At Least 396 Workers Killed on the Job in 2014

According to a report by Workers' Health and Work Security Council, at least 115 lost their lives in April. In the past 4 months, 396 workers died, 373 of them are men and 23 are women.
Data collection has been made from written, visual and digital media. It stated that 351 of the workers who died were officers and work people, 33 of them were farmers/land owners and 12 of them were independent workers/tradespeople.
17 child workers died
Some of the highlights from the Workers’ Health and Work Security Council report are as follows:
* 6 child workers ages 14 and under, 11 child/teen workers between the ages 15-17, 67 workers between the ages 18-27, 186 workers between the ages 28-50, 77 workers ages 51 and older lost their lives. Ages of 49 of the workers weren’t found.
* Worker deaths occurred mostly in İstanbul, 31 workers lost their lives there. There were 23 deaths in Ankara and 18 in Kocaeli.
Most casualties in the construction sector
* Most of the deaths occurred in the construction sector: 108 workers lost their lives.
* 56 workers died in the agriculture and forest sector, 47 died in transportation sector, 33 died in trade, bureau, education and cinema sector.
Traffic leads on death reasons
* 119 deaths occurred because of traffic and service accidents, 79 because of falling, 65 because of landslip and being crushed, 21 because of intoxication and drowning, 17 because of electric shock, 8 because of explosions and burnings, 7 because of an item falling or hitting and 2 died because of cessation and severance. 78 workers lost their lives because of occupation diseases and other reasons (heart attack, suicide, stroke of lightning).
* In January 2014, the distribution of casualties were distributed as follows: January (87), February (77), March (117) and April (115). (YY/ENÜ/BM)
* Click here to read the aforementioned report in Turkish.
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.