Bawer Çakır from Bianet Receives Baki Koşar Award

This year's "Award for Struggle against Hate Crimes" issued by the Black Pink Triangle LGBTT organization went to lawyer Senem Doğanoğlu in the branch of law and to bianet journalist Bawer Çakır in the branch of press. The award is dedicated to murdered journalist Baki Koşar.
Doğanoğlu was rewarded for her legal counselling in cases related to attacks, homicide and violence against lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestite and transsexuals (LGBTT). Çakır received the award for his contribution by publishing news regarding violence against LGBTT and thus bringing such incidents to public attention.
"We strive to reveal discrimination"
The second award ceremony was held in the evening of the first day of the Baki Koşar Struggle against Hate Crimes organization on 6 February in the Goethe Institute - German Culture Centre in Izmir.
The ceremony was also attended by lawyer Erdal Doğan and German Ambassador Stefan Schneider. Lawyer and prize winner Doğanoğlu pronounced, "I am not the only one in the struggle against discrimination experienced by LGBTT individuals. Together with lawyers Elif Ceylan Özsoy and Fırat Söyle we took important steps in respect to disclose discrimination and punish the ones to be held responsible".
Doğanoğlu was handed the prize by sculptor Ali Özsan who designed the award.
Lawyer Doğanoğlu lives in Ankara and provides legal advice to the LGBTT Rights Platform established by the Turkish LGBTT organizations.
Çakır dedicated his award to murdered LGBTT individuals
Journalist Çakır said in his speech, "I am very happy to able to contribute to the struggle against discrimination, homophobia and transphobia with the news items I wrote". Çakır expressed his gratitude to everybody who put effort into this struggle coming forth like a Sisyphean task.
Bawer Çakır dedicated his award to Ahmet Yıldız, Dilek İnce, Melek K. And Çağla who were all killed throughout the last two years.
The bianet journalist was given the award by artist Serpil Odabaşı who opened her exhibition "Murder of Religious Order" shown in the same hall on the very occasion.
Journalist Çakır works for bianet and is member of the Kaos GL magazine editorial board. Moreover, Çakır presents the radio program "Şemsi Pasha Passage" on Özgür Radio every Tuesday night together with Semra Çelebi.
Speaking at the ceremony, Ambassador Stefan Schneider said that the Turkish LGBTT struggle will soon achieve significant gains. He also assured his further support regarding the current closure case against the Pink Black Triangle Association.
The award was presented for the first time last year. It was given to transsexual Melisa who was shot by the police and to the Pink Life LGBTT Association in Ankara.
After medical treatment Melisa opened a lawsuit against the police officers. Pink Life carried out legal struggles related to violence against and murder of transsexuals in particular and organized a large number of corresponding events and campaigns.