Assyrians on Hunger Strike for Recognition of Sayfo

On the 100th anniversary of 1915 genocide, Assyrians have begun hunger strike for the first time. Hunger strike in Midyat town of Mardin Province (southeast of Turkey) will continue for 100 hours and end on 24 April.
Organized by Sayfo Committee, the hunger strike began in Federation of Assyrians Associations (SÜDEF) club.
24 people wore t-shirts written “Sayfo 1915” in Syriac language and Turkish on them. Afterwards, Sayfo Committee Representative Simon Poli, Assyrian Women Center (SURKADİM) Representative Aynur Özgün and the President of Federation of Assyrians Associations (SÜDEF) Evgil Türker have made the opening speech.
They said:
“In 1915, Ottoman Empire carried out genocide to the Assyrians. The trauma of this inhuman treatment still continues. Today, Sayfo has been discussed in a lot of European parliaments and we have great expectations for positive approach. Sayfo has been accepted by Holland and Armenia. The Pope said there was a genocide against the Armenians and Assyrians on 1915 and this made tremendous impact around the world. This progress is the result of 20-year-old struggle.”
"We will keep our struggle until all over the world and especially Turkey recognize 1915 Sayfo genocide. Today we are on hunger strike in Midyat and this is very crucial for all Assyrians because the genocide was carried out in this region and more than 500.000 Assyrians were massacred. We claim that Republic of Turkey must face the truth and recognize the genocide. Only then, all people living in Turkey will be in peace and harmony.” (NV/BD)
Click here to read this article in Turkish.