Assailants of journalist Sinan Aygül escape with lenient sentences

In the trial of Yücel Baysalı, a municipal employee and relative of Mayor Mehmet Emin Geylani, and police protection Engin Kaplan, who attacked journalist Sinan Aygül in Tatvan, a verdict has been reached.
Tatvan 2nd Heavy Penal Court sentenced Baysalı and Kaplan to 1 year, 5 months, and 15 days in prison for the crime of 'intentional injury.'
The court granted a one-sixth reduction in the sentence, considering the "social relationships and potential effects on the future of the punishment" in favor of the defendants.
Both individuals were acquitted of the charge of "public insult." The court deferred the announcement of the verdict and suspended the sentence.
After the trial, Aygül stated, "Today, a laughable decision of supervised release with a funny punishment was given to the police and protection officer who attempted to kill a journalist in the middle of the street. In other words, no punishment was given. I didn't expect this much. Shame on them."
Aygül added, "You can beat any citizen in front of you, threaten them with your weapon, attack anyone you want in the middle of the street... A simple punishment, and it's over. Because I told them 'Don't engage in corruption,' they were going to kill me. Today, a reward-like decision was made."In a case opened against Sinan Aygül for 'insulting' those who attacked him, a verdict was reached two days ago, and he was sentenced to 2 months and 5 days in prison. The court did not consider the action as a 'reaction to an unjust act.' If the sentence is confirmed, Aygül will serve time in prison.
Aygül, addressing the crowd gathered in front of the hospital a day after the attack, had said, "Two street dogs" and "May God curse them" about Baysalı and Kaplan. (HA/VK)