage of Turkish: In accordance with Turkish Penal Code Law No 6112 as per Article 8 Sub Clause 1/h, Samanyolu News and Sokak TV were warned and +1 TV (12,353 liras), Radio Mastik (1,233 liras), Beyaz TV (12,353 liras in two fines), Bugün TV (12,353 liras in three fines), Halk TV (12,353 liras) and Kanal D (479,501 liras) were fined of 567,205 in total by RTÜK on the account that they violated the following principle: “TV and radio programs have to use Turkish language in compliance with the rules so that the language will be comprehensible and they are not allowed to use slang and rude words.”
Tobacco and tobacco products: RTÜK fined Ülke TV (76,142 liras), Adana Koza Radio (76,142 liras), Dizi Max Drama (76,142 liras), Doğu TV (76,142 liras), Adana TV (76,142 liras), Kaçkar TV (76,142 liras), and Barış TV (76,142 liras) of 532,994 in total for violating law no 6112 Article 8 Sub Clause 1/h commanding “Using addictive substances such as alcohol, tobacco products, and drugs is not allowed to be encouraged” and Law No 4207 Article 3 Sub Clause 6 commanding “Images of tobacco products and usage of them are not allowed to broadcasted in TV programs, movies, soap operas, video clips, and commercial films.”
Human dignity and privacy: In accordance with Law No 6112 as per Article 8 commanding “media institutions are not allowed to broadcast violating the human dignity and privacy and humiliating, defaming, and insulting individuals and institutions” Bugün TV, +1 TV (3 times), Özgür Gün TV, and Kanaltürk Radio were warned and Samanyolu News (12,353, liras in 26 fines), STV (66,213 liras in 9 fines), Ulusal KAnal (12,353 in 3 fines), Kanal D (342,111 liras) Halk TV (12,353 in 2 fines) Beyaz Tv (12,353 liras), Adana Koza Radio (12,353 liras), EM TV (12,353 liras), and Habertürk TV (23,631 liras) were fined of 1,381,661 liras in total.
Presumption of innocence: RTÜK fined A News of 17,725 liras on the account of violating Law No 6112 Article 8 (i) commanding “nobody can be accused or incriminated unless the court rules his/her crime and affect judgement process and his/her objectivity during the trial process in any way except for covering news on it.”
National and intangible values: Kanal D (342,11 liras), Fox TV (148,016 liras), and Rumeli TV (12,353 liras in two fines) were fined of 514,833 liras in total on the account of violating Law No 6112 Article 8 (f) commanding “broadcasting against national and intangible values, public morality, and of the society, and public morality and family structure of the society is not allowed.”
Humiliation: Show Radyo (1 warning) CNN Türk (57,602 liras in two fines), STV (72,975 liras), Halk TV (12.353 liras in two fines), Samanyolu Haber (12,353 liras) were fined 225,238 liras in total on the account of violating Law No 6112 Article 8 Sub Clause 1 (ç) commanding “broadcasting can’t be against the principle of human dignity ad privacy of private life and include expressions that humiliated or expressed scorn or insult against individuals or institutions.
Supremacy of law: 16 warnings (STV (9), +1 TV (4), TV5 (1), Bengü Türk TV (1), 7/24 TV (1)) and a total fine of 691,768 liras have been imposed (Samanyolu Haber (31) 12,353 liras, Bugün TV (21) 12,353 liras, Ulusal Kanal (2) 12,353 liras, EM TV (12,353 liras), Özgür Gün TV (12,353 liras) on the account of violating Law No 6112 Article 8 Sub Clause 1 (c) commanding “broadcasting can’t be against the principals of supremacy of law, justice and objectivity”.
Impartiality: 2 warnings (Samanyolu Haber -2) and fines (Halk TV – 12,353 liras, Ulusal Kanal – 12,353liras) were imposed for the violating of Law No 6112 Article 8 Sub Clause 1 (ı) commanding “broadcasting must be based in impartiality, facts and truth principles and must not influence people’s free choice and opinion-forming”. (END).
* Click here to read the report in Turkish.
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