BeyoğluFest Calls People to Beyoğlu on May 25-29

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Hundreds of venues come together for the first time organizing Beyoğlu Festival to be held for the first time this year. The main theme is set as “Life Together Festival” of the organization which is being held with the broad participation of managers and artists between the date of May 25-29, 2016.
133 venues and 19 culture art centers and bookstores support the festival.
“We live in Beyoğlu, We Make Beyoğlu Live”
The solidarity committee emphasizing that they base the festival on the slogan “We Live in Beyoğlu, We Make Beyoğlu Live”, says the following:
“We live in Beyoğlu, we make Beyoğlu live. We aim to bring together Beyoğlu with all cultural, historical, public values and accumulation. As the ones who have been trying to protect Beyoğlu’s cultural values and history for years and looking out for Beyoğlu, you too become a party to this festival which we have organized to revive Beyoğlu and bring together diverse identities that it has carried up to today”.
Festival without sponsor
Artisan Solidarity Committee especially emphasizes that in order to have more participants benefit the events, the festival is not being held within the scope of any sponsor.
Culture art activities, food & beverage, and stage performance discounts will be seen in the festival days. Theater owners, restaurant managers, culture art cafes, bookstores, actors/actresses, musicians, writers, artists, and many others are supporting the festival. (EA/TK)