‘Attack on journalists in Kadıköy targets people’s right to learn truths’

* Photos: RSF; Dilek Şen/ bianet
After Boğaziçi Solidarity platform made a call for protest in Kadıköy against the appointment of Melih Bulu as the rector of Boğaziçi University and against the detention and arrest of their friends for protesting this appointment, several people gathered there at 6. p.m. yesterday.
Police intervened against the protesters with tear gas and plastic bullets. Several journalists were also injured during the police intervention.
CLICK - Police fire tear gas, plastic bullets at Boğaziçi students
Journalism organizations have released statements and posted messages denouncing the police violence against their colleagues.
TGC: Systematic prevention with attacks
Journalists' Association of Turkey (TGC) Executive Board has released a written statement about the issue. The association has reminded the public that opposition Halk TV reporter Erdinç Yılmaz and camera operator Murat Erkmen were wounded during the police intervention.
The TGC has stressed that "security forces specifically targeting journalists is an intervention into press freedom and freedom of expression."
"It is not possible to talk about democracy in a society where there is no press freedom. In an environment where newspapers and journalists are constantly targeted, no social peace can be established, either," the TGC has underlined, raising concerns that "in this difficult period Turkey has been going through, journalists are systematically prevented from practicing their profession with verbal and physical assaults."
Referring to the injury of Halk TV journalists Yılmaz and Erkmen as the last example of these attacks, the TGC has "condemned the ones who carried out this attack." It has also underlined that "the attack targeting journalists after every incident that affects the public is an attack on the people's right to get information and learn the truths."
The association has also demanded that "the perpetrators of the attack be found and penalized as soon as possible."
Extending its get-well-soon wishes to all journalists and Halk TV workers, the TGC has said, "We remind once again that journalism is not a crime."
The association has also stressed that "lending an ear to the needs and objections of the young people in Boğaziçi University and all universities will contribute to the establishment of social peace and development of science and freedom of expression in Turkey."
Earlier yesterday (February 2), Yeniçağ newspaper columnist Murat Ağırel tweeted the below picture showing the injury of Murat Erkmen:
HalkTv muhabiri Murat Erkmen Kadıköy'de canlı yayında iken plastik mermi ile yaralandı
— Murat AĞIREL (@muratagirel) February 2, 2021
Önderoğlu: We protest it!
Erol Önderoğlu, the Reporters Without Borders (RSF) Representative to Turkey, also tweeted a message about the police intervention in Kadıköy:
"We protest that the ones doing journalism during Boğaziçi protests were smothered with [pepper] gas, Elif Akgül was battered up and Kazım Kızıl as well Erdinç Yılmaz and Murat Erkmen from Halk TV were targeted by plastic bullets! We extend our get-well-soon wishes to all our colleagues."
RSF'den @ErolOnderoglu : #Boğaziçi eyleminde gazetecilik yapanların gaza boğulması, @akgulelif'ün tartaklanması, #KazımKızıl ve HalkTV'den #ErdinçYılmaz ile #MuratErkmen'in plastik merminin hedefi olmasını protesto ediyoruz! Meslektaşlarımıza geçmiş olsun diyoruz.
— RSF Türkçe (@RSF_tr) February 2, 2021
TGS: End police violence
Journalists' Union of Turkey (TGS) also tweeted, "End police violence" and said: "Our colleagues trying to cover the Boğaziçi University protest in Kadıköy were deliberately targeted by the police. This policy of prevention pursued by firing plastic bullets, breaking cameras and battering journalists cannot intimidate us. Journalism, just out of spite!"
Polis şiddetine son!
— Gazeteciler Sendikası (@TGS_org_tr) February 3, 2021
Kadıköy'deki Boğaziçi Üniversitesi eylemini haberleştirmek için çalışan meslektaşlarımız polis tarafından kasten hedef alındı. Plastik mermilerle, kamera kırarak, darp ederek uygulanan bu engelleme politikası bizi yıldırmaz. İnadına gazetecilik!
DİSK Press Union: It is unacceptable
The Press Union (Basın-İş) of the Confederation of Progressive Trade Union of Turkey (DİSK) also shared a video of the police intervention.
"Dozens of plastic bullets and gas were fired at our colleagues covering the protest in support of the Boğaziçi University students in Kadıköy," the DİSK Basın-İş has reminded the public and noted that its Executive Board member Elif Akgül, also a former editor for bianet, was battered up by the police.
"The treatment of our colleagues fulfilling their duty is unacceptable," the union has emphasized further in its message.
Kadıköy'deki Boğaziçi Üniversitesi öğrencilerine destek eylemini takip eden meslektaşlarımıza onlarca plastik mermi ve gaz sıkıldı.
— DİSK Basın-İş (@Disk_Basin_is) February 2, 2021
Yönetim Kurulu üyemiz Elif Akgül polis tarafından tartaklandı.
Görevini yapan meslektaşlarımıza yapılan muamele kabul edilemez.