‘At Least 80 Children Killed in Curfews’
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The Peace Right Now for Children Initiative has announced that at least 80 children’s right to live was violated.
According to the data of the initiative, the children were killed resulting by fire opened, not being able to access medical service or conflict waste during the curfews.
Liability of state
The fact sheet issued by the organization voicing the demand that those committing the violations be not let go unpunished, reminded one more time that the state is liable to protect children’s right to live.
The fact sheet involving the data between the dates of August 16, 2015 – June 1, 2016 focused on the violations of right to live the children experienced during the curfews in at least 22 districts in seven provinces.
“Life safety wasn’t taken into consideration”
“Children’s many rights to health and live in particular, right to education, right to travel among many other rights were violated.
“Safety of life and property of the civilians weren’t taken into consideration during the operations. The people were shot by firearms, and those shot by couldn’t reach treatment areas during the operations”.
Some testimonies were included in the fact sheet, which was prepared by the reports of the Turkey Human Rights Association concerning the curfews and the Human Rights Violations Daily Reports.
“September 6, 2015 – Father of Muhammet Tahir Yaramış (35 days old), Abdullah Yaramış: He was not sick, he fell ill during the curfew. But he lost his life due to ambulance, doctor not coming because of the curfew. He lost his life towards morning on September 6, 2015. He stayed by our side for three hours after he died. Then we brought him to mosque, another funeral was taking place there. We place ice around him but he had already started to stink”.
Names of the killed children
Cemile Çağırga (10), Özgür Taşkın (18), Bünyamin İrci (14) 1, Muhammed Tahir Yaramış (35 günlük), Selman Ağar (10), Osman Çağlı (18), Mehmet Sait Nayici (16), Elif Şimşek (8), Berat Güzel (12), Vedat Akcanım (17),Deniz (17), Barış Çakıcı (10), Doğan İnce (16), Şeyhmus Düşerge (18),Helin Şen (12), İdris Cebe (18), Ferhat Gensür (17), Mehmet Reşit Arıcı (17), Hakan Doğan (15), Rozerin Çukur (17), Murat Menekşe (13), Erhan Keskin (18), İbrahim Akhan (15), Doğan İşi (18), Miray İnce (3 aylık),Hüseyin Ertene (16), Hüseyin Selçuk (5), Bişeng Goran (12), Nidar Sümer (17), Garip Mubarız (18), Yakup Isırgan (18), Yusuf Akalın (12), Büşra Akalın (10), Hayrettin Şınık (10), Hüseyin Paksoy (16), Selman Erdoğan,Sultan Irmak (16), Abdullah Gün (16), Tahir Akdoğan (16), Sabri Sezgin (18), Ferhat Karaduman (16), Nursel Dalmış (18), Murat Şimşek (16),Mustafa Gasyak (16), Kasım Yana (18), Ekrem Sevilgen (17), Hasan Ayaz (14), Yılmaz Geçim (15), Mesut Özer (17), Cengiz Gerem (15), Hakkı Külte (13), Veysi Bademkıran (17), Yasemin Çıkmaz (17), M. Emin İdim (çocuk),Tahir Çiçek (çocuk), Meryem Akyol (17), Hüseyin Kayaalp (16), Harun Çağlı (4), Ayşenur Geçit (6), Reşit Eren (17), Axin Kanat (16), İbrahim Bilgin (18), Mehmet Mete Kutluk (11), Necati Öden (18), Aydın Mete (16),Mazlum Kapalıgöz (17), Orhan Abay (16), Sevilay Yıldız (15), Fatma Eraslan (13), Mete Ağırhan (15), Ahmet Varlı (15), Veli Aşar (18), Ramazan Gümüş (14), Hidayet Tek (4), Bayram Tatar (16), Özgür Çelenk (18),Rahime Sanır (14), Esra Şalk (2), Müslüm İlhan (8), Enes Erdem (9). (YY)