BIA Local Media Report 2002: Arrests, Attacks
According to the 2002 Report on Local and Regional Media, two journalists were arrested during the last year and 21 journalists are still being tried. There were attacks against 12 journalists.
The Radio and Television Supreme Board (RTUK) ordered television and radio stations off the air for a total of 2,921 days in six months.
The 11-page report was prepared by information gathered from local and regional institutions and by researching certain developments that took place in the media.
Trial for "threatening the police"
According to the 2002 report, which includes over 80 incidents and covers 131 local and regional media organizations;
* Two journalists were arrested: Ahmet Aksoy, the owner of the "Olusum" (Formation) newspaper, was arrested because of an article he wrote. Aksoy was sent to the Nizip prison.
Aksoy was released from prison after 73 days and acquitted in his first hearing. Sinan Kara, the owner of the "Datca Haber" (Datca News) newspaper, was sentenced to three months and 8 days in prison for not sending the sub-governor two copies of the newspaper. Kara was arrested on December 26, 2002 and sent to the Ula prison in Mugla. The journalist will serve in prison for 44 days.
* Twenty one journalists are still being tried. Mehmet Gecim, head of the Tarsus Journalists' Association, and four other members of the board of directors, are being charged with "threatening the police" by condemning the pressures on the newspaper.
They face up to three years in prison. Ten journalists, including Cumhur Kiliccioglu were acquitted, while seven were sentenced to prison.
Guler Yildiz, the former editor-in-chief of the "Cinar" newspaper, was sentenced to ten months in prison for writing about the book, "Mehmedin Kitabi" (Mehmet's Book) in her column. The prison sentence was commuted to a fine and then suspended.
Attacks against journalists
* There were a total of 12 attacks against journalists: Mehmet Sah Ayaz, the editor-in-chief of the "Batman Express" newspaper, who is known for his articles against the thermal plant, and Mansur Obut, owner of the "GAP" newspaper were attacked in separate occasions.
Ismail Kahraman, the owner of the daily "Yeni Gebze" (New Gebze) in Kocaeli, was attacked on August 15 by a potential Democratic Left Party (DSP) candidate who was angry with an article he wrote. On September 1, writer Yasar Ozen of the "Sabah" (Morning) newspaper published in the province of Gaziantep was attacked as he was walking back after following the True Path Party's (DYP) pre-elections.
The journalist claimed that he was attacked by DYP officials. Ali Riza Tig, the owner of the "Pusula" (Compass) magazine, was subject to an armed attack in Zonguldak because he had published articles about corruption claims. Tig has sued the attacker but is unable to hire a lawyer.
RTUK blackens the screens, governor scolds
* The journalists were under pressure from local administrators like governors, sub-governors and mayors in the year 2002. Journalists were faced with a total of six incidents where they were threatened or pressured. Ahmet Un from the "Firat'ta Yasam" (Life in Euphrates) newspaper in Gaziantep was kidnapped and interrogated by people who identified themselves as JITEM.
Bartin Governor Eryilmaz was fined for insulting Esen Alis, the owner of the "Bartin" newspaper. Prosecutor Cicek in the province of Konya, attempted to conduct a drug search in the "Kon TV" building.
Kon TV had been airing news about prosecutor Cicek. Iskenderun sub-governor Erdogan scolded Ersen Korkmaz, the owner of the "Demokrat Iskenderun" (Democrat Iskenderun) newspaper because of an article.
* During the period January-June 2002, RTUK ordered a total of 52 local and regional television and radio stations off the air for a total of 2,921 days.
After an amendment to Turkey's broadcasting laws on May 15, 2002, RTUK warned four local televisions and two radio stations. In the year 2001, RTUK had ordered a total of 56 television and radio stations off the air for a total of 3,132 days.
BIA offers free consulting services
In accordance with conditions set by BIA's aims and principles, BIA's Legal Branch, has been providing free consulting services since September 2000, to local newspapers, radio and television stations in every level of any legal questions or problems they may have.
Lawyer Fikret Ilkiz serves as consultant at BIA's Legal Branch. (OG/BB/NK/EA/NM)