Attack on Funeral Ceremony of Arrested HDP MP’s Mother Hatun Tuğluk

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An attack was carried out on the funeral ceremony of Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Deputy Co-Chair Aysel Tuğluk's mother Aysel Tuğluk.
Hatun Tuğluk had passed away yesterday (September 13) in Ankara at the age of 78.
Following the funeral ceremony held in Ergazi Pir Sultan Dejemevi, Tuğluk's body was brought to İncek Cemetery to be laid to rest.
HDP Deputy Co-Chair Aysel Tuğluk who had been in detention on remand for 9 months in Kandıra Prison, had also participated in the funeral ceremony with a permit. HDP Co-Chair Serpil Kemalbay, HDP Spokesperson Osman Baydemir, HDP Kars MP Ayhan Bilgen, HDP Spokesperson for Women Ayhan Bilgen, Kurdish politician Ahmet Türk and many other HDP MPs were also present at the funeral ceremony.
Upon threats, Tuğluk's family exhumed Aysel Tuğluk's body and took it back to the djemevi to prevent any further harm.
"We won't let Kurds, Alewis, Armenians be buried here"
During the funeral ceremony, a group has started to assault the people who attended the ceremony verbally.
The members of the attacker group were reportedly shouting: "Bodies of martrys are lie here. We won't allow any terrorist be buried here. This is no Armenian cemetery".
Explaining what happened in the funeral ceremonyi, Ağrı Mayor Sırrı Sakık who had been discharged from his position by Ministry of Interior said that the group threatening the participants saying "We won't let Kurds, Alewis, Armenians be buried here. If you do so, we will take them out and tear them apart".
Reactions to the attack
Ankara Governorship announced that an legal and administrative action regarding the verbal and physical attack on Tuğluk's funeral.
Government Spokesperson Bekir Bozdağ making a statement on the attack said "Legal action is being taken against those responsible for this shameful act, they will account for it before the judicial justice.
Republican People's Party (CHP) Chairperson Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu commented on the fascist attack on the funeral and said: "Inhumane. We are losing our humanity. They are governing this country with hostility, grudge, rage and tension".
HDP Ağrı MP Dilan Dirayet Taşdemir explaning the attack to bianet said that body was exhumed out of the grave upon threats and noted that the police showed the attackers the empty grave afterwards. (EKN/DG)