‘At Least 149 Workers Lost Their Lives in June’
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According to the Laborers' Health and Occupational Safety (İSİG) Assembly, at least 149 workers lost their lives in June 2018. The number of workers who lost their lives in occupational homicides in the first half of 2018 has become 907.
Of the 149 workers, 119 of them were wageworkers (workers and civil servants) and 30 of them were working on their own name and account (farmers and shop owners).
Among the 149 workers who lost their lives in June, nine of them were women and 140 of them were men; six of them were children, two of whom were under the age of 14.
While the occupational homicides of women took place in the sectors of agriculture, trade and accommodation, the juvenile occupational homicides occurred in agriculture and trade.
6 refugee/migrant workers died
* Six refugee/migrant workers lost their lives in June 2018. Two of the deceased workers were from Syria, two of them from Georgia, one from Uzbekistan and one from Azerbaijan.
* The highest number of occupational homicides took place in agriculture, construction, transportation, trade, municipality, metal and energy sectors.
* The most frequent cause of death was car/service vehicle accidents, falling from a higher place and being crushed/being trapped in wreckage. There was also an increase in the number of occupational homicides due to heart attack, cerebral hemorrhage and violence.
The highest number of occupational homicides occurred in İstanbul
* In June, occupational homicides occurred in 50 cities of Turkey. The highest number of occupational homicides occurred in the cities of İstanbul, Adıyaman, Bursa, Manisa, Kocaeli, Sakarya, Hakkari, İzmir, Konya, Kütahya, Osmaniye and Şanlıurfa.
147 of the workers were non-unionized
* Of the workers who lost their lives in June, two were members of a union (1.34 percent) and 147 of them (98.66 percent) were non-unionized. The union-member workers were working in transportation and security sectors.
The names of the workers who lost their lives in June are as follows:
Hacı Bayrak, İsmail Karakaş, Erol Yılmaz, Muhittin Demir, Mehmet Yılmaz, Ahmet Furkan Kılınç, Kerim Yılmaz, Gül Abdu, Badiea Muhammed, Veli Şengül, Gigla Shantadze, Durmuş Şahin, İbrahim Durmuş, Ömer K., Yunus Tosunoğlu, Muammer Ergül, Turan Yücel, Asım Bıyık, Ayşe Öztürk, Ümran Karadaş, Yeter Gök, Cemil Uslu, Murat Altınöz, Nihat Aydın, Ali Devebakan, Mustafa Karahan, Ramazan Görgülü, Rasim Atan, Özlem Çağlayan, Osman Nuri Kaymar, Mehmet Güçlü, Leyla Çiçek, İbrahim Gökmen, Recep Zile, Nurettin Alakuş, Muhammed Cihan Akbaş, Cemal Kaya, Selami Çorbacıoğlu, Mehmet Nabi Kaya, Hasan Demir, Mehmet Akbulut, Rıdvan Aydoğmuş, Zülfer Kaba, Hakan Bozdağ, Hüseyin Kaya, Mustafa Çimen, Bülent Baydar, Uğur Uyar, Ömer Aktan, Nuri Işık Çolak, Yücel Bozkurt, Osman Nuri Teker, Alper Baycın, Özer Özdemir, Sabit Fidan, Zeki Özsoy, Mehmet Önal, Osman Dal, Hasan Eren, Zafer Yılmaz, İlyas Seriner, Fatma Seriner, Fatih Kurt, Faruk Aydemiroğlu, Sinan Kayatuzu, Hüseyin Albayrak, Cumali P., Okan Gündüz, Vedat Bağcı, Yusuf Çelebi, Ali Dağaşan, Mehmet Koroğlu, Mustafa Öztaş, Bayram Vural, Haydar Alkan, Ümit Çağur, Mehmet Akbaş, İsa Kenesarı, Murat Öztemel, Cuma Horoz, Günaydın Cankara, Rıdvan Kılıçer, Yunus Acıyan, Vatan Polat, Nusret Çevik, İsmail Kızıldemir, Duran Erdem, Ali Kanıkkan, Ahmet İkiz, Faruk Altınsöz, Mehmet Avcı, Abdulaziz Çiftçi, Mehmet Savaş Özcan, Mesut Doğan, İlker Hıdır, İsmail Hacıbayram, Ramazan Fidan, Ali Bahçeci, Necmettin Düzce, Seyfettin Engüdar, Ziya Reis, Mahmut Yakupoğlu, Murat Baş, Mehmet Çiftçi, Mürsel Güneş, Yahya Macit, Fatih Başpınar, Murat Kesler, Yılmaz Arı, Vasil Kvrivishvili, Sinan Gerçin, Gökhan Özgür, Mustafa Yağcı, Hüseyin Ergün, Murat Yavaş, Mehmet Gölcük, Hasan Cevahir, Cemil Aydemir, Muzaffer Göksel, Ayhan Kıyak, Cahit Durmuş, Mehmet Bozan, Hüsnü Arkun, Mehmet Cesur, Aziz Demirel, Mehmet Ağdağ, Mehmet Muammer Üstüsel, Hacer Tülü, Şeref Kösemek, Hüseyin Aydın, Turan Sütçü, Fevzi Ünüvar, Serdar Sultan, İbrahim Bayık, Hüseyin Göncü, Şehmus Nas, Hakan Yapıcı, Mehmet Tepecik, Mustafa Sevinç, Adem Bozoklu, Abduvali Sabirov, Halis P., Harun Yavuz, Ilkın Hasanov and five workers, whose names could not be identified.