Attorney Timtik Detained in Djemevi Released After 64 Days Arrest

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23 people including Progressive Legists' Association (ÇHD) Central Office Director and Peoples' Law Office attorney Barkın Timtik taken into custody in a police raid into a djemevi and later arrested, have been released.
The verdict of the trial with 25 suspects held before İstanbul 24th High Criminal Court yesterday (February 25) was announced late at night. All the arrested suspects were released.
"Torture not mentioned in the indictment"
According to the report of Cumhuriyet daily, Timtik brought to the hearing from Şakran Prison, has read out Nazım Hikmet's poem "Traitor" in his indictment.
Being under arrest for 64 days, Timtik said; "Your police called me 'attorney of the terrorists and traitor'", noted that the security director had punched his face during detention and added;
"None of that is mentioned in the indictment. They tortured me to leave a scar on my face on purpose. They wanted to send a message to attorneys by using me. They want to legitimize torture" (BK/DG)