Banner Demanding Capital Punishment Hung on Culture Center

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A huge banner has been hung on the Atatürk Culture Center (AKM) with the signature “Brave People of This Mighty Nation”.
The banner reads “The devil’s dog FETO*. We will hang you and your dogs with your own collet. By permission of Allah, we will sway the democracy flag in the skies”.
The banner was speculated to be hung last night (July 19). The posters of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on the building were hung two days ago. (NV/TK)
*FETO stands for Fethullahist Terror Organization, which is blamed for the coup attempt by the government. Fethullah Gülen is the US based cleric and founder of the Gülen Movement, which is subjected to investigations on charge of infiltrating state institutions and taking over the government.