Award of Turkey Journalism Association Goes to bianet

bianet is going to be rewarded with the 2011 Traditional Award for Journalism Achievements of the Turkey Journalism Association (TGC). bianet takes the prize in the field of internet journalism. The award is most of all deemed to strengthen professional solidarity and to crown journalistic achievements. The date and venue of the prize giving ceremony has still to be announced.
bianet was chosen as laureate in the field of internet reporting on the grounds of the special news articles published on the Turkish site on 25 November 2011 in the context of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
The jury for the TGS 52nd Achievement Awards included a number of renowned Turkish journalists and media people:
* Journalism (print): İsmail Ballı, Turhan Bozkurt, Necdet Doğan, Sevim Ertemur, Ayşe Özek Karasu, Vahap Munyar and Mustafa Mutlu.
* Radio, TV: Zafer Arapkirli, Engin Başçı, Prof Şükran Esen, Sibel Güneş, Nurettin Soydan, Doğan Şentürk and Sevinç Yeşiltaş.
* Internet: Ercüment İşleyen, Hakan Kara, Erol Önderoğlu, Prof Nurdoğan Rigel, Olay Tan, Recep Yaşar and Ahmet Yeşiltepe.
Awards in the different fields were given for various areas of professional journalism:
Print Journalism
Politics: Kemal Göktaş - Vatan Newspaper; for the news articles entitled "Woman beaten at police station" published between 9.-16.12.2011.
Economics: Ahmet Can Şit - Radikal Newspaper; for the news article entitled "Everybody's phone data is sold on the internet" published on 26.08.2011.
Environment, Education, Health: Cemal Doğan - Habertürk Newspaper; for the news article entitled "The big punch" published on 24.12.2010.
İlker Akgüngör - Vatan Newspaper; for the news article entitled "The new cage for the pigeon house" published on 18.11.2011.
Sibel Kahraman / Gökhan Karakaş - Milliyet Newspaper; for the news article "Such a coincidence" published on 28.-29.03.2011.
Nurettin Kurt - Hürriyet Newspaper; for the news article entitled "Give me my kidney back" published on 14.12.2011.
Culture, Arts, Magazine: Eyüp Kelebek - Doğan News Agency; for the news article entitled "This cuisine will go down in world history" published on 03.08.2011.
Kıvanç El - Vatan Newspaper; for the news article entitled "4 minutes were cut off from Tosun Pasha" published on 01.11.2011.
Sports: Engin Belli / Nihat Uludağ - Habertürk Newspaper; for the news article entitled "A photograph of Yıldırım in custody" published on 07.07.2011.
Mehmet Arslan - Hürriyet Newspaper; for the news article "We shared 28 Million TL between 68 people" published on 14.09.2011.
Column: Özgür Mumcu - Radikal Newspaper; for the article entitled "Hopa and the bandits" published on 02.06.2011.
Research: Sevgi Koçoğlu - Birgün Newspaper; for the research entitled "Is this justice - 'un/biased state" published on 12.07.2011.
Kutup Dalgakıran / Bülent Ergün / Mehmet Yanardağ - Sabah Newspaper; for the research entitled "Dancing with death on the border" published between 15.-18.05.2011.
Interview: İsmail Saymaz - Radikal Newspaper; for the interview entitled "I accomplished my mission" published on 01.05.2011.
Zeynep Bilgehan - Hürriyet Newspaper; for the interview entitled "The mother who provided euthanasia to her daughter" published on 13.11.2011.
Sports Column: Uğur Meleke - Milliyet Newspaper; for the article entitled "We lost the feeling of shame. It's null and void" published on 18.04.2011.
Okay Karacan - Zaman Newspaper; for the article entitled "There is a need for a sports language revolution" published on 14.08.2011.
a) Front page layout:
Fikret Ercan - Hürriyet Newspaper front page on 24.10.2011.
Yunus Emre Yıldırım - Zaman Newspaper front page on 29.09.2011.
b) Page layout:
Mana Güzey - Star Newspaper page 3 on 06.10.2011.
c) Sports page layout:
Burhan Solak - Zaman Newspaper on 31.03.201.
Ersin Öztekin - Cumhuriyet Newspaper on 04.07.201.
Caricature: Latif Demirci - Hürriyet Newspaper; for the caricature entitled "I had a fly-net put up at the door against the media" published on 20.07.2011.
Photograph: Ercan Arslan - Milliyet Newspaper; for the photograph entitled "Şener was acquitted from the Uzan trial" published on 23.09.2011.
Television - Radio
TV News: Burak Esremiz - Show TV; for the news "the Van earthquake" broadcasted on 10.11.2011.
Mesut Sert / Hüseyin Yılmaz - NTV; for the news "The Ladin operation" broadcasted on 12.05.2011.
TV News Program: Cüneyt Özdemir - CNNTÜRK; for the news program "Shaykh Al-Islam Gaddafi" broadcasted on 25.02.2011.
TV Documentary: Nazım Alpman - İz TV; for the documentary entitled "Time of the unknown assailants" broadcasted in 2011.
TV Culture - Arts - Magazine Program: Mehmet Yaşin - CNNTÜRK; for the program entitled "Stations of taste" broadcasted in 2011.
The award for the field of TV Sports Program was not bestowed.
TV Camera Work: Tuncay Şubaşı - TV8; for the images of the broadcasting "The moment the Kartepe activist was shot" on 12.11.2011.
Deniz Pirinçciler - Show TV; for the images of the "Van Women Maternity Hospital" broadcasted on 10.11.2011.
Radyo News Program: Atilla Güner - Radiyo Kuzey; for the "Evening Mail" program broadcasted on 16.11.2011.
Bianet was awarded as well as BBC Turkish and Hüseyin Alkan.
The Nezih Demirkent Special Award
Dünya Newspaper writer Rüştü Bozkurt was bestowed with the Nezih Demirkent Special Award of the TGC Steering Board 2011 Turkey Journalism Achievements Rewards. (HK/VK)