At Least 177 Workers Lost Their Lives in October

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According to the Laborers' Health and Occupational Safety (İSİG) Assembly, at least 177 workers lost their lives in October 2018.
In the first ten months of this year, 1,640 workers have lost their lives in occupational homicides across Turkey.
In its October report, the İSİG Assembly has also addressed the demands of the workers of İstanbul Airport, whose first stage was opened on October 29, as well as the demands of physicians for their rights to work and life.
Two children lost their lives
The assembly prepared 84 percent of its report based on the news reported in the domestic and international press and 16 percent on the basis of information obtained from the colleagues and families of the workers as well as occupational safety experts, occupational physicians and labor unions.
According to the October 2018 report of the İSİG Assembly,
* While 161 of the 177 workers, who lost their lives in October, were wage earners (workers and civil servants), the other workers were working on their own behalf (farmers and store owners).
* Of the 177 deceased workers, 10 of them were women, 151 of them were men; two of them were children, one of whom was under the age of 14; and 14 of them were refugees/ migrants.
* The occupational homicides of women took place in the sectors of agriculture, textile, construction and healthcare.
Vehicle accidents as the most frequent cause of death
* The deaths occurred the most in the sectors of construction, agriculture, transportation, commerce/bureau, metal, energy, mining and municipality/general affairs.
* The most frequent causes of death were traffic/service vehicle accidents, being crushed/wreckage, falling from a high place and heart attack.
Majority of occupational homicides in İstanbul
* The report has shown that occupational homicides took place in 51 cities in Turkey as well as in three other countries in October.
* The majority of occupational homicides occured in İstanbul, Kocaeli, Antalya, Manisa, İzmir, Mersin, Ankara, Elazığ, Kütahya, Muğla and Urfa.
Only three deceased workers were unionized
* While three of the deceased workers were members of a union, the remaining 174 workers (98.31 percent) were not union members. The unionized workers were working in the metal sector.
Names of the workers who lost their lives in October
Hüseyin Can, Dilek Can, Ferit Demir, Ammar Esad, Nazlı Çınar, Ömer Bolat, Ahmet Yavuz, Ali Uyanık, Nazlı Ünal, Ahmet Essed, Muzaffer Erdem, Kazım Ercan, Hikmet Tunç, Enver Durukan, Gül Kibar Duran, Arif Kırkan, Mustafa Karataşlı, Süleyman Polat, Dursun Deveci, Nuray Deveci, Dursun Karaçam, Hidayet Cerbez, İsmet Yılmaz, Muhammed Nebi Nasır, B.K., Maksut Güler, Habib Gülseren, Ferhat Önel, İbrahim Altındağ, Arif Demir, Celal Eroğlu, Necati Rençber, Emrah İnandı, Bekir Dem, Zühre Kurt, Mustafa Ali Yümlü, Adem Ergin, Remzi Karabulut, Erdoğan Özen, Mohammad Mohammadi, Mustafa Aslan, Rashit Khalaf, Erol Bektaşoğlu, İzzet Çal, Yusuf Sancar, Yusuf Aktaş, Nuraddın Mamutov, Salih Ataoğlu, Nihat Abaylı, Hülya Demirkıraner, Necla Davulcu, Mikail Akpınar, Mehmet Hür, Bekir Baştuğ, Fatih Devecioğlu, Bülent Baş, Mustafa Çeliker, İsmail Kararmış, İbrahim Halil Ünlü, Ersin Turhan, İsmail Candaş, Mustafa Binay, Gökhan Vural Arı, Ahmet Kamil Kalıpçıoğlu, Hakkı Çakmak, Yaşar Kaya, Ali Pekgöz, Erol Güngör, Murat Eratik, Osman Göçlü, Tufan Kırmızı, Muharrem Mengeş, Nail Özhan, Selim Gilimörtmez, Ahmet Çakar, Hasan Bostancı, Hüseyin Dinler, Yılmaz Yuca, Muhammed ., Vedat Tutçu, Hüseyin Tarhan, Sedat Akdeniz, Selim Sürgit, Selçuk Söğütlü, Suna Yazıcıoğlu, Muzaffer Kurt, Mikail Selbi, Resul Erdoğdu, Mehmet Akgül, Muhammed El Turkavi, Adem Güler, Reşit S., Halit Kadıncık, Zekeriya Ak, Sedat Başyiğit, Mervan Abdi, Mehmet Emin Songün, Nihat Aslan, Muhammet Koçak, Ahmet Güneş, Najibollah Zahare, Mehmet Yıldız, Bedir Obuz, Erdal Ölgün, Ali Bayık, Ali Çam, Özer Dadük, Ümit Türedi, Osman Budak, Fatir Murioğlu, Ali Yıldız, Sait Yunt, Abdullah Alesa, Yüksel Gökmen, Metin Karal, Orhan Aldırma, Mehmet Vural, Şahin Usta, Oktay Ev, Serdar Çayır, Yılmaz Sofuoğlu, Ertuğrul Sofuoğlu, Ertan Çetin, Bilal Usta, Abdulkerim Dağ, Adem Yılmaz, Serkan Dilci, Deniz Adalı, Tahir Kanbay, Recep Yavuz, Mecit Aydoğan, İbrahim İzgin, Celalettin Ballı, Fırat Güldal, Mustafa Kemal Ege, İbrahim Yıldırım, Ahmet Gençer, Necati Karagöz, Osman Köse, Şükrü Gümüş, Hasan Baltacı, Mustafa Ören, Şahap Okka, Celalettin Karadağ, İzzettin Yüksel, Mehmet Sağlam, Oğuz Başbuğ, Erkan Uca, Ahmet Karakaş, Mehmet Aşula, Sabri Mutlu, Mustafa Ali Otak, Niyazi Eriş, Ahmet Çetiner, Savaş Abalı, Gizem Altunoğlu, Fikret Hacıosman, Lewis Chioğurei, Ahmet Leylek, Hayrettin Yılmaz, Bilal Özdal, Adnan Erdoğan, Mehmet Suşehirli, Mustafa Gedik, Emin Hazır, Alican Erdoğan, İbrahim Güven, Enes Solakan, Mehmet Zeren, Zeki Balatacı, Seyfi Sicimoğlu, Yılmaz Civelek and five other workers whose names could not be identified.