At least 2,170 workers died in occupational homicides in 2021

* Photo: Anadolu Agency (AA)
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At least 2,170 workers lost their lives in occupational homicides in 2021, according to the Health and Safety Labor Watch (İSİG).
The annual report of the İSİG has shown that 165 women and 2,005 men lost their lives in occupational homicides last year.
94 of the deceased workers were migrants/ refugees.
In compiling this data, the İSİG has used the news reported in the national press by 65 percent and the accounts of workers' families and colleagues, occupational safety specialists, workplace doctors and unions as well as the news reported in the local press by 35 percent.
Some details from the report are as follows:
Deaths by months
205 workers lost their lives in occupational homicides in January 2021; at least 142 workers lost their lives in February; at least 144 workers lost their lives in March; at least 258 workers lost their lives in April; at least 240 workers lost their lives in May; at least 180 workers lost their lives in June; at least 155 workers lost their lives in July; at least 178 workers lost their lives in August; at least 189 workers lost their lives in September; at least 167 workers lost their lives in October; at least 177 workers lost their lives in November and at least 135 workers lost their lives in December 2021.
When the workers' deaths in occupational homicides are considered in terms of types of employment, 1,864 deceased workers were wage earners (workers and civil servants) and 306 were self-employed (farmers and shopkeepers). In other words, 86 percent of the deceased workers were wage earners and 14 percent of them were self-employed.
Deaths by business lines
Considered in terms of their business lines, the number of deceased workers was as follows in 2021:
Trade, bureau, education, cinema: 345 workers
Agriculture, forestry: 318 workers (161 farmers, 157 workers)
Construction, road: 335 workers
Healthcare, social services: 229 workers
Transportation: 186 workers
Municipal, general affairs: 113 workers
Metal sector: 102 workers
Accommodation, recreation: 81 workers
Defense, security: 79 workers
Mining: 44 workers
Ship, dock, sea, port: 39 workers
Petrochemistry, plastics: 38 workers
Textile, leather: 34 workers
Food, sugar: 31 workers
Tree, paper: 25 workers
Cement, soil, glass: 24 workers
Press, journalism: 13 workers
Banking, finance, insurance: Seven workers
Communication: Four workers
The business lines of 53 deceased workers could not be identified.
Deaths by causes of death
The deaths of workers by causes of death were as follows:
COVID-19: 625 workers
Traffic, shuttle accidents: 342
Being crushed, trapped under debris: 296 workers
Falling from a high place: 254 workers
Heart attack, cerebral hemorrhage: 156 workers
Suicide: 98 workers
Poisoning, drowning/suffocating: 77 workers
Electric shock: 74 workers
Violence: 72 workers
Explosion, burning: 56 workers
Hit by an object, due to a falling object: 23 workers
Cut, dismemberment: 22 workers
Other causes: 75 workers
62 children lost their lives in a year
62 children lost their lives in occupational homicides in 2021. The distribution of deaths by age groups was as follows:
Aged 14 and younger: 21 child workers
Aged 15-17: 41 child workers
Aged 18-27: 222 workers
Aged 28-50: 1,091 workers
Aged 51-64: 544 workers
Aged 65 and over: 143 workers
The ages of 108 deceased workers could not be identified. (AÖ/SD)
* Click here for the full report (in Turkish) and the names of workers