Bethnahrin Women Protection Forces Founded against ISIS

Syriac women founded Bethnahrin Women Protection Forces against Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
Syriac women declared:
“We hail our people and women around the world as Bethnahrin Women Protection Forces. We as Assyrian-Aramaic-Chaldean-Syriac women founded a military organization to destroy the barbarism of ISIS.”
“Along with Syriac Military Council (MFS) and Sutoro (the Syriac Security Office), women forces are needed,” says Bethnahrin Women Protection Forces and they aim to improve the values of Syriac people, women’s rights and to act with solidarity with other nations’ women and to struggle against the reactionism.
Declaration of foundation
Bethnahrin Women Protection Forces mentioned that Women’s Protection Units (YPJ) served as a model in the war zone.
Bethnahrin Women Protection Forces declared:
“ISIS started a cultural, ethnic and denominational war against Christians, Yazidis, Alevis, defenders of democracy and reformers. This corrupted mindset lives in Mosul, Sengal, Nineveh Plain, Kobane Khabar Al Karyatayn and many more places. ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Al Shabab, Al Nusra and their inhuman organizations aim to enslave women forever, destroy democracy and foul the core of societies. That’s why, people who have empathy and sympathy and especially women should struggle against ISIS and its supporters.
“They want to destroy our motherland, Mesopotamia, Middle East, historical buildings and Syriac people.
“Syriac people should protect themselves and act with solidarity in order to sustain their motherland, identity, existence, and heritage. We as Assyrian-Aramaic-Chaldean-Syriac women founded a military organization to destroy the barbarism of ISIS. We will provide security of life and property of our people.
“As Syriac women, we believe that will be supported and we will win this righteous struggle by taking strength from our heritage, under the guidance of Bethnahrin National Council (MUB).
“We call for our people and women to join us in this war against barbarism and play a historical key role. Besides, we call our people and democratic public opinion in the world to give us moral and material support.” (ÇT/BD)
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